

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Absentminded Legguards
11Legs The Absent-Minded Prospector Mail
Ancient Armbands
11Wrists The Devourer of Darkshore Mail
Artificer's Boots
11Feet Galaen's Fate Mail
Asylum Boots
11Feet Xylem's Asylum Mail
Better, Stronger, Faster Bracers
11Wrists From the Belly of the Beast Mail
Blackrock Boots
117FeetLooted Mail
Blackwood Treads
11Feet The Defiler Mail
Bloodspattered Loincloth
116LegsLooted Mail
Brackwater Vest
116ChestLooted Mail
Breakwater Girdle
11Waist Mail
Burnished Bracers
117WristsLooted, Fished Mail
Capacitance Bands
11Wrists Watch Your Step Mail
Chainmail of the Dragon Slayer
11Chest Razormaw Mail
Exterminator's Bracers
11Wrists Detonation Mail
Farstrider's Cuffs
11Wrists Assault on Zeb'Nowa Mail
Grunt's Bracers
117WristsLooted Mail
Hands of Unfocused Rage
11Hands Hezrul Bloodmark Mail
Inconspicuous Footguards
11Feet A Wolf in Bear's Clothing Mail
Inter-Feather-Linked Greaves
11Feet Shear Will Mail
Jadefire Squelcher Cord
11Waist Jadefire Braziers Mail
Leggings of the Hack "Mage"
11Legs Hacking the Construct Mail
Light Scale Boots
116FeetCrafted Mail
Light Scale Pants
117LegsCrafted Mail
Marauding Cord
11Waist Centaur Bracers Mail
Muckdweller Handguards
11Hands Bravo Company Field Kit: Chloroform Mail
Nozzlepot Legwraps
11Legs The Escape Mail
Outrunner's Cord
117WaistLooted Mail
Outrunner's Cuffs
116WristsLooted Mail
Raider's Belt
116WaistLooted, Fished Mail
Raider's Boots
117FeetLooted, Fished Mail
Raider's Gauntlets
117HandsLooted, Fished Mail
Raider's Legguards
117LegsLooted Mail
Rough Bronze Boots
116FeetCrafted Mail
Runed Copper Belt
116WaistCrafted Mail
Runed Copper Bracers
117WristsCrafted Mail
Runed Copper Breastplate
116ChestCrafted Mail
Seedhandler's Soft Grips
11Hands The Seeds of Life Mail
Shadowhide Footguards
11Feet Shadowhide Extinction Mail
Shamanic Treads
116FeetCrafted Mail
Silvermoon Armor
116ChestLooted Mail
Smart Sandals
11Feet It's Gotta be the Horn Mail
Soldier's Armor
116ChestLooted, Fished Mail
Stonesmirk Breastplate
11Chest Mail
Treacherous Boots
11Feet The Grand Magus Doane Mail
War Paint Gloves
116HandsLooted Mail
War Paint Legguards
117LegsLooted Mail
Laced Mail Belt
117WaistLooted Mail
Laced Mail Gloves
116HandsLooted Mail
Laced Mail Pants
117LegsLooted Mail
Deal Makers Bindings
10Wrists Shore Leave Mail
Uninsured Armguards
10Wrists Mutiny, Mon! Mail
Wild Rider's Mail Gauntlets
10Hands Mor'shan Caravan Delivery Mail
Accomodating Cinch
10Waist The Blackmaw Doublecross Mail
Crustacean Boots
10Feet Mail
Ergll's Body Sieve
10Chest Full of Hot Water Mail
Gravedigger's Grips
10Hands Troll Juju Mail
Hauberk of the Changing Heart
10Chest His Heart Must Be In It Mail
Lakeshire Handwraps
10Hands Surveying Equipment Mail
Light Scale Jerkin
106ChestCrafted Mail
Profit Boon Legguards
10Legs Handling the Goods Mail
Raider's Bracers
106WristsLooted Mail
Sapper's Gloves
106Hands Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Settler's Leggings
10Legs Mail
Soldier's Boots
106FeetLooted, Fished Mail
Soldier's Gauntlets
106HandsLooted, Fished Mail
Soldier's Leggings
106LegsLooted, Fished Mail
Soothsayer's Harness
10Chest Soothing the Elements Mail
Thessera's Gratitude
10Hands The Waking Nightmare Mail
Tranquillen Pathfinder's Cinch
106Waist Mail
Troll Kickers
10Feet Escape from the Catacombs Mail
Vindicator's Chain Leggings
10Legs Matis the Cruel Mail
War Paint Anklewraps
106FeetLooted Mail
War Paint Bindings
106WristsLooted Mail
War Paint Waistband
106WaistLooted Mail
Wildkin Feathered Links
10Waist Aroom's Farewell Mail
Chainmail Armor
106Chest Mail
Chainmail Belt
106Waist Mail
Chainmail Boots
106Feet Mail
Chainmail Bracers
106Wrists Mail
Chainmail Gloves
106Hands Mail
Chainmail Pants
106Legs Mail
Hauberk of Fortune
9Chest Gazlowe's Fortune Mail
Auberdine Ringmail Tunic
9Chest Call Down the Thunder Mail
Bloodspattered Sabatons
95FeetLooted Mail
Brackwater Legguards
95LegsLooted Mail
Chain of Recurring Raids
9Waist Lake Everstill Clean Up Mail
Dark Chain Shirt
9Chest Report to Magister Kaendris Mail
Dusty Treads
9Feet Samophlange Mail
Gazlowe's Grips
9Hands WANTED: Cap'n Garvey Mail
Godfrey's Waistband
9Waist The Great Escape Mail
Ironforge Chain
95ChestCrafted Mail
Leverage Wriststraps
9Wrists Saving Foreman Oslow Mail
Light Scale Belt
95WaistCrafted Mail
Maatparm's Fungus Lined Chainmail
9Chest Ysera's Tears Mail
Mongrel Greaves
9Legs Yowler Must Die! Mail
Murderous Cuffs
9Wrists Verog the Dervish Mail
Passenger Pantaloons
9Legs The Short Way Home Mail
Retainer Tunic
9Chest WANTED: Cap'n Garvey Mail
Slightly Dented Belt
9Waist Miner's Fortune Mail
Sludge Encrusted Vest
9Chest Sludge Beast! Mail