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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Mahar's Gift
28Legs Plate
Malleable Chain Leggings
16Legs Plate
Marsh Fire Legguards
15Legs Plate
Mawsworn Guard's Legguards
20060Legs Plate
Medical Officer Legguards
25Legs Plate
Mercenary Leggings
18Legs Plate
Midrealm Leggings
32Legs Plate
Mightstone Legplates
32Legs Plate
Miner Legplates
3732Legs Plate
Mistwalker Armored Legguards
37Legs Plate
Mistwalker Burnished Legplates
37Legs Plate
Mistwalker Heavy Legguards
37Legs Plate
Monel-Hardened Greaves
5245Legs Plate
Monel-Hardened Greaves
5245Legs Plate
Moonshatter Greaves
5040Legs Plate
Mountain-Lord's Legguards
25Legs Plate
Mountainscaler Armored Legguards
3733Legs Plate
Mountainscaler Burnished Legplates
3733Legs Plate
Mountainscaler Heavy Legguards
3733Legs Plate
Munificent Legguards
32Legs Plate
Murkblood Avenger's Legplates
31Legs Plate
Narsong Legplates
37Legs Plate
Nar'thalas Greaves
44Legs Plate
Nar'thalas Legguards
44Legs Plate
Nazmani Warplate Greaves
50Legs Plate
Nazmani Warplate Legguards
50Legs Plate
Nazmani Warplate Legplates
50Legs Plate
Nazmani Warplate Pants
50Legs Plate
Nazmani Warplate Wargreaves
50Legs Plate
Necropolis Legplates
3530Legs Plate
Night Guardian Legguards
10050Legs Plate
Nightsfall Legguards
5040Legs Plate
Nimboya's Legguards
18Legs Plate
Nokhud Reaver Legplates
20058Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legguards
6850Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legguards
6850Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legguards
5045Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legguards
4440Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legguards
3935Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legguards
3935Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
6850Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
6850Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
5045Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
4440Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
4440Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
44Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
3935Legs Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
3935Legs Plate
Obsidian Combatant's Draconium Greaves
33070Legs Plate
Oil-Stained Leggings
6Legs Plate
Ornate Mithril Pants
2417Legs Plate
Overlord's Legplates
2620Legs Plate
Palewind Legguards
38Legs Plate
Palewind Pantaloons
38Legs Plate
Paoquan Burnished Legplates
37Legs Plate
Plainsguard Leggings
18Legs Plate
Plainsthunder Legguards
43Legs Plate
Plainstrider Leg Armor
5Legs Plate
Plainwatcher Legplates
32Legs Plate
Plated Legs of the Unholy
34Legs Plate
Plated Magnataur Leggings
33Legs Plate
Portalguard Legplates
5040Legs Plate
Primordial Bloodsoaked Legplates
3835Legs Plate
Protective Engineer's Leggings
22Legs Plate
Purifier's Pantaloons
33Legs Plate
QR 9867 Warrior Legs
105Legs Plate
Rastari Greaves
50Legs Plate
Rastari Legguards
50Legs Plate
Rastari Legplates
50Legs Plate
Rastari Pants
50Legs Plate
Rastari Wargreaves
50Legs Plate
Rattling Bone Legguards
6050Legs Plate
Ravencrest Legplates
3631Legs Plate
Ravenskar Legplates
4238Legs Plate
Razorfin Legplates
6050Legs Plate
Rear Guard Britches
6Legs Plate
Reaver Legplates
3126Legs Plate
Redridge Legguards
11Legs Plate
Redsteel Legguards
3731Legs Plate
Reinforced Cobalt Legplates
3429Legs Plate
Restored Mennaran Plate
6Legs Plate
Rethban Legplates
3529Legs Plate
Revenant Leggings
2720Legs Plate
Revenant Legguards
3529Legs Plate
Reverbium-Flecked Legplates
4440Legs Plate
Rhut'van Legplates
4440Legs Plate
Rimeplate Legplates
3935Legs Plate
Riptide Legguards
35Legs Plate
Riptide Legguards
35Legs Plate
Rockard Greaves
28Legs Plate
Rockbound Legguards
5040Legs Plate
Rockspine Legplates
3936Legs Plate
Roland's Legguards
14Legs Plate
Rooksguard Legguards
44Legs Plate
Ruby Plate Legplates
4035Legs Plate
Runed Sketh'lon Legplates
32Legs Plate
Runic Plate Leggings
2924Legs Plate
Saltstone LegChains
2217Legs Plate
Salvaged Plate Leggings
7Legs Plate
Sea Legs
19Legs Plate