

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Preparation Wristguards
14Wrists Breathing Room Mail
Princess Poobah's Bangles
19Wrists Mukla's Demise Mail
Princess Zoe's Old Hunting Gloves
26Hands High Chief Winterfall Mail
Prismscale Hauberk
28Chest Mail
Profit Boon Legguards
10Legs Handling the Goods Mail
Protective Field Gloves
6HandsUnobtainable Mail
Protector Ankleguards
2620FeetLooted Mail
Protector Armguards
2519WristsLooted Mail
Protector Breastplate
2721ChestLooted Mail
Protector Gauntlets
2620HandsLooted Mail
Protector Helm
2721HeadLooted Mail
Protector Legguards
2721LegsLooted Mail
Protector Pads
2620ShouldersLooted Mail
Protector Waistband
2620WaistLooted Mail
Protectorate Waistband
32Waist The Flesh Lies... Mail
Protector's Boots
31Feet Protecting Our Own Mail
Proto-Scale Pants
34Legs Taking on All Challengers Mail
Purestrike Bracers
32WristsQuest Mail
Purifying Spaulders
35Shoulders Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows Mail
Putrid Mail Boots
20Feet War Machines Mail
Putrid Mail Boots
20Feet War Machines Mail
QR 10574 Mail Hunter Helm
114Head Mail
QR 10637 Mail Hunter Bracers
114Wrists Mail
QR 9863 Shaman Legs
105Legs Mail
QR 9867 Hunter Gloves
105Hands Mail
QR IC32 Mail Physical Feet2 - PH
174Feet Mail
QR IC36 Mail Physical Shoulder3 - PH
174Shoulders Mail
QR IC39 Mail Physical Chest3 - PH
174Chest Mail
QR XXXX Hunter Legs
105Legs Mail
QR ZD25 Mail Physical Feet2 - PH
158Feet Mail
Quagmire Galoshes
16Feet Mail
Quagmire Trudgers
16Feet Mail
Quilboar Linked Gauntlets
6Hands Consumed by Hatred Mail
Radiant Belt
2720WaistCrafted Mail
Radiant Boots
2822FeetCrafted Mail
Radiant Breastplate
2721ChestCrafted Mail
Radiant Circlet
2923HeadCrafted Mail
Radiant Gloves
2822HandsCrafted Mail
Radiant Leggings
2923LegsCrafted Mail
Raider's Belt
116WaistLooted, Fished Mail
Raider's Boots
117FeetLooted, Fished Mail
Raider's Bracers
106WristsLooted Mail
Raider's Chestpiece
127ChestLooted, Fished Mail
Raider's Gauntlets
117HandsLooted, Fished Mail
Raider's Legguards
117LegsLooted Mail
Raiment of the Exorcist
1Chest Mail
Raiment of the Ternion Glory
1Chest Mail
Ramshorn Greathelm
32HeadQuest Mail
Rangari Initiate Belt
40Waist Shadows Awaken Mail
Rangari Initiate Leggings
40Legs Ancestor's Memory Mail
Rangari Initiate Sabatons
40Feet Escape From Shaz'gul Mail
Rangari Initiate Spaulders
40ShouldersQuest Mail
Rangari Initiate Vest
40Chest Swamplighter Queen Mail
Rangari Initiate Wristwraps
40Wrists Mail
Raptorhide Chain Leggings
22Legs WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous Mail
Rash Gloves
23Hands Ix'lar the Underlord Mail
Ravager Scale Grips
12Hands Clearing the Way Mail
Ravager Scale Pants
5Legs Beasts of the Apocalypse! Mail
Ravager's Armguards
2215WristsLooted Mail
Ravager's Armor
2417ChestLooted Mail
Ravager's Cord
2214WaistLooted Mail
Ravager's Crown
2316HeadLooted Mail
Ravager's Handwraps
2215HandsLooted Mail
Ravager's Mantle
2316ShouldersLooted Mail
Ravager's Sandals
2316FeetLooted Mail
Ravager's Woolies
2316LegsLooted Mail
Ravascale Belt
5850WaistLooted Mail
Ravascale Bracers
5850WristsLooted Mail
Ravascale Gloves
5850HandsLooted Mail
Ravascale Hauberk
5850ChestLooted Mail
Ravascale Helm
5850HeadLooted Mail
Ravascale Legguards
5850LegsLooted Mail
Ravascale Shoulderguards
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Ravascale Striders
5850FeetLooted Mail
Raven Hill Boots
15Feet Bear In Mind Mail
Ravenchain Belt
42Waist New Neighbors Mail
Ravenchain Gauntlets
43Hands Declawing The Bloodmane Mail
Ravenchain Helm
42Head A Feast of Shadows Mail
Ravenchain Leggings
43Legs Hot Seat Mail
Ravenchain Sabatons
42Feet Hatred Undying Mail
Ravenchain Spaulders
42Shoulders Hidden in Plain Sight Mail
Ravenchain Vest
43Chest Sethe, the Dead God Mail
Ravenchain Wristwraps
43Wrists The Bloodmane Mail
Ravensun Gloves
21Hands Combat Training Mail
Razaani-Buster Leggings
31Legs Show Them Gnome Mercy! Mail
Razorshell Shoulders
10480ShouldersCreated Mail
Rear Guard Bands
6Wrists Deeper into Darkness Mail
Reconstructing Hauberk
36Chest Mail
Redigested Mail Scraps
33Wrists Feedin' Da Goolz Mail
Reedstalker Belt
110Waist Mail
Reedstalker Boots
1310Feet Mail
Reedstalker Boots
110Feet Mail
Reedstalker Bracers
110Wrists Mail
Reedstalker Chestguard
1310Chest Mail
Reedstalker Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Reedstalker Girdle
1310Waist Mail
Reedstalker Greaves
1310Legs Mail
Reedstalker Grips
1310Hands Mail
Reedstalker Hauberk
1Chest Mail
Reedstalker Headpiece
1310Head Mail