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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Vicious Gladiator's Armbands of Prowess
Season 10
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy
Season 10
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy
Season 9
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity
Season 9
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity
Season 10
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Dominance
Season 9
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Salvation
Season 9
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Triumph
Season 9
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Triumph
Season 9
3732Wrists Mail
Vicious Gladiator's Wristguards of Triumph
Season 9
3732Wrists Mail
Wristguards of the Predator
3732WristsLooted Mail
Bloodied Dragonscale Bracers
3732Wrists Mail
Bloodied Scale Bracers
3732Wrists Mail
Bloodthirsty Charscale Bracers
3732Wrists Mail
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Armbands of Meditation
3732Wrists Mail
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Armbands of Prowess
3732Wrists Mail
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Wristguards of Accuracy
3732Wrists Mail
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Wristguards of Alacrity
3732Wrists Mail
Bracers of Some Consequence
3732WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Lost City
37Wrists Targets of Opportunity Mail
Dragonbelly Bracers
3732Wrists Mail
Elementium Scale Bracers
3732WristsLooted Mail
Elementium Scale Bracers
3732WristsLooted Mail
Eradicator's Bracers
37Wrists Closing a Dark Chapter Mail
Manacles of Pain
3732WristsLooted Mail
Manacles of Pain
3732WristsLooted Mail
Shackles of the Betrayed
3732WristsLooted Mail
Vicious Charscale Bracers
3732WristsCrafted Mail
Vicious Dragonscale Bracers
3732WristsCrafted Mail
Deepwild Armguards
37WristsQuest Mail
Faded Forest Chain Wristguards
3732Wrists Mail
Faded Forest Ringmail Armbands
3732Wrists Mail
Fox Grove Bracers
37Wrists Xiao, the Eater Mail
Fox Grove Wristguards
37WristsQuest Mail
Huangtze Scale Armbands
37Wrists Snap Judgment Mail
Jade Witch Armguards
37Wrists Xiao, the Eater Mail
Jade Witch Wristguards
37WristsQuest Mail
Mountainscaler Chain Wristguards
3733Wrists Mail
Mountainscaler Ringmail Armbands
3733Wrists Mail
Sarjun Wristguards
37WristsQuest Mail
Saurok Bracers
3731WristsLooted Mail
Scavenger's Chain Wristguards
37Wrists Mail
Scavenger's Ringmail Armbands
37Wrists Mail
Snake Bracers
3732WristsLooted Mail
Steppe Bracers
3732WristsLooted Mail
Stormscale Bracers
3732WristsCrafted Mail
Wild Plains Wristguards
37Wrists Snap Judgment Mail
Crumbling Chain Wristguards
3740WristsLooted Mail
Elemental Bindings
3740WristsLooted Mail
Fel-Corroded Wristguards
3740WristsLooted Mail
Rust-Encrusted Wristguards
3740WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Razor Fletching
3630WristsLooted Mail
Elementium Scale Bracers
3630WristsLooted Mail
Manacles of Pain
3629WristsLooted Mail
Sparkmail Bracers
36Wrists Scorched Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Sparkmail Wristguards
36WristsLooted Mail
Asp-Clasp Bracers
36Wrists Minions of Al'Akir Mail
Bracers of False Night
36Wrists Dressed to Kill Mail
Bracers of the Lost Leader
36Wrists Twilight Skies Mail
Brewtaster Bracers
36Wrists Anything But Water Mail
Frayfeather Bracers
3632Wrists Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Highperch Bracers
3631WristsLooted Mail
Hiri'watha Bracers
3630WristsLooted Mail
Lorthuna's Broken Shackles
36Wrists Therazane's Mercy Mail
Loyalty-Seeker Bracers
36Wrists The Loyalty of Clan Mullan Mail
Pit Heart Bracers
36Wrists The Pit of Scales Mail
Powderkeg Bracers
36Wrists Shroud of the Makers Mail
Talondeep Bracers
3632WristsLooted Mail
Thornsnarl Bracers
3631WristsLooted Mail
Tsunami Bracers
3630WristsCrafted Mail
Widener's Bracers
36Wrists A Fiery Reunion Mail
Grime-Fouled Mail Bracers
3635WristsLooted Mail
Arachnoid Gold Band
3530WristsLooted Mail
Armbands of the Northern Stalker
3530WristsLooted Mail
Armbands of the Northern Stalker
3530WristsLooted Mail
Armbraces of the Vibrant Flame
3530WristsLooted Mail
Armbraces of the Vibrant Flame
3530WristsLooted Mail
Armguard of the Tower Archer
3530Wrists Mail
Bands of Anxiety
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bands of Mutual Respect
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bindings of the Decrepit
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bindings of Winter Gale
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bindings of Winter Gale
3530WristsLooted Mail
Black Chitin Bracers
3530WristsCrafted Mail
Black Chitin Bracers
3530WristsCrafted Mail
Bloodsunder's Bracers
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bloodsunder's Bracers
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Cloudy Omen
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Cloudy Omen
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Northern Stalker
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Northern Stalker
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Silent Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Silent Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Smothering Inferno
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Smothering Inferno
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Untold Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Untold Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Coldwraith Bracers
3530WristsLooted Mail
Coldwraith Bracers
3530WristsLooted Mail
Crusader's Dragonscale Bracers
3530WristsCrafted Mail