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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Remnar's Ruinous Girdle
Heroic Warforged
4235Waist Ordos Plate
Untarnishable Greatbelt
Mythic Warforged
4235Waist Plate
Untarnishable Greatbelt
Heroic Warforged
4235Waist Plate
Untarnishable Greatbelt
4235Waist Plate
Untarnishable Greatbelt
4235WaistBlack Market AH Plate
Sha'tari Keeper Girdle
42WaistQuest Plate
Cragplate Girdle
42Waist New Neighbors Plate
Ravenskar Girdle
4238WaistLooted Plate
Sharptusk Girdle
4238WaistLooted Plate
Talon Guard Girdle
4239WaistLooted Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Bucklebreaker
4135Waist Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Bucklebreaker
Heroic Thunderforged
4135Waist Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Goreplate
Heroic Thunderforged
4135Waist Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Goreplate
4135Waist Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Greatbelt
4135Waist Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Greatbelt
Heroic Thunderforged
4135Waist Plate
Ashen Wall Girdle
4135Waist Earthbreaker Haromm Plate
Ashen Wall Girdle
4135WaistLooted Plate
Bubbling Anima Belt
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WaistLooted Plate
Cliffbreaker Girdle
4135Waist Plate
Cloudbreaker Greatbelt
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WaistLooted Plate
Cloudbreaker Greatbelt
4135WaistLooted Plate
Cracklesnap Clasp
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WaistLooted Plate
Demolisher's Reinforced Belt
4135WaistLooted Plate
Demolisher's Reinforced Belt
4135Waist Iron Juggernaut Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Girdle
4135Waist Plate
Everbright Girdle
4135Waist Plate
Flare-Forged Greatbelt
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WaistLooted Plate
Greatbelt of Living Waters
4135Waist Plate
Greatbelt of Living Waters
4135WaistLooted Plate
Plate Belt of the War-Healer
4135WaistLooted Plate
Plate Belt of the War-Healer
4135Waist Plate
Plated Toothbreaker Girdle
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WaistLooted Plate
Plated Toothbreaker Girdle
4135WaistLooted Plate
Poisonbinder Girth
4135Waist He Softfoot Plate
Poisonbinder Girth
4135WaistLooted Plate
Refreshing Abalone Girdle
Heroic Thunderforged
4135WaistLooted Plate
Refreshing Abalone Girdle
4135WaistLooted Plate
Untarnishable Greatbelt
4135WaistLooted Plate
Untarnishable Greatbelt
4135Waist Plate
Salt-Scorched Girdle
4136Waist Tormented Girdle Plate
Stonebreaker Girdle
4137WaistLooted Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Bucklebreaker
4035WaistLooted Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Bucklebreaker
4035WaistLooted Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Goreplate
4035WaistLooted Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Goreplate
4035WaistLooted Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Greatbelt
4035WaistLooted Plate
Abandoned Zandalari Greatbelt
4035WaistLooted Plate
Ashen Wall Girdle
Raid Finder
4035WaistLooted Plate
Belt of the Tyrannotitan
4035Waist Oondasta Plate
Cloudbreaker Greatbelt
4035WaistLooted Plate
Cloudbreaker Greatbelt
4035WaistLooted Plate
Demolisher's Reinforced Belt
Raid Finder
4035Waist Iron Juggernaut Plate
Doubtcrusher Girdle
4035Waist Plate
Greatbelt of Living Waters
Raid Finder
4035WaistLooted Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Cruelty
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Cruelty
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Cruelty
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Cruelty
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Meditation
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Meditation
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Meditation
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Clasp of Meditation
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Dreadplate Girdle
Season 14 Elite
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Accuracy
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Accuracy
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Accuracy
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Accuracy
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Season 15
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess
Season 14
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Ornamented Clasp
Season 14 Elite
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Plate Girdle
Season 14 Elite
4035Waist Plate
Grievous Gladiator's Scaled Clasp
Season 14 Elite
4035Waist Plate
Lightning Pillar Girdle
4035Waist Plate
Mender's Girdle of Endless Spring
4035WaistLooted Plate
Patroller's Girdle of Endless Spring
4035WaistLooted Plate
Plate Belt of the War-Healer
Raid Finder
4035Waist Plate
Plated Toothbreaker Girdle
4035WaistLooted Plate
Plated Toothbreaker Girdle
4035WaistLooted Plate
Poisonbinder Girth
Raid Finder
4035WaistLooted Plate
Protector's Girdle of Endless Spring
4035WaistLooted Plate
Refreshing Abalone Girdle
4035WaistLooted Plate
Refreshing Abalone Girdle
4035WaistLooted Plate
Reinforced Spiritplate Girdle
4035Waist Plate
Swordhook Slingbelt
4035Waist Plate
Thunder Bastion Girdle
4035Waist Plate
Untarnishable Greatbelt
Raid Finder
4035Waist Plate
Voolar's Bloodied Belt
4035Waist Oondasta Plate
Waistband of Furious Stomping
4035Waist Oondasta Plate
Waistplate of Channeled Mending
4035Waist Plate
Waistplate of Overwhelming Assault
4035WaistLooted Plate
Warbelt of Sealed Pods
4035WaistLooted Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Girdle
40WaistQuest Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Waistguard
40WaistQuest Plate
Frostwolf Stalwart Girdle
40Waist Last Steps Plate
Gul'rok Girdle
4037WaistLooted Plate
Karabor Honor Guard Girdle
40Waist Shadows Awaken Plate
Shardback Girdle
4036WaistLooted Plate