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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Earthen Chestpiece
13Chest Mail
Earthen Coif
13Head Mail
Earthen Cord
13Waist Mail
Earthen Footguards
13Feet Mail
Earthen Greaves
13Legs Mail
Earthen Handguards
13Hands Mail
Earthen Handwraps
13Hands Mail
Earthen Leggings
13Legs Mail
Earthen Mining Hat
13Head Mail
Earthen Striders
13Feet Mail
Feero's Ringmail Grips
13Hands Mail
Felfire-Scorched Chestguard
13Chest Mail
Gorat's Spaulders of Satisfaction
13Shoulders Mail
Gorka's Brass Shoulderguards
13Shoulders Mail
Griefbearer Leggings
13Legs Mail
Grunt's Ankle Wraps
138Feet Mail
Grunt's Handwraps
138Hands Mail
Jade Guardian's Belt
1310Waist Mail
Jade Guardian's Bracers
1310Wrists Mail
Jade Guardian's Chain Armor
1310Chest Mail
Jade Guardian's Gauntlets
1310Hands Mail
Jade Guardian's Helm
1310Head Mail
Jade Guardian's Leggings
1310Legs Mail
Jade Guardian's Monnion
1310Shoulders Mail
Night Watch Hauberk
13Chest Mail
Reedstalker Boots
1310Feet Mail
Reedstalker Chestguard
1310Chest Mail
Reedstalker Girdle
1310Waist Mail
Reedstalker Greaves
1310Legs Mail
Reedstalker Grips
1310Hands Mail
Reedstalker Headpiece
1310Head Mail
Reedstalker Shoulderguard
1310Shoulders Mail
Reedstalker Wristguards
1310Wrists Mail
Rough Bronze Leggings
138Legs Mail
Sludge Guard Mail Vest
13Chest Mail
Soot-Stained Chainmail Breastplate
13Chest Mail
Starwhisper Spaulders
13Shoulders Mail
Stoutfist Chainmail
13Chest Mail
Timerunner's Bands
1310Wrists Mail
Timerunner's Chain
1310Waist Mail
Timerunner's Chestguard
1310Chest Mail
Timerunner's Coif
1310Head Mail
Timerunner's Grips
1310Hands Mail
Timerunner's Legguards
1310Legs Mail
Timerunner's Monnion
1310Shoulders Mail
Timerunner's Sabatons
1310Feet Mail
Bloodspattered Shoulder Pads
138Shoulders Mail
Jade Guardian's Sabatons
1310Feet Mail
Raider's Shoulderpads
138Shoulders Mail
Linked Chain Boots
138Feet Mail
Linked Chain Shoulderpads
138Shoulders Mail
Belt of Absolute Allegiance
12Waist Mail
Foreman's Leggings
127Legs Mail
Goblin Mail Leggings
127Legs Mail
Old Friend's Gloves
127Hands Mail
Smelter's Britches
127Legs Mail
Stormbringer Belt
127Waist Mail
Tunneler's Boots
12Feet Mail
Bad Waistguard
12Waist Mail
Blackrock Gauntlets
127Hands Mail
Botanist's Chain Pants
12Legs Mail
Bravo Company Amice
12Shoulders Mail
Bravo Company Spaulders
12Shoulders Mail
Burnished Girdle
127Waist Mail
Burnished Gloves
127Hands Mail
Chain Boots
127Feet Mail
Chain Hauberk
127Chest Mail
Cord of the Ancient Horn
12Waist Mail
Crackling Scale Breastplate
127Chest Mail
Darkmoon Breastplate
125Chest Mail
Darkmoon Chainmail
125Chest Mail
Grips of the Lightning Fast Assasin
12Hands Mail
Grunt's Belt
127Waist Mail
Ironforge Breastplate
127Chest Mail
Keyton's Mail Pauldrons
12Shoulders Mail
Ornate Wire Cinch
12Waist Mail
Outrunner's Gloves
127Hands Mail
Outrunner's Slippers
127Feet Mail
Raider's Chestpiece
127Chest Mail
Ravager Scale Grips
12Hands Mail
Scourge Lieutenant Breeches
12Legs Mail
Sparkproof Gauntlets
12Hands Mail
Topsoil Binders
12Wrists Mail
Waterproof Britches
12Legs Mail
Web Coated Leggings
12Legs Mail
Web Encased Tunic
12Chest Mail
Winning Mail Gloves
12Hands Mail
Laced Mail Boots
127Feet Mail
Laced Mail Shoulderpads
127Shoulders Mail
Armguards of the Ancient Grove
11Wrists Mail
Azure Scale Hauberk
11Chest Mail
Bonecoal Waistguard
116Waist Mail
Chasm Linked Pants
11Legs Mail
Chitonous Bindings
116Wrists Mail
Dark Shaman's Jerkin
116Chest Mail
Defias Cuirass
116Chest Mail
Defias Cuirass
116Chest Mail
Defias Cuirass
116Chest Mail
Gordoth's Crushers
116Hands Mail
Logger's Wristguards
116Wrists Mail