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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Pauldrons
38270Shoulders Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
38270Shoulders Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
38270Shoulders Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
38270Shoulders Plate
Dazhak's Desiccated Wingbones
38270Shoulders Plate
Bestowed Pauldrons
38270Shoulders Sight Beyond Sight Plate
Tuskarr Boneplate Pauldrons
37670Shoulders Plate
Flaskzertauren's Plate Shoulderguards
370120Shoulders Plate
Obsidian Aspirant's Plate Pauldrons
36670Shoulders Plate
Obsidian Aspirant's Plate Shoulders
36670Shoulders Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Shoulderplates
360120Shoulders Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Shoulderplates
360120Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of Hidden Stars
35070ShouldersLooted Plate
Primal Molten Pauldrons
35070Shoulders Plate
zzOldPauldrons of the Dragon
35070Shoulders Plate
Cragforge Pauldrons
35060Shoulders Plate
Dalaran Defender's Spaulders
35070ShouldersVendor Plate
Draconic Warmonger's Spaulders
35060Shoulders Plate
Drakebreaker's Mantle
35060Shoulders Plate
Forged Warmonger's Spaulders
35068Shoulders Plate
Hellbloom Spaulders
35060Shoulders Plate
Mantle of Raging Tempests
35070Shoulders Plate
Scalewarden's Plate Spaulders
35060Shoulders Plate
Terrorclaw Shoulderplates
35060Shoulders Plate
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Mantle
35060Shoulders Plate
Deepflayer Shoulderguards
35070Shoulders Plate
Dreambound Mantle
35070Shoulders Plate
Secret-Dredger's Mantle
35070ShouldersLooted Plate
Suffused Mantle
35070Shoulders Plate
Wyrmforged Mantle
35060Shoulders Plate
Zaralek Surveyor's Mantle
35070Shoulders Plate
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
350Shoulders Plate
Crimson Aspirant's Plate Pauldrons
34070Shoulders Plate
Crimson Aspirant's Plate Shoulders
34070Shoulders Plate
Crimson Combatant's Draconium Pauldrons
33070Shoulders Plate
Draconic Combatant's Draconium Pauldrons
33070Shoulders Plate
Obsidian Combatant's Draconium Pauldrons
33070Shoulders Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Pauldrons
33070Shoulders Plate
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
330Shoulders Plate
Highfather's Burden
31468Shoulders Plate
10.0 Raid Template - Plate - Shoulder
28070Shoulders Plate
Explorer's Expert Spaulders
270Shoulders Plate
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
27080Shoulders Plate
Luminous Chevalier's Epaulets
25260Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of the Infinite Infantry
25260Shoulders Plate
Shoulderplates of the First Eidolon
25260Shoulders Plate
Firestorm Pauldrons
25260Shoulders Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Pauldrons
25210Shoulders Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Pauldrons
25210Shoulders Plate
10.0 Dungeon Template - Plate - Shoulder
25058Shoulders Plate
Hardened Scale Shoulderguards
25058Shoulders Plate
Mantle of Crushing Waves
25058Shoulders Plate
Nokhud Traditionalist's Pauldrons
25058Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of Immutable Truth
25058Shoulders Plate
Starless Mantle
25070Shoulders Plate
Enduring Protector's Shoulderguards
24260Shoulders Plate
Sorranos' Gleaming Pauldrons
24260Shoulders Plate
Numerus Shoulderplates
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Plate
Spires of Broken Hope
23360Shoulders Plate
Gluttonous Gardbrace
22660Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of Possible Afterlives
22660Shoulders Plate
Ruinous Warchief's Shoulderguards
22660Shoulders Plate
Harmonium Spaulders
22660Shoulders Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
20060Shoulders Plate
Dreamfire Pauldrons
20070Shoulders Plate
Epaulets of Overwhelming Force
20060Shoulders Plate
Eternal Gladiator's Plate Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Eternal Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
20060Shoulders Plate
Sinful Gladiator's Plate Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Sinful Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
20060Shoulders Plate
Unchained Gladiator's Plate Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Unchained Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
20060Shoulders Plate
Bloodspattered Shoulders of the Flayer
20060Shoulders Plate
Reinforced Stygian Spaulders
20060Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of the Skyborn Damned
20060Shoulders Plate
Vault Guardian's Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Vault Guardian's Shoulderplates
20060Shoulders Plate
10.0 QRP Template <Descriptor> Spaulders
20058Shoulders Plate
10.0 Zone Uncommon Template <Descriptor> Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Expedition Guard's Spaulders
20058Shoulders Plate
Mawsworn Guard's Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Nokhud Reaver Shoulderguards
20058Shoulders Plate
Plundered Gjalerbron Pauldrons
200110Shoulders Plate
Shorebreaker's Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Sleet Shined Shoulderguards
200Shoulders Plate
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Plate Shoulderguards
20050Shoulders Plate
Corroded Plate Shoulderguards
20050ShouldersLooted Plate
Crumbling Plate Shoulderguards
20040Shoulders Plate
Tabone's Branded Pauldrons
19060Shoulders Plate
Sinful Aspirant's Plate Shoulderplates
17560Shoulders Plate
Shadowghast Pauldrons
17560ShouldersCrafted Plate
Shadowsteel Pauldrons
16560ShouldersCrafted Plate
Black Rook Elite Shoulderplates
164Shoulders Plate
Cosmic Aspirant's Plate Pauldrons
15860Shoulders Plate
Cosmic Aspirant's Plate Shoulders
15860Shoulders Plate
Eternal Aspirant's Plate Pauldrons
15860Shoulders Plate
Eternal Aspirant's Plate Shoulders
15860Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of Unleashed Pride
15860Shoulders Plate
Prankster's Pauldrons
15860Shoulders Plate