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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sharkbait Harness Girdle
59WaistLooted Plate
Sewer Grate Girdle
59WaistLooted Plate
Sand-Scoured Greatbelt
59WaistLooted Plate
Honorable Combatant's Plate Waistguard
5950WaistCrafted Plate
Honorable Combatant's Plate Waistguard
5950Waist Plate
Girdle of Pestilent Purification
59WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Burgeoning Apathy
59WaistLooted Plate
Cannoneer's Toolbelt
59WaistLooted Plate
Belt of the Unrelenting Gale
59WaistLooted Plate
Twilight Dragon's Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Tomb-Keeper's Girdle
6050WaistLooted Plate
Sleetguard Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Razorfin Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Rattling Bone Greatbelt
6050Waist Plate
Geocrag Girdle
6050WaistLooted Plate
Bloodwake Girdle
6050WaistLooted Plate
Black Tooth Grunt's Greatbelt
6050Waist Plate
9.0 Covenant - Revendreth - Plate Waist
6050Waist Plate
9.0 Covenant - Maldraxxus - Plate Waist
6050Waist Plate
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Plate Waist
6050Waist Plate
Wardenguard's Chain
6050WaistLooted Plate
TEST 60 Blue Paladin DPS Belt
6055Waist Plate
Sinister Aspirant's Plate Girdle
6050WaistLooted Plate
Sinister Aspirant's Plate Girdle
6050WaistLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Waistguard
6045Waist Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Girdle
6045Waist Plate
Deathguard's Waistplate
6050WaistLooted Plate
7th Legionnaire's Waistguard
6045Waist Plate
7th Legionnaire's Girdle
6045Waist Plate
Uncrushable Belt of Fury
6032WaistLooted Plate
Stormsteel Girdle
6050WaistCrafted Plate
Stormsteel Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Stormpike Plate Girdle
605Waist Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Clasp
6050Waist Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Clasp
6050Waist Plate
Sinister Combatant's Plate Waistguard
6050WaistCrafted Plate
Sinister Combatant's Plate Waistguard
6050Waist Plate
Shellbuckle Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Clasp
6050Waist Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Clasp
6050Waist Plate
Notorious Combatant's Plate Waistguard
6050Waist Plate
Notorious Combatant's Plate Waistguard
6050WaistCrafted Plate
Notorious Aspirant's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Notorious Aspirant's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Mindthief's Eldritch Clasp
6050WaistLooted Plate
Last Stand Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Keelbreak Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Imbued Stormsteel Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Imbued Stormsteel Girdle
6050WaistCrafted Plate
Hullplate Girdle
6050WaistLooted Plate
Gloomplate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Girdle of the Forgotten Martyr
6030Waist Plate
Girdle of Scavenged Plates
6050Waist Plate
Girdle of Biting Winds
6050Waist Hailstone Construct Plate
Frostwolf Plate Belt
605Waist Plate
Embersear Waistguard
6050WaistLooted Plate
Decontaminator's Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Death Devouring Girdle
6050Waist T'zane Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Clasp
6050Waist Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Clasp
6050Waist Plate
Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Cinch of the Sainted General
6050WaistLooted Plate
Belt of the Forgotten Martyr
6030Waist Plate
Belt of the Blackhand
6032Waist Plate
Zanj'ir Scaleguard Greatbelt
6650Waist Plate
Vim's Scalecrusher Girdle
6650Waist Plate
Enhanced Stormsteel Girdle
6650WaistCrafted Plate
Enhanced Stormsteel Girdle
6650Waist Plate
Emblazoned Stormsteel Girdle
6650WaistCrafted Plate
Emblazoned Stormsteel Girdle
6650Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Belt
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Belt
6850Waist Plate
Oathsworn Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Oathsworn Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Oathsworn Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Oathsworn Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Heart-Lesion Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Heart-Lesion Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Heart-Lesion Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Heart-Lesion Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Uncanny Combatant's Plate Waistguard
7250WaistCrafted Plate
Uncanny Combatant's Plate Waistguard
7250Waist Plate
Storm-Tempered Girdle
7250Waist Plate
Fortified Stormsteel Girdle
7250WaistCrafted Plate
Fortified Stormsteel Girdle
7250Waist Plate
Eternity Keeper's Greatbelt
7250Waist Plate
Osmenite Girdle
7650Waist Plate
Osmenite Girdle
7650WaistCrafted Plate
Malignant Leviathan's Waistguard
7850Waist Plate