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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sunsoul Belt
3935Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
4440Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
44Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
4440Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
3935Waist Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
3935Waist Plate
Sunsoul Greatbelt
110Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
6850Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
5045Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
4440Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
3935Waist Plate
Sunsoul Waistband
3935Waist Plate
Swarmbreaker's Waistguard
110Waist Plate
Swiftgear Belt
14Waist Dinosaur Crisis Plate
Symbolic Belt
2217WaistLooted Plate
Talon Guard Girdle
4239WaistLooted Plate
Talonguard Girdle
3125WaistLooted Plate
Tarnished Fanatic's Girdle
3835WaistLooted Plate
Templar Girdle
2721WaistLooted Plate
Temple Girdle
3834WaistLooted Plate
Temple Guardian Girdle
38Waist Jung Duk Plate
Temple Guardian Waistband
38Waist Up In Flames Plate
Thistle Bear Girdle
5Waist The Ritual Bond Plate
Thorim's Grasp
34Waist The Earthen Oath Plate
Thorium Belt
2620WaistCrafted Plate
Thunderfoot Heavy Girdle
37Waist The Quest for Better Barley Plate
Thunderpeak Girdle
44Waist Wrathshard Plate
Thunderwood Girdle
37Waist Attention Plate
Tightly Cinched Belt
6Waist Westfall Stew Plate
Timerunner's Girdle
1310Waist Plate
Tomb-Keeper's Girdle
6050WaistLooted Plate
Torgashell Greatbelt
5850WaistLooted Plate
Tower-Keeper's Waistguard
49970Waist Plate
Tranquillien Defender's Girdle
106Waist Plate
Twilight Dragon's Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Tyrant's Belt
2317WaistLooted Plate
Valarsmidd Girdle
4440WaistLooted Plate
Valiant Girdle
3530Waist Plate
Valiant Waistband
3530Waist Plate
Valorous Girdle
2418WaistLooted Plate
Val'Sharah Protector's Girdle
1Waist Plate
Vanguard Girdle
2721WaistLooted Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Girdle
41570Waist Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Greatbelt
41570Waist Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Waistguard
33070Waist Plate
Vindicator's Cinch
30Waist An Unnatural Drought Plate
Void-Bound Girdle
1Waist Plate
Waistguard of Cyclopean Dread
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of Resounding Rings
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the All-Consuming Maw
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the Last Mogu
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the Lost Catacomb
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of Winged Triumph
110Waist Plate
Wall Girdle
3731WaistLooted Plate
Wallwatcher Girdle
38Waist The Snackrifice Plate
Wallwatcher Girdle
110Waist Plate
Warbringer's Belt
2317WaistLooted Plate
Wardbreaker Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Warleader's Belt
2923WaistLooted Plate
Warlords Intro Zone PH Plate Girdle
500Waist Plate
Warlord's Iron-Girdle
3227WaistLooted Plate
Warmaul Belt
3126WaistLooted Plate
Warmongering Aspirant's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4440WaistLooted Plate
Warmongering Aspirant's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4440WaistLooted Plate
Warsinger's Girdle
1610Waist Plate
Wasteland Armored Girdle
3834Waist Plate
Wasteland Burnished Clasp
3834Waist Plate
Wasteland Heavy Girdle
3834Waist Plate
Wavecrash Buckle
5850Waist Plate
Waycrest Militia Belt
50Waist A Steady Ballast Plate
Waycrest Militia Buckle
50Waist Rescue Rangers Plate
Waycrest Militia Cinch
50Waist Hold The Barricade! Plate
Waycrest Militia Girdle
50Waist Hope They Can't Swim Plate
Waycrest Militia Greatbelt
50WaistQuest Plate
Waywalker's Girdle
33WaistQuest Plate
Weaponized Belt
16Waist They're Out There! Plate
Westguard Belt
3226WaistLooted Plate
White Tiger Girdle
110Waist Plate
White Tiger Greatbelt
110Waist Plate
White Tiger Waistguard
110Waist Plate
Wild Aspirant's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440WaistLooted Plate
Wild Aspirant's Girdle of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440WaistLooted Plate
Winterfall Belt
26Waist Threat of the Winterfall Plate
Wracksoul Girdle
5040WaistLooted Plate
Wrenchmen Belt
10Waist Extermination Plate
Wyrmforged Girdle
35060Waist Plate
Wyrmskull Girdle
3227WaistLooted Plate
Xorothian Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Yaungolian Greatbelt
110Waist Plate
Zaralek Surveyor's Girdle
35070Waist Plate
Zealous Belt
3530Waist Plate
Zealous Girdle
3530Waist Plate
Zealous Waistband
3530Waist Plate
Zephyrion's Belt
32Waist Surveying the Ruins Plate
Aldor Heavy Belt
3027Waist Plate