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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gargoyle Spit Bracers
3530WristsLooted Plate
Gargoyle Spit Bracers
3530WristsLooted Plate
Gatecrasher's Gauntlets
3530Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Combined Strength
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Dragon Wrath
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Guiding Touch
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Mounting Anger
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Mounting Anger
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Overexposure
3530Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Revelation
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Rising Anger
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Rising Anger
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Ruthless Reprisal
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Ruthless Reprisal
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Serene Blessing
3530Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Disobedient
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Iron Furnace
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Iron Furnace
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Kraken
3530Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Master
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Royal Watch
3530Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Stouthearted Crusader
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Thunder God
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Thunder God
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Wretched
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Wretched
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gendarme's Cuirass
3530ChestLooted Plate
Gendarme's Cuirass
3530ChestLooted Plate
Ghoul Commander's Cuirass
3530ChestLooted Plate
Ghoul Commander's Cuirass
3530ChestLooted Plate
Gilded Steel Legplates
3530LegsLooted Plate
Gilded Steel Legplates
3530LegsLooted Plate
Girdle of Arrogant Downfall
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Bloodied Scars
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Bloodied Scars
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Chivalry
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Embers
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Embers
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Oblation
3530Waist Plate
Girdle of Razuvious
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Ascended Phantom
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Forgotten Martyr
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Forgotten Martyr
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Frozen Reach
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Frozen Reach
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Impaler
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Impaler
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Nether Champion
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Nether Champion
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Pallid Knight
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Unity
3530WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Unyielding Trust
3530Waist Plate
Gloves of Bitter Reprisal
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gloves of Bitter Reprisal
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gloves of the Pythonic Guardian
3530HandsLooted Plate
Gloves of the Pythonic Guardian
3530HandsLooted Plate
Greathelm of the Silver Hand
3530HeadLooted Plate
Greathelm of Wrath
3530HeadLooted Plate
Greaves of Iron Intensity
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of Iron Intensity
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the 7th Legion
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the 7th Legion
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Grand Paladin
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Iron Army
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Iron Army
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Lingering Vortex
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Lingering Vortex
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Rockmender
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Rockmender
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Saronite Citadel
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Saronite Citadel
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Stonewarder
3530FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Stonewarder
3530Feet Plate
Greaves of Turbulence
3530LegsLooted Plate
Grinning Skull Boots
3530FeetLooted Plate
Grinning Skull Greatboots
3530FeetLooted Plate
Grinning Skull Greatboots
3530FeetLooted Plate
Grinning Skull Greatboots
3530Feet Plate
Handguards of Revitalization
3530HandsLooted Plate
Handguards of Revitalization
3530HandsLooted Plate
Handguards of the Enclave
3530HandsLooted Plate
Handguards of the Enclave
3530HandsLooted Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Bracers of Salvation
3530Wrists Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Bracers of Triumph
3530Wrists Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Bracers of Victory
3530Wrists Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece
3530Chest Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece
3530ChestLooted Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets
3530HandsLooted Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets
3530Hands Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm
3530Head Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards
3530LegsLooted Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards
3530Legs Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders
3530Shoulders Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Girdle of Salvation
3530Waist Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Girdle of Triumph
3530Waist Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Girdle of Victory
3530Waist Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Greaves of Salvation
3530Feet Plate
Hateful Gladiator's Greaves of Triumph
3530Feet Plate