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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Darkmoon Necklace
2013Neck Mages Deck Neck
Darkmoon Pendant
2013Neck Mages Deck Neck
Frazzlecraz Necklace
20Neck The Deed Is Done Neck
Ghostshard Talisman
2013Neck Neck
Kaleidoscope Chain
2013NeckLooted Neck
Master Sergeant's Insignia
2013Neck Neck
Scorn's Icy Choker
2013Neck Neck
Senior Sergeant's Insignia
2013Neck Neck
Stygian Bone Amulet
2013NeckLooted Neck
Tumultuous Necklace
20NeckLooted Neck
Tumultuous Necklace
20NeckLooted Neck
Tumultuous Necklace
20NeckLooted Neck
Dorn's Amulet
20Neck Mangletooth Neck
Emberspark Pendant
2013Neck Big Crate of Salvage Neck
Greenstone Talisman
2013NeckLooted, Fished Neck
Heavy Golden Necklace of Battle
2013NeckCrafted Neck
Mankrik's Amulet
20Neck Mangletooth Neck
Mark of the Kirin Tor
2013Neck Big Crate of Salvage Neck
Necklace of Harmony
2013Neck Big Crate of Salvage Neck
Pendant of Myzrael
2013NeckLooted Neck
Silver Rose Pendant
2013NeckCrafted Neck
Whalefang Pendant
20Neck Blubbergut Neck
Armsmaster's Sealed Locket
1912NeckLooted Neck
Flashfire Collar
19Neck Rider on the Storm Neck
Grounding Choker
19Neck Putting Their Heads Together Neck
Grounding Choker
19Neck Putting Their Heads Together Neck
River Pride Choker
1912NeckLooted Neck
Scorched Scarlet Key
1912NeckLooted Neck
Scout's Medallion
1912Neck Neck
Sentinel's Medallion
1912Neck Neck
Temperature-Sensing Necklace
1912NeckLooted Neck
Basalt Necklace
1912NeckLooted Neck
Cerulean Talisman
1912NeckLooted Neck
Choker of Renewal
19Neck Elune's Gifts Neck
Crystal Starfire Medallion
1912NeckLooted, Fished Neck
Gnomeregan Amulet
1912Neck Sparklematic-Wrapped Box Neck
Luring Necklace
19Neck Gammerita, Mon! Neck
Necklace of Evil Faces
19Neck Faces of Evil Neck
Necklace of Evil Faces
19Neck Faces of Evil Neck
Pendant of the Agate Shield
1912NeckCrafted Neck
Razorbeak Amulet
19Neck Razorbeak Friends Neck
Small Pouch of Incense
19Neck Backdoor Dealings Neck
Small Pouch of Incense
19Neck Backdoor Dealings Neck
Steelwing Pendant
19Neck It's Ours Now Neck
Torntusk Pendant
19Neck It's Ours Now Neck
Tundra Necklace
1912NeckLooted, Fished Neck
Wolfpack Medallion
1912Neck Big Crate of Salvage Neck
Ambassador's Amulet
18Neck Dances with Grimtotem Neck
Orthus' Amulet
18Neck To Be Horde... Neck
Amulet of Brilliant Talent
18Neck If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around... Neck
Amulet of the Moon
1811NeckCrafted Neck
Barbaric Iron Collar
1811NeckCrafted Neck
Basilisk Scale Necklace
18Neck There's Somebody Out There Who Wants It Neck
Crawling Amulet
18Neck Spy Infestation Neck
Glowing Green Talisman
1811NeckLooted Neck
Goris' Medallion
18Neck Good-Fer-Nothin' Slither-Dogs Neck
Northwatch Amulet
18Neck Armaments for War Neck
Spectral Necklace
1811NeckLooted Neck
Thal'darah's Pendant
18Neck Save the Children! Neck
Velvet Choker
18Neck Primal Reagents of Power Neck
Compassionate Critter's Friend
18Neck Neck
Overlord's Favor
17Neck Ashes to Ashes Neck
Spy-Mistress' Necklace
Hook Charm Necklace
1610NeckLooted Neck
Amulet of Shrill Screams
16Neck Windshear Mine Cleanup Neck
Brilliant Necklace
1610NeckCrafted Neck
Bronze Torc
1610NeckCrafted Neck
Pendant of Good Fortune
1610Neck Neck
Scout's Medallion
149Neck Neck
Sentinel's Medallion
149Neck Neck
Thick Bronze Necklace
148NeckCrafted Neck
Timerunner's Amulet
1310Neck Neck
Hematite Tortoise Pendant
138NeckLooted Neck
Ornate Tigerseye Necklace
127NeckCrafted Neck
Shark's Tooth of Bona Fide Fluidic Mobility
12Neck Neck
Malachite Pendant
116NeckCrafted Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Choker of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Choker of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Choker of Endurance
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Choker of Endurance
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Choker of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Choker of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Necklace of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Necklace of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Necklace of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Contemplation
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Contemplation
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Meditation
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Meditation
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Tournament Gladiator's Pendant of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Neck Neck
Alliance Dog Tags
5NeckQuest Neck
Runetusk Necklace
5Neck Neck
War-Chain of the Horde
5NeckQuest Neck
Stone of Stupendous Springing Strides
5Neck Neck
Infallible Tikbalang Ward
2Neck Neck
Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed
1Neck Neck