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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Greywatch Vambraces
44Wrists Cut Out the Heart Plate
Greystone Wristplates
5040WristsLooted Plate
Gregorky's Bracers
7Wrists Evidence Collection Plate
Greenstone Bracers
1310Wrists Plate
Greenstone Bracers
110Wrists Plate
Gothic Plate Vambraces
2417WristsLooted Plate
Golem Vambraces
3429WristsLooted Plate
Goldtalon Bracers
38Wrists Plate
Glorious Bindings
2821WristsLooted Plate
Glimmerhoof Armplates
10050Wrists Plate
Glass Lake Bracers
37WristsQuest Plate
Ghost-Forged Bracers
3732WristsCrafted Plate
Geocrag Armplates
6050WristsLooted Plate
Gatecrasher Vambraces
110Wrists Plate
Garothi Vambraces
5040Wrists Relinquished Bracers Plate
Frostwolf Stalwart Bracers
40Wrists The Warlord's Guard Plate
Frostpaw Vambraces
3428WristsLooted Plate
Front-Line Armplates
23Wrists Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Freed Shackles
32Wrists Leading the Ancestors Home Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Wristwraps
40WristsQuest Plate
Forgotten Peacekeeper Armguards
3835WristsLooted Plate
Forged Aspirant's Plate Cuffs
54580Wrists Plate
Forged Aspirant's Plate Armguards
54580Wrists Plate
Foolhardy Bracers
11Wrists Centaur Bracers Plate
Flesh Giant Toe-Ring
24Wrists Counter-Plague Research Plate
Fiery Bracers
10Wrists Soothing the Elements Plate
Field Plate Vambraces
2217WristsLooted Plate
Field Agent's Bracers
31Wrists Retrieving the Goods Plate
Fargodeep Vambraces
3630WristsLooted Plate
Fairweather's Wristguards
31WristsQuest Plate
Faded Forest Heavy Armplates
3732Wrists Plate
Faded Forest Burnished Bracers
3732Wrists Plate
Faded Forest Armored Bracers
3732Wrists Plate
Expeditionary Plate Armguards
5WristsQuest Plate
Expeditionary Plate Armguards
5WristsQuest Plate
Expedition Guard's Wristguards
20058Wrists Plate
Expedition Guard's Vambraces
20058Wrists Plate
Exiled Veteran's Vambraces
50WristsQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Bracers
50WristsQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Bindings
50Wrists Shattered and Broken Plate
Exiled Veteran's Armguards
50WristsQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Armbands
50Wrists Stolen Satchels Plate
Excavated Bracers
28Wrists A Tale of Two Shovels Plate
Exalted Armsplints
2923WristsLooted Plate
Everbright Bracers
110Wrists Plate
Ettinbone Vambraces
4440WristsLooted Plate
Emerald Vambraces
2822WristsLooted Plate
Embossed Plate Bracers
2317WristsLooted Plate
Ebonsoul Vambraces
3530Wrists Plate
Ebonsoul Armguards
3530Wrists Plate
Earthforged Cuffs
54570Wrists Plate
Earthen Traveler's Armplates
40070Wrists Plate
Eagle Engraved Bracers
30Wrists Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike Plate
Duskbreaker Armplates
4440Wrists Plate
Duskbreaker Armplates
4440Wrists Plate
Duskbreaker Armplates
4440Wrists Plate
Dupe's Bracers
24Wrists The Doomstone Plate
Dunwald's Finest Bindings
36Wrists A Steady Supply Plate
Drinker's Bracers
23Wrists Two-Tusk Takedown Plate
Drinker's Bracers
23Wrists Two-Tusk Takedown Plate
Dreambound Armplates
35070Wrists Plate
Dreadsworn Wristguards
44Wrists Bjornharta Plate
Dreadsworn Armplates
44Wrists A Gift for Greymane Plate
Dreadmaul Vambraces
3529WristsLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Bracers
28Wrists Ogre Combat Plate
Dread Corsair Wristguards
50Wrists Cleaning Bills Plate
Dread Corsair Vambraces
50Wrists The Abyssal Council Plate
Dread Corsair Shackles
50Wrists Plate
Dread Corsair Bracers
50WristsQuest Plate
Dread Corsair Armguards
50Wrists Ettin It Done Plate
Draconic Combatant's Draconium Armguards
33070Wrists Plate
Draconic Aspirant's Plate Cuffs
45470Wrists Plate
Draconic Aspirant's Plate Armguards
45470Wrists Plate
Dojani Bracers
37WristsQuest Plate
Dissembling Bracers
14Wrists Playing Possum Plate
Discarded Bracers
27Wrists Marshal's Refuse Plate
Direforge Vambraces
3530WristsLooted Plate
Direbone Frill Bracers
5850WristsLooted Plate
Demolisher's Bracers
32Wrists The Flesh Lies... Plate
Defiant Armguards
4440Wrists Plate
Defiant Armguards
4440Wrists Plate
Deathstalker Vambraces
44Wrists The Splintered Fleet Plate
Dead-Watcher Vambraces
5940Wrists Plate
Dead-Watcher Vambraces
5940Wrists Plate
Dead-Watcher Vambraces
5040Wrists Plate
Dead-Watcher Vambraces
5040Wrists Plate
DB54 Plate Physical Bracer4
146Wrists Plate
DB51 Plate Physical Bracer3
146Wrists Plate
Darkspear Armsplints
21Wrists Plate
Darkcrest Bracers
3024WristsLooted Plate
Dalaran Sentry Wristbraces
33WristsQuest Plate
Crystalvein Vambraces
3632WristsLooted Plate
Crypt Lord's Bracers
40070Wrists Plate
Crushing Armplates
50Wrists Fel-Touched Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Cruel Executioner's Wristwraps
8548Wrists The Ones in Charge Plate
Crimson Combatant's Draconium Armguards
33070Wrists Plate
Creche-Guard's Vambraces
1610Wrists Plate
Cragplate Wristwraps
43Wrists The Bloodmane Plate
Cragchewer Armguards
110Wrists Plate
Corlain Vambraces
5850WristsLooted Plate