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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ironfist Vambraces
4339Wrists Plate
Jade Bracers
2418Wrists Plate
Jade Tiger Armplates
37Wrists Plate
Jandvik Vambraces
4440Wrists Plate
Jasperlode Vambraces
3529Wrists Plate
Jintha'Alor Bracers
19Wrists Plate
Jormungar Bracers
3328Wrists Plate
Jotunheim Shackles
34Wrists Plate
Jouster's Wristguards
2217Wrists Plate
Judicious Aspirant's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Plate
Jungle-Chopper Wristplates
39Wrists Plate
Junior Technician 3rd Grade Bracers
31Wrists Plate
Kal'delar Vambraces
4440Wrists Plate
Karabor Honor Guard Wristwraps
40Wrists Plate
Keelhaul Shackles
19Wrists Plate
Khan'aish Bracers
3025Wrists Plate
Korjan Armplates
37Wrists Plate
Kraken Vambraces
3429Wrists Plate
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Armored Bracers
17Wrists Plate
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Plate Bracers
17Wrists Plate
Kyros's Spare Cuffs
54570Wrists Plate
Landlocked Wristguards
32Wrists Plate
Ley-Scarred Vambraces
5040Wrists Plate
Lifegiver's Ward
34Wrists Plate
Lightning Emperor's Armguards
110Wrists Plate
Lightning Emperor's Bracers
110Wrists Plate
Lightning Emperor's Vambraces
110Wrists Plate
Lightsoul Vambraces
1610Wrists Plate
Lightsteel Bracers
3732Wrists Plate
Lofty Armguards
2620Wrists Plate
Lucidity Bracers
39Wrists Plate
Lucidity Wristwraps
39Wrists Plate
Maatparm's Fungus Lined Bracers
6Wrists Plate
Magmatalon Bracers
31468Wrists Plate
Magnataur Bracers
3429Wrists Plate
Mawsworn Guard's Vambraces
20060Wrists Plate
Meiofauna Wristguards
35Wrists Plate
Miner Vambraces
3732Wrists Plate
Monel-Hardened Armguards
5245Wrists Plate
Monel-Hardened Armguards
5245Wrists Plate
Moonshatter Vambraces
5040Wrists Plate
Mountainscaler Armored Bracers
3733Wrists Plate
Mountainscaler Burnished Bracers
3733Wrists Plate
Mountainscaler Heavy Armplates
3733Wrists Plate
Muffled Bracers
36Wrists Plate
Museum Guard's Bracers
5Wrists Plate
Mystlash Bracers
14Wrists Plate
Naga Plate Bracers
6Wrists Plate
Narsong Bracers
37Wrists Plate
Nar'thalas Bracers
44Wrists Plate
Nazmani Warplate Armguards
50Wrists Plate
Nazmani Warplate Armsplints
50Wrists Plate
Nazmani Warplate Bracelets
50Wrists Plate
Nazmani Warplate Bracers
50Wrists Plate
Nazmani Warplate Vambraces
50Wrists Plate
Necropolis Vambraces
3530Wrists Plate
Nether Drake Wristguards
31Wrists Plate
Night Guardian Armplates
10050Wrists Plate
Nightsfall Vambraces
5040Wrists Plate
Nokhud Reaver Armguards
20058Wrists Plate
Northwatch Bracers
18Wrists Plate
Nubly Bracers
5Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Armguards
6850Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Armguards
6850Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Armguards
5045Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Armguards
4440Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Armguards
3935Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Armguards
3935Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
6850Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
6850Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
5045Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
4440Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
44Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
4440Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Obsidian Combatant's Draconium Armguards
33070Wrists Plate
Ointment-Coated Bracers
7Wrists Plate
Olbarig's Old Vambraces
40070Wrists Plate
Overlord's Vambraces
2519Wrists Plate
Oystein Bracers
5Wrists Plate
Palewind Bracers
38Wrists Plate
Paoquan Burnished Bracers
37Wrists Plate
Petrified Stone Bracers
36Wrists Plate
Pirate Sinker's Bracers
22Wrists Plate
Plainsthunder Bracers
44Wrists Plate
Plainsthunder Wristwraps
44Wrists Plate
Plated Bracelet of the Skies
34Wrists Plate
Polished Tusk Shackles
34Wrists Plate
Portalguard Wristguard
5040Wrists Plate
Pricey Bracers
6Wrists Plate
Primordial Bloodsoaked Vambraces
3835Wrists Plate
QR 9922 Paladin Bracer
102Wrists Plate
QR XXXX Plate Spell Bracer
114Wrists Plate
Radiant Silver Armguards
17Wrists Plate
Rastari Armbands
50Wrists Plate
Rastari Armguards
50Wrists Plate
Rastari Bracers
50Wrists Plate
Rastari Vambraces
50Wrists Plate
Rastari Wristwraps
50Wrists Plate