

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Earthen Traveler's Grips
40070Hands Mail
Earthen Traveler's Striders
40070Feet Mail
General's Pungent Legguards
40070Legs Mail
Mead-Speckled Legguards
40070Legs Mail
Olbarig's Old Cuffs
40070Wrists Mail
Ore-namental Sabatons
40070Feet Mail
Ore-namental Spaulders
40070Shoulders Mail
Overseer's Oversized Clasp
40070Waist Mail
Rescued Aeroknight's Gloves
40070Hands Mail
Rubble-Salvaged Shoulderpads
40070Shoulders Mail
Salamanther-Scale Greaves
40070Legs Mail
Smuggled Nerubian Boots
40070Feet Mail
Spider-Fang Epaulets
40070Shoulders Mail
Sporefused Chainmail
40070Chest Mail
Unmelting Ironworker Clasp
40070Waist Mail
Unmelting Ironworker Helmet
40070Head Mail
Wanted Nerubian's Bands
40070Wrists Mail
Webweave Wristguards
40070Wrists Mail
Wraps of Depleting Brilliance
40070Hands Mail
Pierced Armguards
40068Wrists Mail
Pierced Clasp
40068Waist Mail
Pierced Gloves
40068Hands Mail
Pierced Hauberk
40068Chest Mail
Pierced Helm
40068Head Mail
Pierced Jambeaux
40068Legs Mail
Pierced Sabatons
40068Feet Mail
Pierced Spaulders
40068Shoulders Mail
Calamitous Shockguards
39870Hands Mail
Calderas of Infused Earth
39870Shoulders Mail
Calderas of Infused Earth
39870Shoulders Mail
Crown of the Awakened
39870Head Mail
Crown of the Awakened
39870Head Mail
Faceguard of Infused Earth
39870Head Mail
Faceguard of Infused Earth
39870Head Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Pinions
39870Shoulders Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Pinions
39870Shoulders Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Skullmask
39870Head Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Skullmask
39870Head Mail
Talons of the Awakened
39870Shoulders Mail
Talons of the Awakened
39870Shoulders Mail
Tassets of the Tarasek Legion
39870Legs Mail
Daring Chasm-Leapers
39570Feet Mail
Gauntlets of Infused Earth
39570Hands Mail
Gauntlets of Infused Earth
39570Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Awakened
39570Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Awakened
39570Hands Mail
Hauberk of the Awakened
39570Chest Mail
Hauberk of the Awakened
39570Chest Mail
Robe of Infused Earth
39570Chest Mail
Robe of Infused Earth
39570Chest Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Cuirass
39570Chest Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Cuirass
39570Chest Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Handguards
39570Hands Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Handguards
39570Hands Mail
Surging-Song Conductors
39570Wrists Mail
Firearrow Belt
39185Waist Mail
Firemend Cinch
39185WaistUnobtainable Mail
Basalt Brood Stompers
38970Feet Mail
Bracers of the Awakened
38970Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Awakened
38970Wrists Mail
Chain of the Awakened
38970Waist Mail
Chain of the Awakened
38970Waist Mail
Cuffs of Infused Earth
38970Wrists Mail
Cuffs of Infused Earth
38970Wrists Mail
Embar's Ashen Hauberk
38970Chest Mail
Eranog's Adorned Sallet
38970Head Mail
Faulds of Infused Earth
38970Waist Mail
Faulds of Infused Earth
38970Waist Mail
Faultline Mantle
38970Shoulders Mail
Frozen Claw Mantle
38970Shoulders Mail
Frozen Claw Mantle
38970Shoulders Mail
Horns of the Futurebane
38970Head Mail
Lavamancer's Ceremonial Waistguard
38970Waist Mail
Lavamancer's Ceremonial Waistguard
38970Waist Mail
Leggings of Infused Earth
38970Legs Mail
Leggings of Infused Earth
38970Legs Mail
Legguards of the Awakened
38970Legs Mail
Legguards of the Awakened
38970Legs Mail
Petrified Bracelets
38970Wrists Mail
Storm Chaser's Waistguard
38970Waist Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Belt
38970Waist Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Belt
38970Waist Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Greaves
38970Legs Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Greaves
38970Legs Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Sabatons
38970Feet Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Sabatons
38970Feet Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Wristguards
38970Wrists Mail
Stormwing Harrier's Wristguards
38970Wrists Mail
Treads of Infused Earth
38970Feet Mail
Treads of Infused Earth
38970Feet Mail
Treads of the Awakened
38970Feet Mail
Treads of the Awakened
38970Feet Mail
Unnatural Dripstone Cinch
38970Waist Mail
Loszkeleth's Blighted Skullhelm
38570Head Mail
Bequeathed Cowl
38570Head In the Wake of the Ashes Mail
Ghostworld Chestguard
Raid Finder
38485Chest Mail
Girdle of Shamanic Fury
Raid Finder
38485Waist Mail
Gloves of Ghostly Dreams
Raid Finder
38485Hands Mail
Sabatons of the Graceful Spirit
Raid Finder
38485Feet Mail
Wolfdream Circlet
Raid Finder
38485Head Mail