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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sieging Gauntlets of Erilar
44Hands Wings of Liberty Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets
15860Hands Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Gloves
17560Hands Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Handguards
15860Hands Plate
Sinister Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets
6050HandsLooted Plate
Sinister Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets
6050HandsLooted Plate
Skeletal Gauntlets
1610HandsLooted Plate
Skittering Gauntlets
34HandsLooted Plate
Skittering Gauntlets
34HandsLooted Plate
Skullbreaker Gauntlets
5545Hands Plate
Slatesteel Gauntlets
3227Hands Plate
Sleet Shined Crushers
200Hands Plate
Soraax's Gauntlets of Command
4439Hands Commander Soraax Plate
Sparkly Shiny Gloves
3529Hands Plate
Stalwart Grips
29HandsLooted Plate
Stalwart Grips
20HandsLooted Plate
Steelcore Gauntlets
14860Hands Plate
Sterling Hound-Handler's Gauntlets
20060Hands Plate
Stonegrip Gauntlets
2923HandsLooted Plate
Stonewrought Gauntlets
14860Hands Plate
Stormforged Gauntlets
3630HandsCrafted Plate
Stormgale Fists
2417HandsLooted Plate
Stormwake Handguards
5040HandsLooted Plate
Strip-Thorn Gauntlets
2114HandsLooted Plate
Summit Guardian Gauntlets
39Hands The Leader Hozen Plate
Sunsoul Gauntlets
4440HandsLooted Plate
Sunsoul Gloves
4440Hands Plate
Sunsoul Handguards
4440Hands Plate
Tempered Saronite Gauntlets
3529HandsCrafted Plate
Thatia's Self-Correcting Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Plate
Thatia's Self-Correcting Gauntlets
32HandsLooted Plate
The Hands of Fate
32Hands The Cipher of Damnation - The Third Fragment Recovered Plate
Thunderfall Gauntlets
3830HandsLooted Plate
Time Strand Gauntlets
3732HandsLooted Plate
Triumvirate High Guard's Gauntlets
5045HandsLooted Plate
Truesilver Gauntlets
2417HandsCrafted Plate
Unchained Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets
15860Hands Plate
Unchained Aspirant's Plate Handguards
15860Hands Plate
Valhalas Handguards
1Hands Plate
Vault Guardian's Gauntlets
20060Hands Plate
Vault Guardian's Handguards
20060Hands Plate
Vegetable Chopping Handguards
38Hands Trouble Brewing Plate
Verdant Plate Grips
44HandsLooted Plate
Vice Grips
2519HandsLooted Plate
Vicious Ornate Pyrium Gauntlets
3732HandsCrafted Plate
Vicious Pyrium Gauntlets
3732HandsCrafted Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Dreadplate Gauntlets
Legion Season 1
5045Hands Satchel of Battlefield Spoils Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Dreadplate Gauntlets
Legion Season 1
5045Hands Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Plate Gauntlets
Legion Season 1
5045Hands Satchel of Battlefield Spoils Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Plate Gauntlets
Legion Season 1
5045Hands Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Scaled Gauntlets
Legion Season 1
5045Hands Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Scaled Gauntlets
Legion Season 1
5045Hands Plate
Viper's Stone Handguards
43768Hands Plate
Voidclaw Gauntlets
5040HandsLooted Plate
Wall Breaker Gauntlets
3935Hands Plate
Wallwatcher Gauntlets
39Hands The Leader Hozen Plate
Wardenguard's Battlegloves
6050HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Dreadplate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Dreadplate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Plate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Plate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Plate Gloves
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Plate Gloves
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Scaled Gauntlets
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Scaled Gauntlets
Warlords Season 3
4540HandsLooted Plate
Warmonger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Warsong Gauntlets
17HandsUnobtainable Plate
Web Winder Gloves
35HandsLooted Plate
Web Winder Gloves
3530HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Dreadplate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Dreadplate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Plate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Plate Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Plate Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Plate Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Scaled Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Wild Combatant's Scaled Gauntlets
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Plate
Winterborn Gauntlets
15550Hands Plate
World-Defiler's Gauntlets
5045HandsLooted Plate
Xander's Gauntlets
4439HandsLooted Plate
Zealous Fervor Handguards
39Hands Unto Dust Thou Shalt Return Plate
"Jenny's" Gloves
13Hands Do it for Twinkles Plate
[PH] 11.0 - Gauntlets
54580Hands Plate
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Gauntlets
35060Hands Plate
10.0 QRP Template <Descriptor> Gauntlets
20058Hands Plate
10.0 Zone Uncommon Template <Descriptor> Gauntlets
20060Hands Plate
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Plate Hands
6050Hands Plate
9.0 Covenant - Maldraxxus - Plate Hands
6050Hands Plate
9.0 Covenant - Revendreth - Plate Hands
6050Hands Plate
Acherus Knight's Gauntlets
298Hands Plate
Alabaster Plate Gauntlets
2721HandsLooted Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Gauntlets
57780Hands Plate
Amberplate Grips
32HandsQuest Plate
Ancestral Gauntlets
33Hands You Reap What You Sow Plate
Ancient Handguards
10Hands The Devourer of Darkshore Plate
Ango'rosh Gauntlets
3024HandsLooted Plate
Arcane Defender's Gauntlets
5040HandsLooted Plate
Area 52 Engineering Gloves
31Hands Elemental Power Extraction Plate
Armed Gauntlets
27Hands Mostly Harmless Plate
Art Template Plate Hand - Plate_Cataclysm_B_01 - Blue
179HandsUnobtainable Plate