

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Foreman's Stability Belt
5850Waist Foreman Scripps Mail
Frozen Heart Legguards
5850Legs Ice Sickle Mail
Fused-Slag Girdle
5850Waist Azerite-Infused Slag Mail
Gluttonous Carnivore Treads
5850Feet Gut-Gut the Glutton Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Bindings
5850WristsLooted Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Clasp
5850WaistLooted Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Handguards
5850HandsLooted Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Leggings
5850LegsLooted Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Sabatons
5850FeetLooted Mail
Hydra-Hunter Legguards
5850Legs Bashmu Mail
Jolting Leap Legguards
5850Legs Lei-zhi Mail
Medusa-Drifter's Chainmail
5850Chest Tentulos the Drifter Mail
Pa'ku Windrider Helm
5850Head Mail
Pa'ku Windrider Jerkin
5850Chest Mail
Pa'ku Windrider Shoulderguards
5850Shoulders Mail
Rabid Packleader Bracers
5850Wrists Ashmane Mail
Saurolisk Broodmother Boots
5850Feet Tempestria Mail
Spire-Charged Links
5850Waist Warbringer Hozzik Mail
Tainted Blood Vambraces
5850Wrists Blood Priest Xak'lar Mail
Thundercrash Footguards
5850Feet Golrakahn Mail
Thunderhowl Gauntlets
5850Hands Avatar of Xolotal Mail
Totem Matriarch's Headdress
5850Head Totem Maker Jash'ga Mail
Treasure-Seeker's Diving Helmet
5850Head Croaker Mail
Wind-Scoured Greaves
5850Legs Sirokar Mail
Zothix's Conductive Vambraces
5850Wrists Warlord Zothix Mail
Barrowknoll Bracers
5850WristsLooted Mail
Barrowknoll Chainmail
5850ChestLooted Mail
Barrowknoll Cinch
5850WaistLooted Mail
Barrowknoll Coif
5850HeadLooted Mail
Barrowknoll Gloves
5850HandsLooted Mail
Barrowknoll Legguards
5850LegsLooted Mail
Barrowknoll Pauldrons
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Bonepicker Armguards
5850WristsLooted Mail
Bonepicker Cinch
5850WaistLooted Mail
Bonepicker Footguards
5850FeetLooted Mail
Bonepicker Handguards
5850HandsLooted Mail
Bonepicker Helmet
5850HeadLooted Mail
Bonepicker Legguards
5850LegsLooted Mail
Bonepicker Spaulders
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Bonepicker Undermail
5850ChestLooted Mail
Eventide Boots
5850FeetLooted Mail
Eventide Breastplate
5850ChestLooted Mail
Eventide Coif
5850HeadLooted Mail
Eventide Pauldrons
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Ravascale Belt
5850WaistLooted Mail
Ravascale Bracers
5850WristsLooted Mail
Ravascale Gloves
5850HandsLooted Mail
Ravascale Hauberk
5850ChestLooted Mail
Ravascale Helm
5850HeadLooted Mail
Ravascale Legguards
5850LegsLooted Mail
Ravascale Shoulderguards
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Ravascale Striders
5850FeetLooted Mail
Reefwalker Chain
5850Waist Mail
Reefwalker Coif
5850Head Mail
Reefwalker Coils
5850Wrists Mail
Reefwalker Handlers
5850Hands Mail
Reefwalker Hauberk
5850Chest Mail
Reefwalker Monnion
5850Shoulders Mail
Reefwalker Striders
5850Feet Mail
Reefwalker Trousers
5850Legs Mail
Zalamar Chain
5850WaistLooted Mail
Zalamar Chainmail
5850ChestLooted Mail
Zalamar Gauntlets
5850HandsLooted Mail
Zalamar Greaves
5850FeetLooted Mail
Zalamar Helm
5850HeadLooted Mail
Zalamar Legguards
5850LegsLooted Mail
Zalamar Spaulders
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Zalamar Vambraces
5850WristsLooted Mail
Heartbonded Helm
4450Head Mail
Heartbonded Spaulders
4450Shoulders Mail
Totem-Caller Coif
4450Head Mail
Totem-Caller Pauldrons
4450Shoulders Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Bracers
150Wrists Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Chausses
150Legs Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Faceguard
150Head Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Gauntlets
150Hands Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Girdle
150Waist Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Hauberk
150Chest Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Sabatons
150Feet Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Spaulders
150Shoulders Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Belt
150Waist Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Bracers
150Wrists Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Gauntlets
150Hands Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Hauberk
150Chest Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Helm
150Head Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Leggings
150Legs Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Monnion
150Shoulders Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Sabatons
150Feet Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Belt
150Waist Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Bracers
150Wrists Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Gauntlets
150Hands Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Hauberk
150Chest Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Helm
150Head Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Leggings
150Legs Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Monnion
150Shoulders Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Sabatons
150Feet Mail
Night Courtier's Armbands
150Wrists Mail
Night Courtier's Buckle
150Waist Mail
Night Courtier's Footguards
150Feet Mail
Night Courtier's Gloves
150Hands Mail