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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
20060Wrists Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
20060Wrists Plate
Crazed Bomber's Bracers
4440Wrists Grandiose Bracers Plate
Crimson Carapace Bracers
4440Wrists Formidable Bracers Plate
Crimson Colossus Armguards
6050WristsLooted Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
38270Wrists Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
38270Wrists Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
38270Wrists Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
38270Wrists Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
38270Wrists Plate
Crimson Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
38270Wrists Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 3
5045Wrists Relinquished Bracers Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 3
5045Wrists Relinquished Bracers Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 3
5045Wrists Relinquished Bracers Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 3
5045WristsLooted Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 3
5045Wrists Relinquished Bracers Plate
Cruel Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 3
5045WristsLooted Plate
Crushproof Vambraces
6050WristsLooted Plate
Crypt Keeper's Bracers
3530WristsLooted Plate
Crypt Keeper's Bracers
3530WristsLooted Plate
Dark Iron Bracers
2923WristsCrafted Plate
Dawnsteel Bracers
3227WristsCrafted Plate
Deadly Gladiator's Bracers of Salvation
Season 5
3530WristsLooted Plate
Deadly Gladiator's Bracers of Triumph
Season 5
3530WristsLooted Plate
Deadly Gladiator's Bracers of Victory
Season 5
3530Wrists Plate
Deathcharged Wristguards
3732WristsLooted Plate
Decimator's Armguards
3530WristsLooted Plate
Decimator's Armguards
3530WristsLooted Plate
Deeprock Bracers
29Wrists Plate
Demonforged Iron Bracers
4440WristsLooted Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 7
5045WristsLooted Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 7
5045WristsLooted Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 7 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 7 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 7 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 7 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 7
5045WristsLooted Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 7
5045WristsLooted Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 7 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 7 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 7
5045WristsLooted Plate
Demonic Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 7
5045WristsLooted Plate
Demonsteel Armguards
5045WristsCrafted Plate
Devoted Offering's Irons
57180Wrists Plate
Difficult Wrist Protectors
35058Wrists Plate
Discordant Collector's Wristwraps
160Wrists Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 6
5045Wrists Relinquished Bracers Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 6
5045WristsLooted Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 6 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates
Legion Season 6 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 6
5045WristsLooted Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 6
5045WristsLooted Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 6 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Plate Wristplates
Legion Season 6 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 6 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 6 Elite
5045Wrists Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 6
5045WristsLooted Plate
Dominant Gladiator's Scaled Wristplates
Legion Season 6
5045WristsLooted Plate
Doubtcrusher Vambraces
4035Wrists Plate
Draconic Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
49370Wrists Plate
Draconic Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
49370Wrists Plate
Draconic Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
49370Wrists Plate
Draconic Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
49370Wrists Plate
Draconic Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
49370Wrists Plate
Draconic Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
49370Wrists Plate
Dragonbone Vambraces
8550Wrists Plate
Dragonbone Wristclamps
5045WristsLooted Plate
Dragonbone Wristguards
2925Wrists Plate
Dragonbone Wristguards
29Wrists Taerar Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Sentinel's Burnished Vambraces
150Wrists Plate
Dread Sentinel's Court Vambraces
160Wrists Plate
Dread Sentinel's Crimson Vambraces
150Wrists Plate
Dread Sentinel's Ebony Vambraces
15560Wrists Plate
Dreadnaught Bracers
3025WristsLooted, Black Market AH Plate
Dreadscale Armguards
3530WristsLooted Plate
Dreadscale Armguards
3530WristsLooted Plate
Dreadscale Bracers
3530WristsLooted Plate
Dreadscale Bracers
3530WristsLooted Plate
Dreamfire Wristguards
20070Wrists Plate
Duskwatch Plate Bracers
5045WristsLooted Plate
Duty-Bound Harbinger's Vambraces
150Wrists Plate
Earthcrack Bracers
6032WristsLooted Plate
Earthcrack Bracers
3732WristsLooted Plate
Earthcrack Bracers
3732WristsLooted Plate