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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Nerubian Bracers
3328Wrists Mail
Orca Bindings
3327Wrists Mail
Paingiver Wristguards
33Wrists Mail
Redigested Mail Scraps
33Wrists Mail
Sharkdiver's Bracers
33Wrists Mail
Shoveltusk Bindings
3328Wrists Mail
Trapper Bracers
3328Wrists Mail
Whip-Stitched Wristguards
33Wrists Mail
Wristguard of the Tormented Soul
33Wrists Mail
Wristguards of Service
33Wrists Mail
Clammy Mail Bracers
3330Wrists Mail
Bands of the Celestial Archer
3227Wrists Mail
Bands of the Coming Storm
3227Wrists Mail
Bands of the Coming Storm
3227Wrists Mail
Bindings of Lightning Reflexes
3227Wrists Mail
Blackfathom Warbands
3227Wrists Mail
Bracers of Shackled Souls
3227Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Hunt
3227Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Pathfinder
3227Wrists Mail
Earthquake Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
General's Chain Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
General's Linked Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
General's Mail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
General's Ringmail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Gleaming Earthen Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Howling Wind Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Living Earth Bindings
3227Wrists Mail
Marshal's Chain Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Marshal's Linked Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Marshal's Mail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Marshal's Ringmail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Netherstrike Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Ravager's Bands
3227Wrists Mail
Stalker's War Bands
3227Wrists Mail
Steadying Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
True-Aim Stalker Bands
3227Wrists Mail
Veteran's Chain Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Veteran's Linked Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Veteran's Mail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Veteran's Ringmail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Vindicator's Chain Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Vindicator's Linked Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Vindicator's Mail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Vindicator's Ringmail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Wave-Fury Vambraces
3227Wrists Mail
Whirlwind Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Wraps of Precise Flight
3227Wrists Mail
Wraps of Precise Flight
3227Wrists Mail
Auchenai Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Bracers of Shirrak
3227Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Forest Stalker
3227Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Forest Stalker
3227Wrists Mail
Emerald Eye Bracer
3227Wrists Mail
Emerald Eye Bracer
3227Wrists Mail
Felstalker Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Mistshroud Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Primal Surge Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Primal Surge Bracers
32Wrists Mail
World's End Bracers
32Wrists Mail
World's End Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Cold-Iron Armbands
32Wrists Mail
Crimson Mail Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Flame-Infused Bindings
32Wrists Mail
Garmaul Bracers
3226Wrists Mail
Goldenlink Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Netherstorm Bracer
3227Wrists Mail
Nifflevar Bindings
3227Wrists Mail
Njord Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Oronok's Old Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Purestrike Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Ring-Ridden Wrist Protectors
32Wrists Mail
Skettis Bracer
3226Wrists Mail
Skom Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Talhide Lined-Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Tortured Bracer
3227Wrists Mail
Westrift Wristguards
32Wrists Mail
Wristguards of Rocky Horror
32Wrists Mail
Frigid Mail Bracers
3229Wrists Mail
Icy Mail Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
Ebon Netherscale Bracers
3127Wrists Mail
Illidari Wristguards
3126Wrists Mail
Agitator's Armbands
31Wrists Mail
All-Weather Armguards
31Wrists Mail
Blood Knight Bracers
3126Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Weald
31Wrists Mail
Clefthoof Wristguards
31Wrists Mail
Der'izu Bracer
3126Wrists Mail
Ironspine Bracelets
3126Wrists Mail
Marshcreeper Bracelets
3125Wrists Mail
Papa's Armbands
31Wrists Mail
Rugged Mountain Bracers
31Wrists Mail
Cryptstalker Wristguards
3025Wrists Mail
Earthshatter Wristguards
3025Wrists Mail
Crocolisk Scale Wristguards
3025Wrists Mail
Lykul Bloodbands
3025Wrists Mail
Lykul Bloodbands
3025Wrists Mail
Feathered Armbands
30Wrists Mail
Fel Iron Chain Bracers
3025Wrists Mail
Felstone Bindings
3024Wrists Mail
Fen Strider's Bracer
30Wrists Mail