

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Waterburst Legwraps
110Legs Mail
Waterburst Mantle
110Shoulders Mail
Waterburst Wristguards
110Wrists Mail
Windreaver's Belt
110Waist Mail
Windreaver's Boots
110Feet Mail
Windreaver's Bracers
110Wrists Mail
Windreaver's Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Windreaver's Hauberk
1Chest Mail
Windreaver's Helm
110Head Mail
Windreaver's Leggings
110Legs Mail
Windreaver's Spaulders
110Shoulders Mail
Wristguards of Celestial Harmony
110Wrists Mail
Wristguards of the Unblinking Vigil
110Wrists Mail
Wristguards of the Witch Doctor
110Wrists Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Armbands
110Wrists Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Belt
110Waist Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Boots
110Feet Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Bracers
110Wrists Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Breastplate
1Chest Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Chain
110Waist Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Chestguard
1Chest Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Footguards
110Feet Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Girdle
110Waist Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Grips
110Hands Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Hauberk
1Chest Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Headguard
110Head Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Helm
110Head Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Helmet
110Head Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Leggings
110Legs Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Legguards
110Legs Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Legwraps
110Legs Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Mantle
110Shoulders Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Pauldrons
110Shoulders Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Sabatons
110Feet Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Spaulders
110Shoulders Mail
Yaungol Slayer's Wristguards
110Wrists Mail
[PH] Rising Dawn Coif
1Head Mail
[PH] Rising Dawn Fists
1Hands Mail
Beast Tracker's Bracers
1Wrists Mail
Big Trogg Bracers
1Wrists Give 'em What-For Mail
Bloodtalon Chain Vest
1Chest Consort of the Sea Witch Mail
Chaser's Belt
1WaistQuest Mail
Chaser's Boots
1Feet Mail
Cord of Accomplishment
1Waist Cutting Teeth Mail
Demon Hunter Blindfold
1HeadUnobtainable Mail
Gilnean Trapper's Boots
1Feet Mail
Gilnean Trapper's Gloves
1Hands Mail
Gilnean Trapper's Pants
1Legs Mail
Gilnean Trapper's Tunic
1Chest Mail
Goblin Trapper's Boots
1Feet Mail
Goblin Trapper's Pants
1Legs Mail
Goblin Trapper's Shirt
1Chest Mail
Hunter's Belt
1Waist Mail
Hunter's Boots
1Feet Mail
Hunter's Bracers
1Wrists Mail
Hunter's Gloves
1Hands Mail
Hunter's Pants
1Legs Mail
Hunter's Vest
1Chest Mail
Initiate's Braided Belt
1Waist The Lesson of Stifled Pride Mail
Initiate's Cuffs
1Wrists The Lesson of the Sandy Fist Mail
Initiate's Grips
1Hands The Disciple's Challenge Mail
Ironstock's Iron Grips
1Hands Hold the Line! Mail
Light Gleaming Bracers
1WristsQuest Mail
Plundered Rockjaw Chestguard
1Chest Make Hay While the Sun Shines Mail
Primal Boots
1Feet Mail
Primal Boots
1Feet Mail
Primal Pants
1Legs Mail
Primal Pants
1Legs Mail
Primal Pants
1Legs Mail
Primal Pants
1Legs Mail
Primal Robe
1Chest Mail
Primal Robe
1Chest Mail
Primal Robe
1Chest Mail
Primal Shirt
1Chest Mail
Red Cloud Handwraps
1Hands Our Tribe, Imprisoned Mail
Rockbitten Gloves
1Hands Mail
Rugged Trapper's Boots
1FeetUnobtainable Mail
Rugged Trapper's Pants
1LegsUnobtainable Mail
Rugged Trapper's Vest
1Chest Mail
Rustic Belt
1Waist Mail
Scout's Boots
1Feet Mail
Scout's Pants
1Legs Mail
Scout's Vest
1Chest Mail
Shaman's Belt
1Waist Mail
Shaman's Boots
1Feet Mail
Shaman's Bracers
1Wrists Mail
Shaman's Gloves
1Hands Mail
Shaman's Pants
1Legs Mail
Shaman's Vest
1Chest Mail
Sun Bleached Armbands
1Wrists Rite of Strength Mail
Thug Pants
1Legs Mail
Trapper's Boots
1Feet Mail
Trapper's Vest
1Chest Mail
Trogg Repeller Chainmail
1Chest Mail
Tunnel Worm Chestguard
1Chest Trouble in the Mines Mail
Warder's Boots
1Feet Mail
Warder's Pants
1Legs Mail
Warder's Vest
1Chest Mail