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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sparkleshell Belt
2113WaistLooted Mail
Sparkleshell Bracers
2113WristsLooted Mail
Sparkleshell Gauntlets
2114HandsLooted Mail
Spaulders of the Ogre-Nabber
21Shoulders Ogre Abduction Mail
Spaulders of the Ogre-Nabber
21Shoulders Ogre Abduction Mail
Spritescale Gloves
2114HandsCrafted Mail
Steadfast Bracelets
2114WristsLooted Mail
Steadfast Girdle
2114WaistLooted Mail
The Explorer's Coif
21Head The Reagent Thief Mail
Thick Scale Breastplate
2113ChestLooted Mail
Treads of Renewed Growth
21Feet A New Era for the Plaguelands Mail
Treads of the Skirmisher
21Feet The End of the Deserters Mail
Whitetail Fox Tunic
21Chest Foxes and Hounds Mail
Augmented Chain Belt
2114Waist Mail
Augmented Chain Boots
2114Feet Mail
Augmented Chain Bracers
2114Wrists Mail
Augmented Chain Gloves
2114Hands Mail
Augmented Chain Helm
2114Head Mail
Augmented Chain Leggings
2114Legs Mail
Augmented Chain Vest
2114Chest Mail
Double Mail Bracers
2114WristsLooted Mail
Double Mail Gloves
2113HandsLooted Mail
Aerie Headgear
20Head Shadra the Venom Queen Mail
Aerie War Cap
20Head Shadra the Venom Queen Mail
Avenger's Armor
2013ChestLooted Mail
Booty Bay Trousers
20Legs Bloodsail's End Mail
Carnal Britches
2013LegsLooted Mail
Earthbound Grips
20HandsLooted Mail
Earthbound Handgrips
20HandsLooted Mail
Goblin Miner's Hardhat
20Head The Deed Is Done Mail
Infernal Trickster Leggings
2013LegsLooted Mail
Pugilist Bracers
2013WristsLooted Mail
Ravasaur Scale Boots
2013FeetLooted Mail
Scarlet Boots
2013FeetUnobtainable Mail
Spearhead Faceguard
20Head Sabotage! Mail
The Frozen Clutch
2013Hands Mail
Tusken Helm
2013HeadLooted Mail
Venomous Headgear
20Head Shadra the Venom Queen Mail
Virulent Headpiece
20Head Shadra the Venom Queen Mail
Windwhipped Grips
20Hands Cleansing Our Crevasse Mail
Windwhipped Grips
20Hands Cleansing Our Crevasse Mail
Apothecary Chain Pants
20Legs Can't Make An Omelette Without... Mail
Armguards of Binding
20Wrists Scholomancer Mail
Armguards of Binding
20Wrists Scholomancer Mail
Bael Modan Amice
20Shoulders Feegly the Exiled Mail
Barbaric Iron Helm
2013HeadCrafted Mail
Battlescar Amice
20Shoulders The Butcher of Taurajo Mail
Belt of Recklessness
20Waist War Machines Mail
Captured Heart Bindings
20WristsQuest Mail
Chain of Natural Essence
20Waist Sealing the Dream Mail
Chain of Natural Essence
20Waist Sealing the Dream Mail
Chestguard of Abomification
20Chest Smarts-is-Smarts Mail
Chestguard of Bael'dun Keep
20Chest Bael'dun Rescue Mail
Cinch of the Scattering Wind
20Waist Can't Make An Omelette Without... Mail
Cloudcaller Greaves
20Legs Can't Make An Omelette Without... Mail
Earthbound Trousers
20Legs Flightmare Mail
Enduring Belt
2013WaistLooted Mail
Enduring Bracers
2013WristsLooted Mail
Enduring Gauntlets
2013HandsLooted Mail
Golden Scale Leggings
2013LegsCrafted Mail
Golden Scale Shoulders
2013ShouldersCrafted Mail
Green Iron Helm
2013HeadCrafted Mail
Green Whelp Spaulders
20Shoulders More Than Illness Mail
Green Whelp Spaulders
20Shoulders More Than Illness Mail
Grips of Fanatical Zealotry
20Hands The Shell of Shadra Mail
Grips of Fanatical Zealotry
20Hands The Shell of Shadra Mail
Gwenyth's Wristguards
20Wrists The Shell of Shadra Mail
Gwenyth's Wristguards
20Wrists The Shell of Shadra Mail
Heavy Scale Pauldrons
2013ShouldersCrafted Mail
Heavy Scale Shirt
2013ChestCrafted Mail
Ironpatch Handguards
20Hands Drive-By Piracy Mail
Landquaker Trousers
20Legs No Bull Mail
Lob Stompers
20Feet Chipping In Mail
Mail Combat Belt
2013WaistLooted Mail
Mail Combat Boots
2013FeetLooted Mail
Mail Combat Gauntlets
2013HandsLooted, Fished Mail
Mail Combat Headguard
2013HeadLooted, Fished Mail
Mail Combat Spaulders
2013ShouldersLooted Mail
Marauder's Belt
2013WaistLooted Mail
Marauder's Bracers
2013WristsLooted Mail
Messenger's Greaves
20Feet Time For Change Mail
One-Eye Patch
20Head Our Mortal Enemies Mail
Onyx Shredder Plate
2013ChestLooted Mail
Phalanx Boots
2013FeetLooted Mail
Phalanx Breastplate
2013ChestLooted Mail
Phalanx Leggings
2013LegsLooted Mail
Pillager's Gloves
2013HandsLooted Mail
Putrid Mail Boots
20Feet War Machines Mail
Putrid Mail Boots
20Feet War Machines Mail
Renegade Belt
2013WaistLooted Mail
Renegade Bracers
2013WristsLooted Mail
Renegade Gauntlets
2013HandsLooted Mail
Revilgaz's Tunic
20Chest Turning the Brashtide Mail
Securing Bindings
20Wrists Portals of the Legion Mail
Securing Bindings
20Wrists Portals of the Legion Mail
Shadraspawn Waistguard
20Waist Can't Make An Omelette Without... Mail
Shoulderguard of Timeless Restraint
20Shoulders Scholomancer Mail
Shoulderguard of Timeless Restraint
20Shoulders Scholomancer Mail
Spritescale Cinch
2013WaistCrafted Mail
Spritescale Jerkin
2013ChestCrafted Mail