

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Headcover of the Speaker
26Head Slaves of the Firelord Mail
Helm of the Crown
26Head Mail
Helm of the Great Hunter
26Head Mail
Mask of the Farseer
26Head Slaves of the Firelord Mail
Mask of the Speaker
26Head Slaves of the Firelord Mail
Sergeant Major's Chain Armguards
2620Wrists Mail
Bear Hunter's Belt
26Waist Doin' De E'ko Magic Mail
Black Tooth Helm
26Head Chiselgrip, the Heart of the Steppes Mail
Black Tooth Helm
26Head Chiselgrip, the Heart of the Steppes Mail
Blackrock Shaman's Gloves
26Hands Enough Damage For One Day Mail
Bracers of Gladiatorial Combat
26Wrists Trial by Magma Mail
Bracers of Gladiatorial Combat
26Wrists Trial by Magma Mail
Chelonian Cuffs
26Wrists Mail
Combat Training Vest
26Chest Golem Training Mail
Crusader's Armguards
2620WristsLooted Mail
Drakefire Headguard
26Head Mail
Formidable Legguards
2620LegsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of Completion
26Hands Enough Damage For One Day Mail
Gor'Tesh's Boots
26Feet SEVEN! YUP! Mail
Gryphon Mail Breastplate
2620ChestLooted Mail
Gryphon Mail Crown
2620HeadLooted Mail
Gryphon Mail Legguards
2620LegsLooted Mail
Heavy Scorpid Bracers
2620WristsCrafted Mail
Improvised Breastplate
26Chest Taking the Horn For Ourselves Mail
Improvised Breastplate
26Chest Taking the Horn For Ourselves Mail
Ironhide Belt
2620WaistLooted Mail
Ironhide Bracers
2620WristsLooted Mail
Lava Boots
26Feet Not Fireflies, Flameflies Mail
Lord's Boots
2620FeetLooted Mail
Lord's Crown
2620HeadLooted Mail
Lord's Gauntlets
2620HandsLooted Mail
Lord's Girdle
2620WaistLooted Mail
Merciless Bracers
2620WristsLooted Mail
Myrmidon's Breastplate
2620ChestLooted Mail
Myrmidon's Helm
2620HeadLooted Mail
Myrmidon's Leggings
2620LegsLooted Mail
Myrmidon's Pauldrons
2620ShouldersLooted Mail
Poobah's Nose Ring
26Wrists Mail
Princess Zoe's Old Hunting Gloves
26Hands High Chief Winterfall Mail
Protector Ankleguards
2620FeetLooted Mail
Protector Gauntlets
2620HandsLooted Mail
Protector Pads
2620ShouldersLooted Mail
Protector Waistband
2620WaistLooted Mail
Seared Mail Vest
26Chest Mail
Snowden Legwraps
26Legs Threat of the Winterfall Mail
Stronghorn Girdle
26Waist Mail
Subversive Steps
26Feet Placing the Pawns Mail
Subversive Steps
26Feet Placing the Pawns Mail
Tough Scorpid Helm
2620HeadCrafted Mail
Warmonger's Chestpiece
2620ChestLooted Mail
Witch Doctor's Spaulders
26Shoulders Doin' De E'ko Magic Mail
Brigandine Belt
2620Waist Mail
Brigandine Boots
2620Feet Mail
Brigandine Bracers
2620Wrists Mail
Brigandine Gloves
2620Hands Mail
Brigandine Helm
2620Head Mail
Brigandine Leggings
2620Legs Mail
Brigandine Vest
2620Chest Mail
Grunt's Chain Belt
2620Waist Mail
Grunt's Chain Boots
2620Feet Mail
Grunt's Chain Bracers
2620Wrists Mail
Grunt's Chain Circlet
2620Head Mail
Grunt's Chain Gloves
2620Hands Mail
Grunt's Chain Leggings
2620Legs Mail
Grunt's Chain Vest
2620Chest Mail
Edgemaster's Handguards
2519HandsLooted Mail
Barrage Girdle
2518WaistLooted Mail
Belt of the Gladiator
2519WaistLooted Mail
Carrion Scorpid Helm
2519HeadLooted Mail
Crown of Tyranny
2518HeadLooted Mail
Denwatcher's Shoulders
2519ShouldersLooted Mail
Electrified Leggings
25Legs A Fool's Errand Mail
Foresight Girdle
2518WaistLooted Mail
Gahz'rilla Scale Armor
2519ChestLooted Mail
Gauntlets of Purged Sanity
2518HandsLooted Mail
Gordok's Gauntlets
25Hands Unfinished Gordok Business Mail
Harmonious Gauntlets
2519HandsLooted Mail
High Bergg Helm
2518HeadLooted Mail
Leggings of Destruction
2519LegsLooted Mail
Modest Armguards
2519WristsLooted Mail
Ogre Forged Hauberk
2519ChestLooted Mail
Sezz'ziz's Captive Kickers
2519FeetLooted Mail
Timmy's Galoshes
2518FeetLooted Mail
Ukorz's Chain Leggings
2519LegsLooted Mail
Woollies of the Prancing Minstrel
2518LegsLooted Mail
Belt of the Den Watcher
25Waist Mail
Belt of Turning Tides
25Waist Rise, Obsidion Mail
Blackforge Breastplate
2518ChestLooted Mail
Bloodmaw's Belt
25Waist The Chieftain's Key Mail
Bonelink Armor
2518ChestLooted Mail
Bootscuff Boots
25Feet Just Trying to Kill Some Bugs Mail
Breastplate of Protest
25Chest Borrowed Bombs Mail
Champion's Armor
2519ChestLooted Mail
Champion's Helmet
2518HeadLooted Mail
Champion's Leggings
2519LegsLooted Mail
Champion's Pauldrons
2518ShouldersLooted Mail
Deaf Ear Helm
25Head Enemy at our Roots Mail
Dustbelcher Boots
25Feet Half-Ton Holdouts Mail
Dustbelcher Boots
25Feet Half-Ton Holdouts Mail
Formidable Belt
2519WaistLooted Mail