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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Dual Reinforced Leggings
18Legs Mail
Hann Ibal's Chain Dungarees
18LegsQuest Mail
Helm of the Awakened
18Head Mail
Mantle of the Bound
18ShouldersQuest Mail
Monnion of the White Tiger
18Shoulders Big Game Hunter Mail
Scales of Aku'mai
18Legs The Rise of Aku'mai Mail
Thelwater's Steelwoven Eyepatch
18HeadQuest Mail
Valen's Treads
18Feet Dances with Grimtotem Mail
Waistguard of the High Shaman
18Waist Be Raptor Mail
Waistguard of the High Shaman
18Waist Be Raptor Mail
Bartered Wristguards
18Wrists Venture Company Mining Mail
Barus' Armbands
18Wrists Bombs Away: Mirkfallon Post! Mail
Basecamp Breeches
18Legs Armaments for War Mail
Battle Rider Belt
18Waist Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest Mail
Bindings of Longing
18Wrists Stromgarde Badges Mail
Boots of the Refuge Captain
18Feet Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest Mail
Brood-Killer Amice
18Shoulders Brood of Seldarria Mail
Carronader's Waistband
18Waist Run Out the Guns Mail
Chain Weighted Shoes
18Feet Sunken Treasure Mail
Claimant Treads
18Feet The Karnitol Shipwreck Mail
Cowl of Solace
18Head Seen Better Days Mail
Excelsior Footwear
18Feet Excelsior Mail
Eye-Plucker Grips
18Hands The Mind's Eye Mail
Fire-Welded Bracers
18Wrists Mail
Footpads of Sin'Dall
18Feet Tiger Mastery Mail
Grips of the Weary
18Hands Stromgarde Badges Mail
Hammerfall Gauntlets
18Hands Guile of the Raptor Mail
Hauberk of Dire Tidings
18Chest Wanted! Marez Cowl Mail
Hauberk of Zul'Mamwe
18Chest Zul'Mamwe Mambo Mail
Hauberk of Zul'Mamwe
18Chest Zul'Mamwe Mambo Mail
Helm of the Innocent
18Head Save the Children! Mail
Holgom's Waistcord
18Waist Warriors' Redemption Mail
Iconic Breastplate
18Chest If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around... Mail
Irradiated Faux Croc' Wristguards
18Wrists Zul'Mamwe Mambo Mail
Irradiated Faux Croc' Wristguards
18Wrists Zul'Mamwe Mambo Mail
Kobold-Wrangler Legguards
18Legs Kobold Fury! Mail
Krom'gar Champion's Chain Shoulderguard
18Shoulders Mail
Krom'gar Champion's Mesh Shoulderguard
18Shoulders Mail
Krom'gar General's Chain Mask
18Head Mail
Krom'gar General's Mesh Mask
18Head Mail
Linkers of the Unending Tale
18Hands Saving Yenniku Mail
Messenger's Vest
18Chest No Time for Goodbyes! Mail
Not-Scratchy Faceguard
18Head Primal Reagents of Power Mail
Sassy Grippers
18Hands If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around... Mail
Scale-Cord of the Raptor
18Waist Raptor Mastery Mail
Seafarer's Chain Leggings
18Legs Death From Below Mail
Seized Rageroar Belt
18Wrists Re-Take the Courtyard Mail
Skeezy Wraps
18Wrists Venture Company Mining Mail
Slither-Dog Helm
18Head Good-Fer-Nothin' Slither-Dogs Mail
Steel-Clasped Bracers
18Wrists Mail
Steelgut's Undermail
18Chest Drowned Sorrows Mail
Steel-Patched Armbands
18Wrists Raptor Scraps Mail
Stromgarde Greaves
18Legs For Southshore Mail
Supple Support Harness
18Chest Plush Pelts Mail
The Good Captain's Bindings
18Wrists Death From Below Mail
Velvet-Lined Chain Gloves
18Hands Plush Pelts Mail
Yvonia's Spaulders
18Shoulders Schemin' That Sabotage Mail
Anara's Cord
Balia'mah Chain Pants
17Legs Speaking with Nezzliok Mail
Beetle Clasps
17Wrists Mail
Blastgineer's Waistband
17Waist Spare Parts Up In Here! Mail
Chain of Ogre Ruin
17Waist Call to Arms Mail
Cheater's Cinch
17Waist To Steal From Thieves Mail
Cuffs of Feeling
17Wrists Alina's Reward Mail
Feral Vestment
17Chest King of the Foulweald Mail
Fisherman's Links
Gold Star Boots
17Feet Call to Arms Mail
Grips of the Forsaken
17Hands Alina's Reward Mail
Highland Chain Greaves
17Legs The Traitor Orc Mail
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Chain Bracers
17Wrists Mail
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Mesh Wraps
17Wrists Mail
Nimblereed Chain
17WaistUnobtainable, Quest Mail
Refuge Cinch
17Waist Attack on the Tower Mail
Seabreeze Hauberk
17Chest The Real Threat Mail
Tempered Bracers
17Wrists Mail
Thwarter's Footguards
17Feet Rumble in the Lumber... Mill Mail
Tunic of Ashes
17Chest Ashes to Ashes Mail
Bombgineer Blasting Vest
16Chest The Goblin Braintrust Mail
Earthbound Girdle
16Waist Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Earthbound Girdle
16WaistLooted Mail
Khaz Modan Monnions
16Shoulders The Battle of Thandol Span Mail
Khaz Modan Pauldrons
16Shoulders The Battle of Thandol Span Mail
Yorgen's Mitts
16Hands Morbent's Bane Mail
Bal'lal Waistguard
16Waist The Defense of Grom'gol: Trollish Thievery Mail
Cinch of the Ascetic
16Waist Bad Medicine Mail
Deputy Chain Coat
16Chest Mail
Discarded Troll Greaves
16Legs A Physical Specimen Mail
Discarded Troll Greaves
16Legs Who's a Big Troll? Mail
Expedition Scout's Hauberk
16Chest Stopping Kurzen's Legacy Mail
Foreboding Bracers
16Wrists Silence of the Dwarves Mail
Forest Chain
16Chest Mail
Hexed Bracers
16Wrists Mail
Krom'gar Sergeant's Chain Boots
16Feet Mail
Krom'gar Sergeant's Mesh Boots
16Feet Mail
Mahamba's Pauldrons
16Shoulders Sacred to the Bloodscalp Mail
Mizjah Hauberk
16Chest The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression Mail
Night Watcher's Mail
16Chest Bones That Walk Mail
Overseer's Handguards
16Hands Windshear Mine Cleanup Mail
Palm Frond Pauldrons
16Shoulders Headhunting Mail
Quagmire Galoshes
16Feet Mail