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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Hunter's Insignia Medal
29Neck Neck
Kezan's Taint
29Neck Neck
Maelstrom's Tendril
29Neck Neck
Nature's Whisper
29Neck Neck
Necklace of Sanctuary
29Neck Neck
Necklace of the Dawn
29Neck Neck
Pebble of Kajaro
29Neck Neck
Strength of Mugamba
29Neck Neck
The Eye of Zuldazar
29Neck Neck
Vision of Voodress
29Neck Neck
Zandalarian Shadow Talisman
29Neck Neck
Hula Girl Doll
29Neck Neck
Marvelous Madstone of Immortality
29Neck Neck
Problem Solving Pendant
29Neck Neck
Talisman of True Treasure Tracking
29Neck Neck
Amulet of Newfound Knowledge
28Neck Neck
Conqueror's Medallion
28Neck Neck
Heroic Commendation Medal
28Neck Neck
Opaline Medallion
28Neck Neck
Sunprism Pendant
28Neck Neck
Voice Amplification Modulator
28Neck Neck
Arcane Crystal Pendant
27Neck Neck
Dream Amulet
27Neck Neck
Dream Medallion
27Neck Neck
Dream Pendant
27Neck Neck
Will of the Martyr
27Neck Neck
Chimaera Heart Pendant
27Neck Neck
Felstone Good Luck Charm
27Neck Neck
Firewater Amulet
27Neck Neck
Amulet of the Thorium Brotherhood
26Neck Neck
Pulsating Crystalline Shard
26Neck Neck
Woven Ivy Necklace
26Neck Neck
Amulet of the Kaldorei Spirit
26Neck Neck
Flamestar Amulet
26Neck Neck
Flamestar Amulet
26Neck Neck
Charm of Potent and Powerful Passions
26Neck Neck
Demon Heart Pendant
25Neck Neck
Kelsey's Necklace
25Neck Neck
Kelsey's Necklace
25Neck Neck
Amulet of Living Wood
25Neck Neck
Bilgewater Brooch
25Neck Neck
Gnomeregan Medallion of Merit
25Neck Neck
Gretel's Pendant
25Neck Neck
Jack's Lucky Charm
25Neck Neck
Pendant of the Gaping Chasm
25Neck Neck
Amberglow Talisman
24Neck Neck
Dragon's Blood Necklace
24Neck Neck
Gidwin's Medallion
24Neck Neck
Koristrasza's Amulet
24Neck Neck
Medal of Courage
24Neck Neck
Choker of the High Shaman
24Neck Neck
Purified Jaedenar Amulet
24Neck Neck
Amulet of Spilling Blood
23Neck Neck
Light-Touched Pendant
23Neck Neck
Pendant of the Ill-Advised
23Neck Neck
Reaper's Amulet
23Neck Neck
Chain of Emeriss
22Neck Neck
Chain of Emeriss
22Neck Neck
Chain of Lethon
22Neck Neck
Chain of Lethon
22Neck Neck
Chain of Taerar
22Neck Neck
Chain of Taerar
22Neck Neck
Gift of the Banshee Queen
22Neck Neck
Scarlet Necklace of Paradise
22Neck Neck
Talvash's Enhancing Necklace
22Neck Neck
Wyrmbog Amulet
22Neck Neck
Explorers' League Commendation
22Neck Neck
Kodobone Necklace
22Neck Neck
Mirage Amulet
22Neck Neck
Mirage Amulet
22Neck Neck
Polished Pendant of Edible Energy
22Neck Neck
Herod's Medallion
21Neck Neck
Herod's Medallion
21Neck Neck
Zealous Shadowshard Pendant
21Neck Neck
Andrea's Locket
21Neck Neck
Argent Medallion
21Neck Neck
Pendant of Ferocity
21Neck Neck
Zen'Kiki's Thanks
21Neck Neck
Airburst Amulet
20Neck Neck
Booty Bay Pendant
20Neck Neck
Frazzlecraz Necklace
20Neck Neck
Tumultuous Necklace
20Neck Neck
Tumultuous Necklace
20Neck Neck
Tumultuous Necklace
20Neck Neck
Dorn's Amulet
20Neck Neck
Mankrik's Amulet
20Neck Neck
Whalefang Pendant
20Neck Neck
Flashfire Collar
19Neck Neck
Grounding Choker
19Neck Neck
Grounding Choker
19Neck Neck
Choker of Renewal
19Neck Neck
Luring Necklace
19Neck Neck
Necklace of Evil Faces
19Neck Neck
Necklace of Evil Faces
19Neck Neck
Razorbeak Amulet
19Neck Neck
Small Pouch of Incense
19Neck Neck
Small Pouch of Incense
19Neck Neck
Steelwing Pendant
19Neck Neck
Torntusk Pendant
19Neck Neck
Ambassador's Amulet
18Neck Neck