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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Primal Combatant's Choker of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Choker of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Choker of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Necklace of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Necklace of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Necklace of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Necklace of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Contemplation
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Contemplation
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Meditation
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Meditation
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Primal Combatant's Pendant of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440NeckLooted Neck
Rageflame Choker
4440NeckLooted Neck
Reinforced Bloodsteel Gorget
44NeckLooted Neck
Ripcurrent Chain
4440Neck Munificent Choker Neck
Skulltooth Chain
44NeckLooted Neck
Sorcerer-King Toe Ring
4435Neck Neck
Springrain Choker
4440Neck Neck
Springrain Choker
4440Neck Neck
Springrain Medallion
4440Neck Neck
Springrain Necklace
4440Neck Neck
Stalwart Crystalline Pendant
4440Neck Neck
Stormshot Choker
44NeckLooted Neck
Streamtalker Choker
4440Neck Neck
Streamtalker Medallion
4440Neck Neck
Streamtalker Necklace
4440Neck Neck
Sunsoul Amulet
4440Neck Neck
Sunsoul Necklace
4440Neck Neck
Sunsoul Pendant
4440Neck Neck
The Violaceous Pearl
4439NeckLooted Neck
Three-Egg Pendant Necklace
4435NeckLooted Neck
Tideskorn Jarl's Pendant
4439NeckLooted Neck
Torq of Noble Primacy
4440Neck Munificent Choker Neck
Torq of Soothing Waters
4440NeckLooted Neck
Trailseeker Choker
4440Neck Neck
Tranquil Crystalline Pendant
4440Neck Neck
Trophy-Skull Choker
44NeckLooted Neck
Unpopped Pustule Pendant
4435NeckLooted Neck
Vexed Chain
4440NeckLooted Neck
Vexed Necklace
4440NeckLooted Neck
Vexed Pendant
4440NeckLooted Neck
Void-Touched Diamond Necklace
4435NeckLooted Neck
Wavesurge Choker
44NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Choker of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Choker of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Choker of Endurance
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Choker of Endurance
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Choker of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Choker of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Necklace of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Necklace of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Necklace of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Necklace of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Contemplation
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Contemplation
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Meditation
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Meditation
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Wild Combatant's Pendant of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440NeckLooted Neck
Windseal Necklace
44NeckLooted Neck
Abstruse Medallion
4440Neck Neck
Ancestral Warsong Talisman
44Neck Golmash Hellscream Neck
Animus Pendant
4440NeckLooted Neck
Azurewing Pendant
4440NeckLooted Neck
Bonefeather Talisman
44Neck Shriek No More Neck
Communal Medallion
4440Neck Neck
Communal Necklace
4440Neck Neck
Defiant Amulet
4440Neck Neck
Defiant Pendant
4440Neck Neck
Duskbreaker Amulet
4440Neck Neck
Duskbreaker Necklace
4440Neck Neck
Duskbreaker Pendant
4440Neck Neck
Eroded Warsong Pendant
44Neck Golmash Hellscream Neck
Felblaze Chain
44Neck Arkethrax Neck
Felsoul Medallion
4440Neck Neck
Harmonious Amulet
4440Neck Neck
Harmonious Choker
4440Neck Neck
Harmonious Necklace
4440Neck Neck
Heart-Lesion Amulet
4440Neck Neck
Heart-Lesion Pendant
4440Neck Neck
Illidari Chain
44Neck Neck
Illidari Chain
4440Neck Neck
Inexorable Amulet
4440Neck Neck
Inexorable Pendant
4440Neck Neck
Korgrul's Taming Chain
44Neck Tamer Takedown Neck
Lightdrinker Choker
4440Neck Neck
Medallion of Morashu
44Neck Neck
Mistdancer Amulet
4440Neck Neck
Mistdancer Choker
4440Neck Neck
Mistdancer Necklace
4440NeckLooted Neck
Mountainsage Medallion
4440Neck Neck
Nightfall Chain
4440NeckLooted Neck
Nurturer Choker
4440Neck Neck
Nurturer Choker
4440Neck Neck
Nurturer Medallion
4440Neck Neck