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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Steel Bear Trap Bracers
35WristsLooted Plate
Strategist's Belt
3530WaistLooted Plate
Strategist's Belt
3530WaistLooted Plate
Submariner's Weighted Treads
35Feet Defending the Rift Plate
Submariner's Weighted Treads
35Feet Defending the Rift Plate
Sun-Emblazoned Chestplate
3530ChestLooted Plate
Svala's Bloodied Shackles
3529WristsLooted Plate
Svala's Bloodied Shackles
35WristsLooted Plate
Tempered Saronite Bracers
3529WristsCrafted Plate
Tempered Saronite Gauntlets
3529HandsCrafted Plate
Terrace Defence Boots
3530FeetLooted Plate
The General's Steel Girdle
3530WaistLooted Plate
The General's Steel Girdle
35WaistLooted Plate
The Obliterator Greaves
3530FeetLooted Plate
Toxin-Tempered Sabatons
3529Feet Plate
35FeetQuest Plate
Vengeance Bindings
3529WristsCrafted Plate
Void Sentry Legplates
3528LegsLooted Plate
Waistguard of the Risen Knight
3530WaistLooted Plate
Web Winder Gloves
3530HandsLooted Plate
Web Winder Gloves
35HandsLooted Plate
Wing Commander's Breastplate
3529ChestLooted Plate
Ziggurat Imprinted Chestguard
3530ChestLooted Plate
Anvilcrush Bracers
35Wrists Crushing the Cores Plate
Bell-Ringer's Skullcap
35Head Take Him to the Earthcaller Plate
Belt of Binding Purification
35Waist Sweeping the Shelf Plate
Chemical-Stained Shoulderplates
35Shoulders The Perfect Fuel Plate
Chemical-Stained Shoulderplates
35Shoulders Fuel-ology 101 Plate
Chestguard of Alarming Dreams
35Chest Swift Approach Plate
Chestguard of Alarming Dreams
35Chest Swift Approach Plate
Chestguard of Cognitive Dissonance
35Chest ... It Will Come Plate
Chestplate of Exceptional Expectations
35Chest Trial By Fire Plate
Chestplate of Fragrant Desire
35Chest Odor Coater Plate
Chillplate Chestpiece
35Chest Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Chillplate Gauntlets
35HandsLooted Plate
Chillplate Shoulders
35Shoulders Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Damplight Chestplate
35Chest Backed Into a Corner Plate
Deathseed Crushers
35Feet Seeds of Their Demise Plate
Deepstone Treads
35Feet The Earth Claims All Plate
Direforge Breastplate
3530ChestLooted Plate
Direforge Gauntlets
3530HandsLooted Plate
Direforge Girdle
3530WaistLooted Plate
Direforge Helm
3530HeadLooted Plate
Direforge Legplates
3530LegsLooted Plate
Direforge Pauldrons
3530ShouldersLooted Plate
Direforge Sabatons
3530FeetLooted Plate
Direforge Vambraces
3530WristsLooted Plate
Discarded Juggernaut Plating
35Legs Disassembly Plate
Dreadmaul Breastplate
3529ChestLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Gauntlets
3529HandsLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Girdle
3529WaistLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Helm
3529HeadLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Legplates
3529LegsLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Pauldrons
3529ShouldersLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Sabatons
3529FeetLooted Plate
Dreadmaul Vambraces
3529WristsLooted Plate
Drill-Guide Belt
35Waist Totem Modification Plate
Druidic Guardian Plate
35Chest War on the Twilight's Hammer Plate
Earthswell Belt
35Waist Sealing the Way Plate
Ebonsoul Armguards
3530Wrists Plate
Ebonsoul Breastplate
3530Chest Plate
Ebonsoul Chestguard
3530Chest Plate
Ebonsoul Faceguard
3530Head Plate
Ebonsoul Gauntlets
3530Hands Plate
Ebonsoul Girdle
3530Waist Plate
Ebonsoul Greaves
3530Feet Plate
Ebonsoul Handguards
3530Hands Plate
Ebonsoul Helm
3530Head Plate
Ebonsoul Legguards
3530Legs Plate
Ebonsoul Legplates
3530Legs Plate
Ebonsoul Pauldrons
3530Shoulders Plate
Ebonsoul Sabatons
3530Feet Plate
Ebonsoul Shoulderguards
3530Shoulders Plate
Ebonsoul Vambraces
3530Wrists Plate
Ebonsoul Waistband
3530Waist Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Clearing the Defiled Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Clearing the Defiled Plate
Embercrusher Grips
35Hands Black Heart of Flame Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet Here Fishie Fishie 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet The Brothers Digsong 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Gauntlets of Guerilla Fury
35Hands Might of the Firelord Plate
Girdle of Calcified Blackfin
35Waist Blackfin's Booty Plate
Girdle of Gar'gol
35Waist Elementary! Plate
Girdle of the Ancient Wolf
35Waist Sweeping the Shelf Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Piece of the Past Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Piece of the Past Plate
Greaves of Violent Revenge
35Legs Death to the Broodmother Plate
Grips of Arcane Imprisonment
35Hands Through the Dream Plate
Grips of the Severed Starfish
35Hands One Last Favor Plate
Handguards of the Severed Starfish
35Hands Orako's Report Plate
Hardened Obsidium Belt
3530WaistCrafted Plate
Hardened Obsidium Boots
3530FeetCrafted Plate
Hardened Obsidium Bracers
3530WristsCrafted Plate
Hardened Obsidium Breastplate
3530ChestCrafted Plate
Hardened Obsidium Gauntlets
3530HandsCrafted Plate
Hardened Obsidium Legguards
3530LegsCrafted Plate
Harp Shell Shoulderplates
35Shoulders Raw Materials Plate
Heatbinder Wristplates
35Wrists The Return of Baron Geddon Plate
Helm of the Crushed Overseer
35Head Overseer Idra'kess Plate
Helm of the Crushed Overseer
35Head Overseer Idra'kess Plate