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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Warscout Greaves
4440Feet Mail
Warscout Helm
4440Head Mail
Warscout Helm
4440Head Mail
Warscout Helm
4440Head Mail
Warscout Legguards
4440Legs Mail
Warscout Legguards
4440Legs Mail
Warscout Legguards
4440Legs Mail
Warscout Spaulders
4440Shoulders Mail
Warscout Spaulders
4440Shoulders Mail
Warscout Spaulders
4440Shoulders Mail
Warscout Tunic
4440Chest Mail
Warscout Tunic
4440Chest Mail
Warscout Tunic
4440Chest Mail
Warstrike Armsplints
2923WristsLooted Mail
Warstrike Belt
2923WaistLooted Mail
Warstrike Chestguard
2924ChestLooted Mail
Warstrike Gauntlets
2924HandsLooted Mail
Warstrike Helmet
2924HeadLooted Mail
Warstrike Legguards
2924LegsLooted Mail
Warstrike Sabatons
2924FeetLooted Mail
Warstrike Shoulder Pads
2924ShouldersLooted Mail
Wasp Repelling Skullcap
20058Head Mail
Wasteland Chain Armor
3834Chest Mail
Wasteland Chain Gauntlets
3834Hands Mail
Wasteland Chain Helm
3834Head Mail
Wasteland Chain Leggings
3834Legs Mail
Wasteland Chain Links
3834Waist Mail
Wasteland Chain Sabatons
3834Feet Mail
Wasteland Chain Spaulders
3834Shoulders Mail
Wasteland Chain Wristguards
3834Wrists Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Armbands
3834Wrists Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Armor
3834Chest Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Gauntlets
3834Hands Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Helm
3834Head Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Leggings
3834Legs Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Sabatons
3834Feet Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Spaulders
3834Shoulders Mail
Wasteland Ringmail Waistguard
3834Waist Mail
Waterburst Breastplate
1Chest Mail
Waterburst Footguards
110Feet Mail
Waterburst Girdle
110Waist Mail
Waterburst Grips
110Hands Mail
Waterburst Helmet
110Head Mail
Waterburst Legwraps
110Legs Mail
Waterburst Mantle
110Shoulders Mail
Waterburst Wristguards
110Wrists Mail
Waterproof Britches
12Legs The Floodsurge Core Mail
Wavekeeper's Helm
81Head Mail
Waverunner Waistband
32Waist Not Without a Fight! Mail
Wax-Polished Armor
85ChestLooted Mail
Web Coated Leggings
12Legs Human Infestation Mail
Web Encased Tunic
12Chest Glorious Harvest Mail
Webweave Wristguards
40070Wrists Mail
Weed Puller's Bracers
25Wrists Weeding the Lawn Mail
Weighted Chain Boots
6Feet Mystery of the Sarcen Stone Mail
Well Crafted Chain Britches
16Legs Deep Roots Mail
Westrift Handcovers
32HandsQuest Mail
Westrift Leggings
32LegsQuest Mail
Westrift Wristguards
32Wrists Escaping the Mist Mail
Westwind Shoulderguards
33ShouldersQuest Mail
Westwind Waistband
33WaistQuest Mail
Wet Suit Leggings
22Legs Down in the Deeps Mail
Wet Suit Leggings
22Legs Down in the Deeps Mail
Whelk Shell Shoulderguards
35Shoulders Girding Our Loins Mail
Whelp Protector's Mantle
44Shoulders Runas the Shamed Mail
Whelpscale Gauntlets
31Hands Whelps of the Wyrmcult Mail
Whip-Stitched Wristguards
33Wrists Dun-da-Dun-tah! Mail
Whispersteel Handguards
32Hands Leader of the Deranged Mail
Whitemoon Mender Cord
14Waist All's Well Mail
Whitetail Fox Tunic
21Chest Foxes and Hounds Mail
Whitewater Cinch
44Waist Wrathshard Mail
Whitewater Gauntlets
44Hands Titanic Showdown Mail
Whitewater Gloves
44Hands Spray and Prey Mail
Whitewater Hauberk
44Chest Spray and Prey Mail
Whitewater Leggings
44Legs Rite of Blood Mail
Whitewater Legwraps
44Legs Wrathshard Mail
Whitewater Ringmail Cuffs
44Wrists Tamer Takedown Mail
Whitewater Sabatons
44Feet Ormgul the Pestilent Mail
Whitewater Wristguards
44Wrists Dargrul and the Hammer Mail
Wicked Chain Boots
1912FeetLooted Mail
Wicked Chain Bracers
1811WristsLooted Mail
Wicked Chain Chestpiece
2013ChestLooted Mail
Wicked Chain Gauntlets
1811HandsLooted Mail
Wicked Chain Helmet
2013HeadLooted Mail
Wicked Chain Legguards
1912LegsLooted Mail
Wicked Chain Shoulder Pads
1912ShouldersLooted Mail
Wicked Chain Waistband
1811WaistLooted Mail
Widener's Bracers
36Wrists A Fiery Reunion Mail
Wild Aspirant's Armbands of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440WristsLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Armbands of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440WristsLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Armor
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Armor
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Leggings
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Leggings
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Mail
Wild Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Mail