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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
War Torn Bands
53Wrists Mail
Warrior's Boots
53Feet Mail
Loose Chain Bracers
53Wrists Mail
Loose Chain Vest
53Chest Mail
Worn Mail Gloves
53Hands Mail
First Responder's Bindings
4Wrists Mail
Fryer Gloves
4Wrists Mail
Hatchling Gloves
4Hands Mail
S.B.R.B. Prototype 3
4Feet Mail
Yngwie's Tunic
4Chest Mail
Agamand Family Bracer
4Wrists Mail
Animal Scale Belt
4Waist Mail
Auntie's Oven Mitts
4Hands Mail
Battle Chain Bracers
42Wrists Mail
Battle Worn Grips
4Hands Mail
Bloody Chain Boots
42Feet Mail
Chain Kodo-Rider's Pants
4Legs Mail
Charger's Belt
42Waist Mail
Charger's Bindings
42Wrists Mail
Clasped Belt
4Waist Mail
Cryptwalker Boots
4Feet Mail
Duskbat Mail Leggings
4Legs Mail
Empathetic Mail
4Chest Mail
Fine Crocolisk Scale Belt
4Waist Mail
Frost-Encrusted Chain Boots
4Feet Mail
Frostmane Chain Links
4Waist Mail
Furlbrow Chainmail Legs
4Legs Mail
Gritroot Cinch
4Waist Mail
Links of Grieving
4Waist Mail
Longshoreman's Bracers
4Wrists Mail
Moongraze Linked Boots
4Feet Mail
Mulit-Scaled Gloves
4Hands Mail
Perrine's Boots
42Feet Mail
Prairie Wolf Bracers
4Wrists Mail
Quilboar Woven Chain Pants
4Legs Mail
Ram Rescue Vest
4Chest Mail
Rotor Chain
4Waist Mail
Sailor's Legguards
4Legs Mail
Service Greaves
4Legs Mail
Thornroot Hauberk
4Chest Mail
Thunderhorn Handguards
4Hands Mail
Trackless Boots
4Feet Mail
Treads of Brill
4Feet Mail
Waders of Bravery
4Feet Mail
Waistguard of Brill
4Waist Mail
Warrior's Bracers
42Wrists Mail
Warrior's Girdle
42Waist Mail
Warrior's Gloves
42Hands Mail
Weed-Flattening Greatboots
4Feet Mail
Well-Worn Raider Treads
4Feet Mail
Wide Metal Girdle
4Waist Mail
Loose Chain Belt
42Waist Mail
Loose Chain Boots
42Feet Mail
Loose Chain Pants
42Legs Mail
Bracers of the Earth Spirit
3Wrists Mail
Chain Link Winter Bracers
3Wrists Mail
Dark Ranger's Hauberk
3Chest Mail
Earthmother's Garb
3Chest Mail
Feral Wristguards
3Wrists Mail
Handgrips of Verity
3Hands Mail
Hauberk of the Razor Guard
3Chest Mail
Huntsman's Chain Cuffs
3Wrists Mail
Miner's Overcoat
3Chest Mail
Monkey Handler Fists
3Hands Mail
Mountaineer Chestpiece
32Chest Mail
Mountaineer's Waistguard
3Waist Mail
Padded Greaves
3Legs Mail
Protector's Legguards
3Legs Mail
Repairman's Cinch
3Waist Mail
Ringing Boots
3Feet Mail
Sentry's Chain Shirt
3Chest Mail
Shimmerweed Brewer Treads
3Feet Mail
Springpaw Padded Greaves
3Legs Mail
The Stone's Gauntlets
3Hands Mail
Well-Oiled Chain Gauntlets
3Hands Mail
Wendigo Pantaloons
3Legs Mail
Xavren's Gauntlets
3Hands Mail
Loose Chain Gloves
32Hands Mail
Abandoned Miner's Pants
2Legs Mail
Aid-Lender's Grips
2Hands Mail
Angular Momentum Wristguards
2Wrists Mail
Armstead Bindings
2Wrists Mail
Battleworn Chain Leggings
2Legs Mail
Clinking Chain Trousers
2Legs Mail
Coarse Mail Leggings
2Legs Mail
Coven Hollow Wristguards
2Wrists Mail
Darius' Handguards
2Hands Mail
Debt Collector's Grips
2Hands Mail
Deputy's Chainmail
2Chest Mail
Dwarven Iron Bracer
2Wrists Mail
Frostmane Chain Vest
2Chest Mail
Gassy Armbands
2Wrists Mail
Gauntlets of Splashing Water
2Hands Mail
Gleaming Chain Bindings
2Wrists Mail
Glen Culler's Grips
2Hands Mail
Grik'nir's Warming Bands
2Wrists Mail
Holey Mail Shirt
2Chest Mail
Initiate's Boots
2Feet Mail
Initiate's Chestpiece
2Chest Mail
Initiate's Greaves
2Legs Mail