

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Nokhudon Breeches
1Legs Mail
Nokhudon Girdle
1Waist Mail
Nokhudon Grips
1Hands Mail
Nokhudon Harness
1Chest Mail
Nokhudon Hood
1Head Mail
Nokhudon Mantle
1Shoulders Mail
Nokhudon Wraps
1Wrists Mail
Pauldrons of the Dreamfused Skull
1Shoulders Mail
Preserved Pierced Helm
168Head Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Bracers
110Wrists Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Chainmail
110Chest Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Coif
110Head Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Girdle
110Waist Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Greaves
110Legs Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Grips
110Hands Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Shoulderguards
110Shoulders Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Striders
110Feet Mail
Replica Beastmaster's Belt
125Waist Mail
Replica Beastmaster's Bindings
125Wrists Mail
Replica Beastmaster's Mantle
125Shoulders Mail
Replica Beastmaster's Pants
125Legs Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Belt
122Waist Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Bindings
122Wrists Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Boots
123Feet Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Cap
124Head Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Gloves
123Hands Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Mantle
123Shoulders Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Pants
123Legs Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Tunic
124Chest Mail
Replica Bindings of Elements
122Wrists Mail
Replica Bindings of The Five Thunders
125Wrists Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Chain Belt
125WaistVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Chain Boots
125FeetVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Chain Gauntlets
125HandsVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Chain Greaves
125FeetVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Chain Vices
125HandsVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Mail Greaves
125FeetVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Mail Grips
125HandsVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Mail Links
125WaistVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Mail Vices
125HandsVendor Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Mail Walkers
125FeetVendor Mail
Replica Boots of Elements
123Feet Mail
Replica Champion's Chain Headguard
125HeadVendor Mail
Replica Champion's Chain Helm
125HeadVendor Mail
Replica Champion's Chain Pauldrons
125ShouldersVendor Mail
Replica Champion's Chain Shoulders
125ShouldersVendor Mail
Replica Champion's Mail Headguard
125HeadVendor Mail
Replica Champion's Mail Helm
125HeadVendor Mail
Replica Champion's Mail Pauldrons
125ShouldersVendor Mail
Replica Champion's Mail Shoulders
125ShouldersVendor Mail
Replica Coif of Elements
124Head Mail
Replica Cord of Elements
122Waist Mail
Replica Cord of The Five Thunders
125Waist Mail
Replica First Sergeant's Mail Wristguards
125WristsVendor Mail
Replica First Sergeant's Mail Wristguards
125Wrists Mail
Replica Gauntlets of Elements
123Hands Mail
Replica Kilt of Elements
123Legs Mail
Replica Kilt of The Five Thunders
125Legs Mail
Replica Knight-Captain's Chain Hauberk
125ChestVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Captain's Chain Hauberk
125ChestVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Captain's Chain Leggings
125LegsVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Captain's Chain Legguards
125LegsVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Captain's Mail Hauberk
125ChestVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Captain's Mail Legguards
125LegsVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Belt
125WaistVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Boots
125FeetVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Gauntlets
125HandsVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Greaves
125FeetVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Vices
125HandsVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Mail Greaves
125FeetVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Mail Links
125WaistVendor Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Mail Vices
125HandsVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Chain Breastplate
125ChestVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Chain Hauberk
125ChestVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Chain Leggings
125LegsVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Chain Legguards
125LegsVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Mail Chestpiece
125ChestVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Mail Hauberk
125ChestVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Mail Leggings
125LegsVendor Mail
Replica Legionnaire's Mail Legguards
125LegsVendor Mail
Replica Lieutenant Commander's Chain Helm
125HeadVendor Mail
Replica Lieutenant Commander's Chain Helmet
125HeadVendor Mail
Replica Lieutenant Commander's Chain Pauldrons
125ShouldersVendor Mail
Replica Lieutenant Commander's Chain Shoulders
125ShouldersVendor Mail
Replica Lieutenant Commander's Mail Headguard
125HeadVendor Mail
Replica Lieutenant Commander's Mail Pauldrons
125ShouldersVendor Mail
Replica Pauldrons of Elements
123Shoulders Mail
Replica Pauldrons of The Five Thunders
125Shoulders Mail
Replica Sergeant Major's Chain Armguards
125WristsVendor Mail
Replica Sergeant Major's Chain Armguards
125WristsVendor Mail
Replica Shado-Pan Helmet
135HeadVendor Mail
Replica Vest of Elements
124Chest Mail
Robe of Discipline
1Chest Mail
Shoulderguards of Discipline
1Shoulders Mail
Stompers of Discipline
1Feet Mail
Vest of the Dreamfused Skull
1Chest Mail
Visage of the Dreamfused Skull
1Head Mail
Warmonger's Bonds
1Wrists Mail
Warmonger's Casque
1Head Mail
Warmonger's Chainmail
1Chest Mail