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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Insulating Bindings
34WristsLooted Plate
Marbled Bracers
34WristsLooted Plate
Hardened Bone Wrist Protectors
34Wrists Killing Two Scourge With One Skeleton Plate
Jotunheim Shackles
34Wrists The Art of Being a Water Terror Plate
Lifegiver's Ward
34Wrists Returned Sevenfold Plate
Plated Bracelet of the Skies
34WristsQuest Plate
Polished Tusk Shackles
34Wrists Ample Inspiration Plate
Ring of Jokkum
34Wrists Forging an Alliance Plate
Rings of Nergeld
34Wrists The Sum is Greater than the Parts Plate
Roaming Wristguards
34Wrists Wipe That Grin Off His Face Plate
Wristguards of Titanic Vengeance
34Wrists Exterminate the Intruders Plate
Purity-Anointed Warbands
33Wrists Do Unto Others Plate
Vambraces of the Vengeance Bringer
33WristsQuest Plate
Bracers of the Chaperon
33Wrists Mr. Floppy's Perilous Adventure Plate
Dalaran Sentry Wristbraces
33WristsQuest Plate
Thick Bracers of Battle
33Wrists Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! Plate
Vindicator's Bracers of Sacrifice
33Wrists Leave No One Behind Plate
Wyrmbane Wristguards
33WristsQuest Plate
Bracers of Dignity
32WristsLooted Plate
Sha'tari Wrought Armguards
32Wrists The Soul Devices Plate
Arcanum-Bound Bracers
32Wrists Root Causes Plate
Demolisher's Bracers
32Wrists The Flesh Lies... Plate
Freed Shackles
32Wrists Leading the Ancestors Home Plate
Landlocked Wristguards
32Wrists Not Without a Fight! Plate
Shaleground Bracers
32WristsQuest Plate
Singed Vambraces
32WristsQuest Plate
Thadell's Bracers
32Wrists When the Cows Come Home Plate
Nexus-Bracers of Vigor
31WristsLooted Plate
Bracers of the Battle Cleric
31WristsQuest Plate
Fairweather's Wristguards
31WristsQuest Plate
Field Agent's Bracers
31Wrists Retrieving the Goods Plate
Instigator's Armplates
31Wrists Crusader's Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Junior Technician 3rd Grade Bracers
31Wrists You're Hired! Plate
Nether Drake Wristguards
31Wrists Spirit Calling Plate
Sentinel Armbands
31Wrists Protecting Our Own Plate
Eagle Engraved Bracers
30Wrists Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike Plate
Deeprock Bracers
29Wrists Plate
Dragonbone Wristguards
29Wrists Taerar Plate
Zandalar Freethinker's Armguards
29Wrists Plate
Zandalar Vindicator's Armguards
29Wrists Plate
Blinkstrike Armguards
29Wrists Plate
Bracers of Heroism
29Wrists Plate
Plated Saronite Bracers
29Wrists Plate
Soulforge Bracers
29Wrists Plate
Shining Armplates
29Wrists Plate
Stalwart Bands
28WristsLooted Plate
Bonepicker Bracers
28Wrists Curtail the Darktail Plate
Dreadmaul Bracers
28Wrists Ogre Combat Plate
Excavated Bracers
28Wrists A Tale of Two Shovels Plate
Bracers of Misbehavior
27Wrists Locked and Loaded Plate
Bracers of Misbehavior
27Wrists Locked and Loaded Plate
Discarded Bracers
27Wrists Marshal's Refuse Plate
Sticky Bracers
27Wrists Gormashh the Glutinous Plate
Ambush Armguards
26Wrists High Chief Winterfall Plate
Runesteel Vambraces
26Wrists Plate
Coalpart's Bracers
25Wrists Out of Place Plate
Dupe's Bracers
24Wrists The Doomstone Plate
Flesh Giant Toe-Ring
24Wrists Counter-Plague Research Plate
Drinker's Bracers
23Wrists Two-Tusk Takedown Plate
Drinker's Bracers
23Wrists Two-Tusk Takedown Plate
Front-Line Armplates
23Wrists Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Really Cold Bracers
23Wrists That Smart One's Gotta Go Plate
Redpath Bracers
22Wrists Hidden Treasures Plate
Auric Bracers
22Wrists Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. Plate
Bear Hug Bracers
22WristsQuest Plate
Bracers of Desperate Need
22Wrists Two If By Boat Plate
Bracers of Desperate Need
22Wrists Two If By Boat Plate
Pirate Sinker's Bracers
22WristsQuest Plate
Bracers of the Returning Wild
21Wrists A New Era for the Plaguelands Plate
Condensed Essence Bracers
21Wrists Verinias the Twisted Plate
Darkspear Armsplints
21Wrists Plate
Gripsteel Wristguards
21Wrists Plate
Marshweaver's Wristguards
20Wrists Cleansing Our Crevasse Plate
Marshweaver's Wristguards
20Wrists Cleansing Our Crevasse Plate
Jintha'Alor Bracers
19Wrists Faces of Evil Plate
Keelhaul Shackles
19Wrists Swabbing Duty Plate
Snapjaw Bracers
19Wrists Gammerita, Mon! Plate
Interrogator's Shackles
18Wrists Plate
Interrogator's Shackles
18Wrists Plate
Beastial Manacles
18Wrists Plate
Grimtoll Wristguards
18Wrists Plate
Holgom's Bracers
18Wrists Warriors' Redemption Plate
Northwatch Bracers
18Wrists Run Out the Guns Plate
Stromgarde Bracers
18Wrists For Southshore Plate
Tiger Strangler's Bracers
18Wrists Tiger Mastery Plate
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Armored Bracers
17Wrists Plate
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Plate Bracers
17Wrists Plate
Radiant Silver Armguards
17Wrists The Traitor Orc Plate
Vonderful Bracers
16Wrists Burn, Baby, Burn! Plate
Sparkmetal Bracers
14Wrists The Embalmer's Revenge Plate
Dissembling Bracers
14Wrists Playing Possum Plate
Mystlash Bracers
14Wrists Keep the Fires Burning Plate
Tell-Tale Bracers
14Wrists The Heart of the Matter Plate
Bracers of the Most Trusted
12Wrists Cities in Dust Plate
Addled Blotter Bracers
12Wrists Drungeld Glowerglare Plate
Horn Sounder's Bracers
12Wrists The Offering to Azshara Plate
Foolhardy Bracers
11Wrists Centaur Bracers Plate
Sentry Bracers
11Wrists Assault on Zeb'Nowa Plate
Vigilant Vambraces
11Wrists Plate
Fiery Bracers
10Wrists Soothing the Elements Plate