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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Grasps of the Unyielding
16Hands Plate
Grasp of Winged Triumph
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the Lost Catacomb
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the Last Mogu
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the All-Consuming Maw
110Hands Plate
Grasp of Resounding Rings
110Hands Plate
Grasp of Cyclopean Dread
110Hands Plate
Granite Grips
25Hands Plate
Gothic Plate Gauntlets
2418Hands Plate
Golem Gauntlets
3429Hands Plate
Goldtalon Gloves
38Hands Plate
Gloves of Unforgotten Vows
14Hands Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Plate
Gloves of the Stela
36Hands Plate
Gloves of the Plate Fist
6Hands Plate
Gloves of Brawn
15Hands Plate
Glorious Gauntlets
2822Hands Plate
Glimmerhoof Gauntlets
10050Hands Plate
Glass Lake Gloves
37Hands Plate
Giddy's Old Gloves
22Hands Plate
Ghost-Forged Gauntlets
3732Hands Plate
Geocrag Grips
6050Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Winged Triumph
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Lost Catacomb
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Last Mogu
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Holy Gladiator
34Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Gatherer
33Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Crimson Guardian
32Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Altar
33Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the All-Consuming Maw
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Resounding Rings
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Kix'arak's Bane
40070Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Guerilla Fury
35Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Dimming Fluorescence
40070Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Delicate Aim
36Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Cyclopean Dread
110Hands Plate
Gatecrasher Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Garothi Gauntlets
5040Hands Plate
Gallywix Laborer's Gloves
5Hands Plate
Frostwolf Stalwart Gauntlets
40Hands Plate
Frostpaw Gauntlets
3428Hands Plate
Front-Line Gauntlets
29Hands Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Handguards
40Hands Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Gauntlets
41Hands Plate
Fortified Oven Mitts
5Hands Plate
Fortified Librarian's Grips
44Hands Plate
Forgotten Peacekeeper Gauntlets
3835Hands Plate
Forged Aspirant's Plate Handguards
54580Hands Plate
Forged Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets
54580Hands Plate
Flamethrower's Gloves
17Hands Plate
Fire Hardened Gauntlets
19Hands Plate
Field Plate Gauntlets
2217Hands Plate
Fel Iron Plate Gloves
3025Hands Plate
Fat Finger Gloves
25Hands Plate
Fargodeep Gauntlets
3630Hands Plate
Fallen Protector Handguards
41570Hands Plate
Faded Forest Heavy Gauntlets
3732Hands Plate
Faded Forest Burnished Gloves
3732Hands Plate
Faded Forest Armored Gauntlets
3732Hands Plate
Expeditionary Plate Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Expeditionary Plate Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Expedition Guard's Gauntlets
20058Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Handlers
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Handguards
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Grasps
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Crushers
50Hands Plate
Exalted Gauntlets
2923Hands Plate
Everbright Grasp
110Hands Plate
Ettinbone Gauntlets
4440Hands Plate
Emerald Mist Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Emerald Gauntlets
2822Hands Plate
Embossed Plate Gauntlets
2317Hands Plate
Embercrusher Grips
35Hands Plate
Ebonsoul Handguards
3530Hands Plate
Ebonsoul Gauntlets
3530Hands Plate
Eastwall Gauntlets
23Hands Plate
Earthforged Handguards
54570Hands Plate
Earthen Traveler's Gauntlets
40070Hands Plate
Earthen Gauntlets
13Hands Plate
Duskbreaker Gloves
4440Hands Plate
Duskbreaker Gloves
4440Hands Plate
Duskbreaker Gloves
4440Hands Plate
Dreambound Gauntlets
35070Hands Plate
Dreadsworn Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Dreadmaul Gauntlets
3529Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Strikers
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Handguards
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Grips
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Gloves
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Draconic Combatant's Draconium Gauntlets
33070Hands Plate
Draconic Aspirant's Plate Handguards
45470Hands Plate
Draconic Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets
45470Hands Plate
Dojani Handwraps
37Hands Plate
Dojani Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Dirty Rotten Gloves
13Hands Plate