

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Crimson Carapace Girdle
4440Waist Formidable Girdle Plate
Crazed Bomber's Girdle
4440Waist Grandiose Girdle Plate
Charred Blackrock Iron Waistplate
4440WaistLooted Plate
Bouldercrush Girdle
4440Waist Plate
Blade-Chipped Waistguard
4440WaistLooted Plate
Befouled Demonhide Belt
4440WaistLooted Plate
Ashelia's Adorned Waistguard
4440WaistLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Girdle of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Girdle of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Plate
Warmongering Combatant's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Plate
Felforged Waistplate
45Waist Small Legion Chest Plate
Wild Gladiator's Scaled Clasp
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Plate Girdle
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Ornamented Clasp
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Girdle of Victory
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Girdle of Victory
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Plate
Wild Gladiator's Dreadplate Girdle
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Plate
Ravenous Girdle
4540WaistLooted, Black Market AH Plate
Girdle of Savage Resolve
4540WaistLooted, Black Market AH Plate
Girdle of Demonic Wrath
4540WaistLooted Plate
Annihilan's Waistplate
4540WaistLooted, Black Market AH Plate
Leystone Waistguard
4640WaistCrafted Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Scaled Clasp
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Plate Girdle
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Ornamented Clasp
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Girdle of Victory
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Girdle of Victory
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Plate
Warmongering Gladiator's Dreadplate Girdle
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Plate
Xorothian Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Wracksoul Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Waycrest Militia Greatbelt
50WaistQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Girdle
50Waist Hope They Can't Swim Plate
Waycrest Militia Cinch
50Waist Hold The Barricade! Plate
Waycrest Militia Buckle
50Waist Rescue Rangers Plate
Waycrest Militia Belt
50Waist A Steady Ballast Plate
Wardbreaker Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
5045Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Sunsoul Belt
5045Waist Plate
Skoldiir Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Shieldguard Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Sea Raider's Greatbelt
50WaistQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Girdle
50Waist Message from the Management Plate
Sea Raider's Cinch
50Waist Enemy Within Plate
Sea Raider's Buckle
50Waist Warm and Cozy Plate
Sea Raider's Belt
50Waist Noble Responsibilities Plate
Rockbound Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Rastari Waistplate
50Waist A Special Stone Plate
Rastari Waistguard
50WaistQuest Plate
Rastari Girdle
50Waist A Good Spanking Plate
Rastari Cincture
50Waist Plate
Rastari Belt
50Waist Raal Plate
Portalguard Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Oathsworn Waistband
5045Waist Plate
Oathsworn Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Nightsfall Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Nazmani Warplate Waistplate
50Waist Shoak's on the Menu Plate
Nazmani Warplate Waistguard
50Waist Revenge: Served Hot Plate
Nazmani Warplate Greatbelt
50Waist Target of Opportunity Plate
Nazmani Warplate Girdle
50Waist That Which Haunts the Dead Plate
Nazmani Warplate Belt
50Waist Plate
Moonshatter Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Ley-Scarred Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Heart-Lesion Waistband
5045Waist Plate
Heart-Lesion Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Greystone Belt
5040WaistLooted Plate
Garothi Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Exiled Veteran's Waistplate
50WaistQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Waistguard
50WaistQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Greatbelt
50WaistQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Girdle
50WaistQuest Plate
Dread Corsair Warbelt
50Waist A Bit of a Bind Plate
Dread Corsair Greatbelt
50WaistQuest Plate
Dread Corsair Girdle
50WaistQuest Plate
Dread Corsair Clasp
50Waist Plate
Dread Corsair Cincture
50Waist Battle Victorious Plate
Dead-Watcher Waistplate
5040Waist Plate
Dead-Watcher Waistplate
5040Waist Plate
Crushing Girdle
50Waist Fel-Touched Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Coralplate Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Arcane Defender's Belt
5040WaistLooted Plate
World-Defiler's Girdle
5045WaistLooted Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Scaled Girdle
Legion Season 1
5045Waist Satchel of Battlefield Spoils Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Scaled Girdle
Legion Season 1
5045Waist Satchel of Battlefield Spoils Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Plate Girdle
Legion Season 1
5045Waist Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Plate Girdle
Legion Season 1
5045Waist Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Dreadplate Girdle
Legion Season 1
5045Waist Plate
Vindictive Combatant's Dreadplate Girdle
Legion Season 1
5045Waist Satchel of Battlefield Spoils Plate
Triumvirate High Guard's Greatbelt
5045WaistLooted Plate
The Heavyweight Belt
5045WaistLooted Plate
Slack Tide Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate