

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Pendant of the Battle-Mage
31Neck Ar'kelos the Guardian Neck
Pendant of the Gaping Chasm
25Neck Just Trying to Kill Some Bugs Neck
Pendant of the Ill-Advised
23Neck Ix'lar the Underlord Neck
Pendant of the Kaldorei
5040NeckLooted Neck
Pendant of the Lost Dynasty
37Neck Securing the Province Neck
Pendant of the Mage City
41570Neck Neck
Pendant of the Marsh
30Neck Drain Schematics Neck
Perennial Pompon Pendant
41570Neck Neck
Pink Sapphire Necklace
3126NeckLooted Neck
Pinpoint Choker
35Neck A Bird in Hand Neck
Platinum Medallion
3529NeckLooted Neck
Preserver's Medallion
30Neck Escape from Umbrafen Neck
Primalist Pendant
20058Neck Neck
Prismatic Pendant
2925NeckLooted Neck
Pruning Pendant
33Neck Wolfsbane Root Neck
Psychotic Scholar's Chain
44Neck The Headmistress' Keys Neck
Pugnacious Collar
32NeckQuest Neck
Puissance-Infused Pendant
32NeckQuest Neck
Purified Jaedenar Amulet
24Neck The Inner Circle Neck
Queensfang Choker
40070Neck Neck
Quick Laestrite Choker
10050NeckCrafted Neck
Quicksilver Pendant
2923NeckLooted Neck
Radiant Charm of Elune
44Neck Tears for Fears Neck
Razorbeak Amulet
19Neck Razorbeak Friends Neck
Reaper's Amulet
23Neck Darkcloud Grimtotem Neck
Reclaimed Maldraxxi Choker
8548Neck Trench Warfare Neck
Red Crane Pendant
37Neck Securing the Province Neck
Remembrance of the Fallen City
40070Neck Neck
Remembrancer's Radiant Jewels
41570Neck Neck
Rensai's Necklace
38Neck Thinning the Sik'thik Neck
Rescuer's Ripcord
33Neck Parachutes for the Argent Crusade Neck
Re-Wound Cogspring
35Neck Fixer Upper Neck
Ritual Neckguard
33NeckQuest Neck
Rough-Hammered Silver Necklace
5040NeckLooted Neck
Royal Zandalari Pendant
59Neck Neck
Ruby Pendant of Fire
2518NeckCrafted Neck
Ruhkmari Amulet
4239NeckLooted, Skinned Neck
Ruinrain Medallion
4440Neck Neck
Runed Clamshell Choker
32NeckQuest Neck
Runetusk Necklace
5Neck Neck
Sabermaw Mauler's Chain
43Neck Neck
Sabermaw Mauler's Gorget
43Neck Gobnapped Neck
Sabermaw Mystic's Necklace
43Neck Neck
Sabermaw Mystic's Pendant
43Neck Gobnapped Neck
Sabermaw Scarfang's Choker
43Neck Gobnapped Neck
Sacred Stone Amulet
39Neck The Klaxxi Council Neck
Samu's Inkwell Pendant
8548Neck And Then There Were None Neck
Sapphire Pendant of Winter Night
2822NeckCrafted Neck
Scarab's Shell
1Neck Neck
Scavenger's Amulet
37Neck Neck
Scavenger's Choker
37Neck Neck
Scavenger's Locket
37Neck Neck
Scavenger's Necklace
37Neck Neck
Scavenger's Pendant
37Neck Neck
Scorching Choker
37Neck Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Neck
Scorching Necklace
37Neck Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Neck
Scorching Pendant
37Neck Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Neck
Scourge Ghoul Collar
33NeckQuest Neck
Scout's Dog Tags
41510Neck Neck
Scout's War-Chain
41510Neck Neck
Sedai's Necklace
30Neck Makuru's Vengeance Neck
Selenium Chain
2721NeckLooted Neck
Seraphic Medallion
3530Neck Neck
Seraphic Necklace
3530Neck Neck
Serpentine Chain
3428NeckLooted Neck
Shadar Chain Pendant
42Neck The Purge of Veil Shadar Neck
Shadar Choker
42Neck The Purge of Veil Shadar Neck
Shadar Gorget
42Neck The Purge of Veil Shadar Neck
Shadar Medallion
42Neck The Purge of Veil Shadar Neck
Shadar Spirit Beads
42Neck The Purge of Veil Shadar Neck
Shadowfire Necklace
3732NeckCrafted Neck
Shadowsage Amulet
4238NeckLooted Neck
Shadowstalking Choker
3530Neck Neck
Sha-Haunted Locket
37Neck Securing the Province Neck
Shaleshell Pendant
5940Neck Neck
Shaleshell Pendant
5940Neck Neck
Shamanic Amulet
3732NeckLooted Neck
Shark-Toothed Necklace
3328NeckLooted Neck
Shikaar Chain
20058Neck Neck
Sik'thik Locket
38Neck Thinning the Sik'thik Neck
Silken Cord Amulet
3429NeckLooted Neck
Silver Rope Chain
3227NeckLooted Neck
Silver Rose Pendant
2013NeckCrafted Neck
Sishir Amulet
3529NeckLooted Neck
Skulldugger Choker
4440Neck Neck
Skywatch Adherant Gorget
42Neck Hardly Working Neck
Skywatch Adherant Necklace
42Neck Hardly Working Neck
Skywatch Adherent Choker
42Neck Hardly Working Neck
Skywatch Adherent Locket
42Neck Hardly Working Neck
Skywatch Adherent Pendant
42Neck Hardly Working Neck
Small Pouch of Incense
19Neck Backdoor Dealings Neck
Small Pouch of Incense
19Neck Backdoor Dealings Neck
Smoothed Spiritstone
41NeckQuest Neck
Snake Entwined Necklace
3227NeckLooted Neck
Sorrowmurk Amulet
3632NeckLooted Neck
Soulbind Choker
35Neck Testing the Trap Neck
Soulcrystal Dust Pendant
42Neck The Heart of Auchindoun Neck
Soulflayer's Collar of Bones
44Neck Accessories of the Cursed Neck
Soulkeeper Amulet
4137NeckLooted Neck
Soulward Medallion
4440Neck Neck