

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Dreambound Greaves
35070Legs Mail
Dreambound Coif
35070Head Mail
Dreambound Cinch
35070Waist Mail
Dreambound Chainmail
35070Chest Mail
Clacking Clawguards
35070Hands Mail
Brullo's Wristbraces
35070Wrists Mail
Aquiferous Raiment
35070Chest Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Striders
35060Feet Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Shoulderguards
35060Shoulders Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Grips
35060Hands Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Greaves
35060Legs Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Coif
35060Head Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Cinch
35060Waist Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Chainmail
35060Chest Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Bracers
35060Wrists Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Belt
35060Waist Mail
White Chitin Bands
35060Wrists Mail
Totemic Cinch
35060Waist Mail
Tomorrow's Chains
35060Legs Mail
Surcoat of the Chastigator
35060Chest Mail
Striders of Raging Tempests
35070Feet Mail
Stonetongues Hood
35060Head Mail
Shoulderguards of Raging Tempests
35070Shoulders Mail
Scalewarden's Helm
35060Head Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Leggings
35060Legs Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Grips
35060Hands Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Greaves
35060Feet Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Epaulets
35060Shoulders Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Cinch
35060Waist Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Armor
35060Chest Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Armguards
35060Wrists Mail
Sandshine Chestplate
35060Chest Mail
Rockknell's Groundpounders
35060Feet Mail
Repurposed Giant's Thimble
35060Head Mail
Protoscale Pauldrons
35060Shoulders Mail
Primal Chain Hauberk
35060Chest Mail
Plumed Shoulderguards of the Hunt
35060Shoulders Mail
Master Huntmaster's Wristguards
35060Wrists Mail
Hellbloom Leggings
35060Legs Mail
Hellbloom Helm
35060Head Mail
Hellbloom Grips
35060Hands Mail
Hellbloom Greaves
35060Feet Mail
Hellbloom Epaulets
35060Shoulders Mail
Hellbloom Cinch
35060Waist Mail
Hellbloom Chainmail
35060Chest Mail
Hellbloom Armguards
35060Wrists Mail
Grips of Raging Tempests
35070Hands Mail
Greaves of Raging Tempests
35070Legs Mail
Grasp of the Weeping Widow
35060Hands Mail
Gorestained Hauberk
35060Chest Mail
Forged Warmonger's Leggings
35068Legs Mail
Forged Warmonger's Helm
35068Head Mail
Forged Warmonger's Grips
35068Hands Mail
Forged Warmonger's Greaves
35068Feet Mail
Forged Warmonger's Epaulets
35068Shoulders Mail
Forged Warmonger's Cinch
35068Waist Mail
Forged Warmonger's Chestguard
35068Chest Mail
Forged Warmonger's Armguards
35068Wrists Mail
Firebreather's Cowl
35060Head Mail
Elements' Burden
35060Shoulders Mail
Earhshaping Grips
35060Hands Mail
Drakebreaker's Striders
35060Feet Mail
Drakebreaker's Shoulderguards
35060Shoulders Mail
Drakebreaker's Grips
35060Hands Mail
Drakebreaker's Greaves
35060Legs Mail
Drakebreaker's Coif
35060Head Mail
Drakebreaker's Cinch
35060Waist Mail
Drakebreaker's Chestguard
35060Chest Mail
Drakebreaker's Bracers
35060Wrists Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Leggings
35060Legs Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Helm
35060Head Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Grips
35060Hands Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Greaves
35060Feet Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Epaulets
35060Shoulders Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Cinch
35060Waist Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Chainmail
35060Chest Mail
Draconic Warmonger's Armguards
35060Wrists Mail
Dalaran Defender's Stompers
35070Feet Mail
Dalaran Defender's Legguards
35070Legs Mail
Dalaran Defender's Helmet
35070Head Mail
Dalaran Defender's Grips
35070Hands Mail
Dalaran Defender's Epaulets
35070Shoulders Mail
Dalaran Defender's Cinch
35070Waist Mail
Dalaran Defender's Chainmail
35070Chest Mail
Dalaran Defender's Armguards
35070Wrists Mail
Coif of Raging Tempests
35070Head Mail
Cinch of the Sundered Flame
35060Waist Mail
Cinch of Raging Tempests
35070Waist Mail
Chestguard of Raging Tempests
35070Chest Mail
Bracers of Raging Tempests
35070Wrists Mail
Amberquill Shroud
35060Head Mail
Wrist Bindings of the Stygian Sea
35070Wrists Mail
Wind Spirit's Lasso
35070Waist Mail
Venom-Steeped Stompers
35070Feet Mail
Treads of the Stygian Sea
35070Feet Mail
Spaulders of the Stygian Sea
35070Shoulders Mail
Scale Rein Grips
35070Hands Mail
Sash of the Stygian Sea
35070Waist Mail
Poleyns of the Stygian Sea
35070Legs Mail
Oscillating Wilderness Opticals
35058Head Mail