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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Nefarious Tormentor's Chain
7850Waist Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Breastplate
7850Chest Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Breastplate
7850Chest Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Bracers
7850Wrists Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Boots
7850Feet Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Bindings
7850Wrists Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Belt
7850Waist Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Armwraps
7850Wrists Mail
Tempered Mistscale Greaves
7850Legs Mail
Tempered Mistscale Greaves
7850Legs Mail
Tempered Mistscale Boots
7850Feet Mail
Tempered Mistscale Boots
7850Feet Mail
Swift Pneumatic Grips
78Hands Mail
Slick Tactical Grips
78Hands Mail
Self-Repairing Cuisses
78Legs Mail
Roughshod Chain Boots
78Feet Mail
Reinforced Riding Chausses
78Legs Mail
Regal Mekanospurs
78Feet Mail
Psychogenic Prognosticator's Lenses
78Head Mail
Mekgineer's Utility Belt
78Waist Mail
Maniacal Monarch's Girdle
78Waist Mail
Gold-Coated Superconductors
78Wrists Mail
Epaulets of Arcing Power
78Shoulders Mail
Circuit-Linked Chainmail
78Chest Mail
Charged SP1-R1-73D Bionic Bifocals
7850Head Mail
Abyssal Bionic Bifocals
7850Head Mail
Wavekeeper's Helm
81Head Mail
Sharkproof Boots
81Feet Mail
Layered Scale Boots
81Feet Mail
Reinforced Cragscale Greaves
8250Legs Mail
Reinforced Cragscale Greaves
8250Legs Mail
Reinforced Cragscale Boots
8250Feet Mail
Reinforced Cragscale Boots
8250Feet Mail
Sparring Trainer's Gloves
8548Hands Mail
Soul Hunter's Wristguards
8548Wrists Mail
Soul Hunter's Shoulderguards
8548Shoulders Mail
Soul Hunter's Mantle
8548Shoulders Mail
Soul Hunter's Legguards
8548Legs Mail
Soul Hunter's Leggings
8548Legs Mail
Soul Hunter's Helm
8548Head Mail
Soul Hunter's Hauberk
8548Chest Mail
Soul Hunter's Grips
8548Hands Mail
Soul Hunter's Gloves
8548Hands Mail
Soul Hunter's Cover
8548Head Mail
Soul Hunter's Cinch
8548Waist Mail
Soul Hunter's Bracers
8548Wrists Mail
Soul Hunter's Belt
8548Waist Mail
Soul Hunter's Sabatons
8548Feet Mail
Onslaught Scalemail Hauberk
85Chest Mail
Light-Bleached Greaves
8548Legs Mail
Humble Aspirant's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Mail
Humble Aspirant's Vest
8548Chest Mail
Humble Aspirant's Sabatons
8548Feet Mail
Humble Aspirant's Monnion
8548Shoulders Mail
Humble Aspirant's Leggings
8548Legs Mail
Humble Aspirant's Leggings
8548Legs Mail
Humble Aspirant's Helm
8548Head Mail
Humble Aspirant's Helm
8548Head Mail
Humble Aspirant's Handguards
8548Hands Mail
Humble Aspirant's Gauntlets
8548Hands Mail
Humble Aspirant's Belt
8548Waist Mail
Ghoul-Tooth Resistant Grips
8548Hands Mail
Flesh Architect's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Mail
Flesh Architect's Mantle
8548Shoulders Mail
Flesh Architect's Leggings
8548Legs Mail
Flesh Architect's Greaves
8548Legs Mail
Flesh Architect's Galoshes
8548Feet Mail
Flesh Architect's Footguards
8548Feet Mail
Flesh Architect's Coif
8548Head Mail
Flesh Architect's Chainmail
8548Chest Mail
Flesh Architect's Belt
8548Waist Mail
Favored Fanatic's Gauntlets
8548Hands Mail
Dreamthorn Wristguards
8548Wrists Mail
Dreamthorn Spaulders
8548Shoulders Mail
Dreamthorn Sabatons
8548Feet Mail
Dreamthorn Legguards
8548Legs Mail
Dreamthorn Handguards
8548Hands Mail
Dreamthorn Chain
8548Waist Mail
Down-Lined Wristguards
8548Wrists Mail
Contemplative Striders
8548Feet Mail
Cinch of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Mail
Bootus Shocks
8548Feet Mail
Waylight Shoulderguards
8548Shoulders Mail
Waylight Chainmail
8548Chest Mail
Soul Hunter's Vest
8548Chest Mail
Soul Hunter's Monnion
8548Shoulders Mail
Soul Hunter's Headgear
8548Head Mail
Soul Hunter's Boots
8548Feet Mail
Skull-Formed Headcage
8548Head Mail
Sinstone-Linked Greaves
8548Legs Mail
Scum-Caked Epaulets
8548Shoulders Mail
Scarab-Shell Faceguard
8548Head Mail
Residue-Coated Muck Waders
8548Feet Mail
Refulgent Chestguard
8548Chest Mail
Rattling Bonefists
8560Hands Mail
Ostentatious Buckle
8560Waist Mail
Light-Infused Hauberk
8548Chest Mail
Gladechewer Footguards
8548Feet Mail
Gametender's Wading Boots
8560Feet Mail
Forgotten Pursuer's Cowl
8548Head Mail