

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Bracers of Looming Darkness
3732WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Manifest Apathy
8550Wrists Mail
Bracers of Misting Ash
3732Wrists Mail
Bracers of Misting Ash
3732Wrists Mail
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor
4135WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor
4035WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor
4035WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor
Raid Finder
3935WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Satiation
4440WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Shackled Souls
3227WristsCrafted Mail
Bracers of Tainted Magic
4440WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Tempestuous Fury
4035WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Tempestuous Fury
Raid Finder
3935WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Tempestuous Fury
3935WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of Ten Storms
2925WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Allied Earthbinders
6050Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Awakened
38970Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Awakened
38970Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Crying Chorus
4440WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Hunt
3227WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Hunter-Killer
3732WristsCrafted Mail
Bracers of the Northern Stalker
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Northern Stalker
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Pathfinder
3227WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier
Heroic Warforged
4235Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier
Mythic Warforged
4235Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier
4235Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier
4235Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier
4135Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier
4135WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Pristine Purifier
Raid Finder
4035Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Silent Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Silent Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Smothering Inferno
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Smothering Inferno
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Spectral Wolf
3732Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Swamp Hunter
6050Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Untold Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Untold Massacre
3530WristsLooted Mail
Bracers of the Wolf's Cunning
4440WristsLooted, Black Market AH Mail
Bracers of Zem'lan
6050Wrists Mail
Braies of the Cinderwolf
41570Legs Mail
Braies of the Cinderwolf
41570Legs Mail
Brass-Lined Boots
3530FeetLooted Mail
Brass-Lined Boots
3530FeetLooted Mail
Breastplate of Cruel Intent
3530ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of Cruel Intent
3530ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of Primal Fury
3732ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of Serenity
3732ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of Ten Storms
2925ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of the Golden Pagoda
3935Chest Mail
Breastplate of the Queen's Guard
3732ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of the Stoneshaper
3530ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of the Stoneshaper
3530ChestLooted Mail
Brewmaster Chani's Bracers
3935Wrists Mail
Broker's Enigmatic Cowl
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Chain Armor
Season 4
3427Chest Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets
Season 4
3427Hands Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Chain Helm
Season 4
3427Head Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Chain Leggings
Season 4
3427Legs Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Chain Spaulders
Season 4
3427Shoulders Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Linked Armor
Season 4
3427Chest Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets
Season 4
3427Hands Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Linked Helm
Season 4
3427Head Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Linked Leggings
Season 4
3427Legs Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Linked Spaulders
Season 4
3427Shoulders Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Mail Armor
Season 4
3427Chest Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets
Season 4
3427Hands Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Mail Helm
Season 4
3427Head Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Mail Leggings
Season 4
3427Legs Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Mail Spaulders
Season 4
3427Shoulders Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
Season 4
3427Chest Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets
Season 4
3427Hands Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail Helm
Season 4
3427Head Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings
Season 4
3427Legs Mail
Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders
Season 4
3427Shoulders Mail
Brynja's Mournful Wristwraps
22660Wrists Mail
Bulging Chain Vest
4440ChestLooted Mail
Burnmender Boots
3935Feet Galleon Mail
Busy Bee's Buckle
57780Waist Mail
Calamitous Shockguards
39870Hands Mail
Calderas of Infused Earth
39870Shoulders Mail
Calderas of Infused Earth
39870Shoulders Mail
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt
Heroic Warforged
4235Waist Mail
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt
Mythic Warforged
4235Waist Mail
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt
4235WaistLooted, Black Market AH Mail
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt
4235Waist Galakras Mail
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt
4135Waist Galakras Mail
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt
4135WaistLooted Mail
Cannoneer's Multipocket Gunbelt
Raid Finder
4035Waist Galakras Mail
Carapace of Forgotten Kings
3530ChestLooted Mail
Carapace of Forgotten Kings
3530ChestLooted Mail
Carapace of Grim Visions
3530ChestLooted Mail
Carapace of Segmented Scale
4035Chest Mail
Cartel's Larcenous Toecaps
22660Feet Mail
Castellan's Blinders
5040HeadLooted Mail
Castellan's Chainlink Grips
20060Hands Mail
Cataclysm Chestguard
60Chest Mail
Cataclysm Chestguard
3227Chest Mail