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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Corrupted Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Crimson Colossus Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Crushproof Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Earthcrack Bracers
6032Wrists Plate
Frozen Steel Vambraces
605Wrists Plate
Gonk Adherents Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Imperious Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Aspirant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Aspirant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Combatant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Combatant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Notorious Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Roka's Bonecrushing Manacles
6050Wrists Plate
Shackles of the End of Days
6032Wrists Plate
Sinister Combatant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Sinister Combatant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Sinister Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Soulplank Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Splinter-Bone Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Talonscored Azure Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Vambraces of a Thousand Year Toil
6050Wrists Plate
7th Legionnaire's Vambraces
6045Wrists Plate
7th Legionnaire's Wristguards
6045Wrists Plate
Deathguard's Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Wristplates
6045Wrists Plate
Sinister Aspirant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
Sinister Aspirant's Plate Armguards
6050Wrists Plate
TEST 60 Blue Paladin DPS Wrist
6055Wrists Plate
TEST 60 Blue Ret Paladin DPS Wrist
6055Wrists Plate
Wardenguard's Wristguards
6050Wrists Plate
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Plate Wrists
6050Wrists Plate
9.0 Covenant - Maldraxxus - Plate Wrists
6050Wrists Plate
9.0 Covenant - Revendreth - Plate Wrists
6050Wrists Plate
Black Tooth Grunt's Armplates
6050Wrists Plate
Bloodwake Bracers
6050Wrists Plate
Geocrag Armplates
6050Wrists Plate
Rattling Bone Armplates
6050Wrists Plate
Razorfin Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate
Tomb-Keeper's Wristplates
6050Wrists Plate
Twilight Dragon's Armplates
6050Wrists Plate
Concealed Fencing Plates
59Wrists Plate
Embalmer's Steadying Bracers
59Wrists Plate
Honorable Combatant's Plate Armguards
5950Wrists Plate
Honorable Combatant's Plate Armguards
5950Wrists Plate
Phosphorescent Armplates
59Wrists Plate
Shadowshroud Vambraces
59Wrists Plate
Shard-Tipped Vambraces
59Wrists Plate
Soulwarped Vambraces
59Wrists Plate
Stonefury Vambraces
59Wrists Plate
Valyri's Fire-Proof Bracers
59Wrists Plate
Dead-Watcher Vambraces
5940Wrists Plate
Dead-Watcher Vambraces
5940Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
7th Legionnaire's Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Bleakweald Vambraces
58Wrists Plate
Bone-Fetished Armguards
58Wrists Plate
Crusty Chitin Armguards
5850Wrists Plate
Dread Aspirant's Plate Armguards
5845Wrists Plate
Dread Aspirant's Plate Armguards
5845Wrists Plate
Dunecrawler Vambraces
58Wrists Plate
Harbormaster Wristplates
58Wrists Plate
Hillshaker Armplates
5850Wrists Plate
Honey-Glazed Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Vambraces
58Wrists Plate
Morel Coils
5850Wrists Plate
Sand-Smoothed Wristguards
5850Wrists Plate
Shoalbreach Bracers
58Wrists Plate
Vambraces of Rezan's Bladeguard
58Wrists Plate
Vicemaul Wristpinchers
5850Wrists Plate
Brineworks Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Corlain Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Direbone Frill Bracers
5850Wrists Plate
Stormforger Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Torgashell Armplates
5850Wrists Plate
Wavecrash Wristguards
5850Wrists Plate
Monel-Hardened Armguards
5245Wrists Plate
Monel-Hardened Armguards
5245Wrists Plate
Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe
5040Wrists Plate
Mannoroth's Bloodletting Manacles
5040Wrists Plate
Shackles of Bryndaor
5040Wrists Plate
The Instructor's Fourth Lesson
5040Wrists Plate
Toravon's Whiteout Bindings
5040Wrists Plate
Uther's Guard
5040Wrists Plate
Bite-Marked Wristplates
5040Wrists Plate
Bonemeal-Crusted Armplates
5045Wrists Plate