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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sparky's Discarded Helmet
31Head Plate
Spiritualist's Gauntlets
31Hands Plate
Sylvanaar Champion's Shoulders
31Shoulders Plate
Talonguard Armor
3125Chest Plate
Talonguard Bracers
3125Wrists Plate
Talonguard Epaulets
3125Shoulders Plate
Talonguard Girdle
3125Waist Plate
Talonguard Gloves
3125Hands Plate
Talonguard Greaves
3125Feet Plate
Talonguard Helmet
3125Head Plate
Talonguard Legplates
3125Legs Plate
Warmaul Belt
3126Waist Plate
Warmaul Breastplate
3126Chest Plate
Warmaul Epaulets
3126Shoulders Plate
Warmaul Gloves
3126Hands Plate
Warmaul Greaves
3126Feet Plate
Warmaul Helmet
3126Head Plate
Warmaul Legplates
3126Legs Plate
Warmaul Vambraces
3126Wrists Plate
Whiteknuckle Gauntlets
31Hands Plate
Windroc Greaves
31Feet Plate
Flame Scorched Bindings
31Wrists Plate
Avenger's Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Belt of the Grand Crusader
3025Waist Plate
Belt of the Mentor
3025Waist Plate
Conqueror's Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Dreadnaught Bracers
3025Wrists Plate
Dreadnaught Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Dreadnaught Gauntlets
3025Hands Plate
Dreadnaught Helmet
3025Head Plate
Dreadnaught Legplates
3025Legs Plate
Dreadnaught Pauldrons
3025Shoulders Plate
Dreadnaught Sabatons
3025Feet Plate
Dreadnaught Waistguard
3025Waist Plate
Fists of the Unrelenting
3025Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Annihilation
3025Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Unrelenting
3025Hands Plate
Girdle of the Mentor
3025Waist Plate
Leggings of the Grand Crusader
3025Legs Plate
Plated Abomination Ribcage
3025Chest Plate
Plated Construct's Ribcage
3025Chest Plate
Redemption Boots
3025Feet Plate
Redemption Girdle
3025Waist Plate
Redemption Handguards
3025Hands Plate
Redemption Headpiece
3025Head Plate
Redemption Legguards
3025Legs Plate
Redemption Spaulders
3025Shoulders Plate
Redemption Tunic
3025Chest Plate
Redemption Wristguards
3025Wrists Plate
Spaulders of the Grand Crusader
3025Shoulders Plate
Azureplate Greaves
3025Legs Plate
Battlemaster's Breastplate
30Chest Plate
Bog Pauldrons
3025Shoulders Plate
Boots of the Decimator
3025Feet Plate
Breastplate of Blade Turning
3025Chest Plate
Breastplate of Retribution
30Chest Plate
Chestguard of Illumination
3025Chest Plate
Crocolisk Scale Vambraces
3025Wrists Plate
Eagle Crested Pauldrons
30Shoulders Plate
Feathered Girdle
3025Waist Plate
Fleshripper's Bladed Chestplate
30Chest Plate
Gauntlets of Purification
3025Hands Plate
Gilded Crimson Chestplate
30Chest Plate
Girdle of Siege
3025Waist Plate
Golden Cenarion Greaves
30Feet Plate
Greaves of the Iron Guardian
3025Legs Plate
Greaves of the Iron Guardian
3025Legs Plate
Grim Sabatons
3025Feet Plate
Ironblade Gauntlets
3025Hands Plate
Ironblade Gauntlets
3025Hands Plate
Ironsole Clompers
3025Feet Plate
Jade Warrior Pauldrons
30Shoulders Plate
Legion Helm
3025Head Plate
Light-Touched Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Nagascale Legplates
3025Legs Plate
Pauldrons of Brute Force
3025Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of Brute Force
3025Shoulders Plate
PH Plate Ramparts Reward
30Head Plate
Ravenguard's Greaves
3025Feet Plate
Rockwurm Plate Handguards
3025Hands Plate
Studded Girdle of Virtue
3025Waist Plate
Studded Girdle of Virtue
3025Waist Plate
Tenacious Defender
3025Waist Plate
Truth Bearer Shoulderguards
3025Shoulders Plate
Truth Bearer Shoulderguards
3025Shoulders Plate
Unscarred Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Ango'rosh Belt
3024Waist Plate
Ango'rosh Breastplate
3024Chest Plate
Ango'rosh Gauntlets
3024Hands Plate
Ango'rosh Helm
3024Head Plate
Ango'rosh Legguards
3024Legs Plate
Ango'rosh Pauldrons
3024Shoulders Plate
Ango'rosh Sabatons
3024Feet Plate
Ango'rosh Vambraces
3024Wrists Plate
Bloodscale Belt
3025Waist Plate
Bloodscale Bracers
3025Wrists Plate
Bloodscale Breastplate
3025Chest Plate
Bloodscale Gauntlets
3025Hands Plate
Bloodscale Helm
3025Head Plate
Bloodscale Legguards
3025Legs Plate