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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Selfless Collector's Wristguards
15050Wrists Plate
Seeker's Bands
35060Wrists Plate
Scalewarden's Plate Bracers
35060Wrists Plate
Savage Saronite Bracers
3529Wrists Plate
Sapsteel Vambraces
14860Wrists Plate
Sand-Smoothed Wristguards
5850Wrists Plate
Salt-Scorched Bracers
4236Wrists Plate
Sacrosanct Vambraces
5045Wrists Plate
Runed Golem Shackles
164Wrists Plate
Runed Golem Shackles
2822Wrists Plate
Rivet-Sealed Bracers
44Wrists Plate
Ri'mok's Shattered Scale
3934Wrists Plate
Ri'mok's Shattered Scale
3935Wrists Plate
Rift Bracers
138Wrists Plate
Replica Soulforge Bracers
125Wrists Plate
Replica Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards
125Wrists Plate
Replica Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards
125Wrists Plate
Replica Lightforge Bracers
122Wrists Plate
Replica First Sergeant's Plate Bracers
125Wrists Plate
Replica First Sergeant's Plate Bracers
125Wrists Plate
Replica Bracers of Valor
122Wrists Plate
Replica Bracers of Heroism
125Wrists Plate
Renowned Expeditioner's Vambraces
110Wrists Plate
Redpath Bracers
22Wrists Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Vambraces
25210Wrists Plate
Recruit's Sturdy Vambraces
25210Wrists Plate
Reality-Shatter Vambraces
15860Wrists Plate
Queensguard Vambraces
15560Wrists Plate
Purity-Anointed Warbands
33Wrists Plate
Primal Combatant's Armplates of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440Wrists Plate
Primal Combatant's Armplates of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440Wrists Plate
Primal Combatant's Armplates of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440Wrists Plate
Primal Combatant's Armplates of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440Wrists Plate
Primal Aspirant's Armplates of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440Wrists Plate
Primal Aspirant's Armplates of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440Wrists Plate
Praetorium Guard's Vambraces
5045Wrists Plate
Poet-King's Vambraces
39Wrists Plate
Plated Saronite Bracers
29Wrists Plate
Pit Fighter's Wristguards
15860Wrists Plate
Phosphorescent Armplates
59Wrists Plate
Perchfather's Cuffs
43768Wrists Plate
Overgrown Freyan Vambraces
1Wrists Plate
Ornate Saronite Bracers
3529Wrists Plate
Obsidian Crusher's Bracers
1Wrists Plate
Obsidian Aspirant's Plate Cuffs
36670Wrists Plate
Obsidian Aspirant's Plate Armguards
36670Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
4440Wrists Plate
Oathsworn Armguards
4440Wrists Plate
Noxxion's Shackles
2114Wrists Plate
Nexus-Bracers of Vigor
3126Wrists Plate
Nexus-Bracers of Vigor
31Wrists Plate
Nar'thalas Vambraces
44Wrists Plate
Morlune's Bracer
2721Wrists Plate
Morel Coils
5850Wrists Plate
Monsoonic Armguards
35060Wrists Plate
Mogu-Wrought Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Masterwork Spiritguard Bracers
3935Wrists Plate
Masterwork Lightsteel Bracers
3935Wrists Plate
Marshweaver's Wristguards
20Wrists Plate
Marshweaver's Wristguards
20Wrists Plate
Marbled Bracers
34Wrists Plate
Malignant Leviathan's Wristguards
7850Wrists Plate
Malignant Leviathan's Vambraces
7850Wrists Plate
Malignant Leviathan's Coils
7850Wrists Plate
Malignant Leviathan's Armguards
7850Wrists Plate
Magically Sealed Bracers
2417Wrists Plate
Lightforge Bracers
2822Wrists Plate
Leystone Armguards
4640Wrists Plate
Karabor Honor Guard Wristwraps
40Wrists Plate
Jotunheim Berserker's Bracelets
1Wrists Plate
Jinyu-Forged Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Jingoist's Vambraces
1Wrists Plate
Jimmied Handcuffs
1610Wrists Plate
Interrogator's Shackles
18Wrists Plate
Interrogator's Shackles
18Wrists Plate
Insulating Bindings
3427Wrists Plate
Insulating Bindings
34Wrists Plate
Incarnadine Bracers
44Wrists Plate
Illidari Vambraces
3126Wrists Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Wristplates
6045Wrists Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Vambraces
58Wrists Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Honorable Combatant's Plate Armguards
5950Wrists Plate
Honorable Combatant's Plate Armguards
5950Wrists Plate
Honey-Glazed Vambraces
5850Wrists Plate
Hillshaker Armplates
5850Wrists Plate
Hellbloom Bracers
35060Wrists Plate
Heart-Lesion Vambraces
4440Wrists Plate
Heart-Lesion Armguards
4440Wrists Plate
Harbormaster Wristplates
58Wrists Plate
Gutcrusher Bracers
44Wrists Plate
Grimlok's Jagged Wristguards
2215Wrists Plate
Greenstone Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Gravewalker's Bindings
5045Wrists Plate
Gordok Bracers of Power
2519Wrists Plate
Goldsteel Bindings
44Wrists Plate
Goldspine Armplates
1Wrists Plate
Golden Limb Bands
3530Wrists Plate
Golden Limb Bands
3530Wrists Plate
Glassy Silver Bracers
35Wrists Plate