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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Boots of the Blasted Lands
28Feet A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Plate
Boots of the Blasted Lands
28Feet A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Plate
Business Handlers
28Hands Pick Your Fate Plate
Cragplate Greaves
28Feet Plate
Desert Wind Gauntlets
28Hands Vyral the Vile Plate
Dreadmaul Bracers
28Wrists Ogre Combat Plate
Emerald Gauntlets
2822HandsLooted Plate
Emerald Girdle
2821WaistLooted Plate
Emerald Helm
2822HeadLooted Plate
Emerald Mist Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Emerald Pauldrons
2822ShouldersLooted Plate
Emerald Sabatons
2822FeetLooted Plate
Emerald Vambraces
2822WristsLooted Plate
Excavated Bracers
28Wrists A Tale of Two Shovels Plate
Glorious Belt
2821WaistLooted Plate
Glorious Bindings
2821WristsLooted Plate
Glorious Gauntlets
2822HandsLooted Plate
Glorious Legplates
2822LegsLooted Plate
Glorious Sabatons
2822FeetLooted Plate
Glorious Shoulder Pads
2822ShouldersLooted Plate
Heavy Lamellar Chestpiece
2821ChestLooted Plate
Helm of Storms
28Head The Altar of Storms Plate
Helm of Storms
28Head The Altar of Storms Plate
Heroic Bracers
2822WristsLooted Plate
Heroic Gauntlets
2822HandsLooted Plate
Heroic Girdle
2822WaistLooted Plate
Heroic Greaves
2822FeetLooted Plate
High Chief's Armor
2822ChestLooted Plate
High Chief's Crown
2821HeadLooted Plate
Imbued Plate Gauntlets
2822HandsLooted Plate
Imbued Plate Girdle
2822WaistLooted Plate
Imbued Plate Greaves
2822FeetLooted Plate
Imbued Plate Vambraces
2822WristsLooted, Fished Plate
Leggings of the Ursa
28Legs Deadwood of the North Plate
Lofty Breastplate
2822ChestLooted Plate
Lofty Helm
2822HeadLooted Plate
Lofty Legguards
2821LegsLooted Plate
Mahar's Gift
28Legs Cultists at our Doorstep Plate
Nethergarde Gloves
28Hands Eliminate the Okril'lon Plate
Rockard Greaves
28Legs Mission Complete Plate
Rockpool Belt
28Waist Neptool's Revenge Plate
Strengthening Belt
28Waist The Amulet of Grol Plate
Strengthening Belt
28Waist The Amulet of Grol Plate
Templar Boots
2821FeetLooted Plate
Templar Chestplate
2822ChestLooted Plate
Templar Crown
2822HeadLooted Plate
Templar Gauntlets
2821HandsLooted Plate
Templar Legplates
2822LegsLooted Plate
Templar Pauldrons
2822ShouldersLooted Plate
Thorium Boots
2822FeetCrafted Plate
Thorium Helm
2822HeadCrafted Plate
Ursa's Embrace
28Chest Winterfall Activity Plate
Vanguard Gauntlets
2821HandsLooted Plate
Vanguard Headdress
2822HeadLooted Plate
Vanguard Legplates
2822LegsLooted Plate
Vanguard Pauldrons
2822ShouldersLooted Plate
Warforged Chestplate
28Chest Plate
Warleader's Bracers
2822WristsLooted Plate
Light Plate Belt
2822WaistLooted Plate
Light Plate Chestpiece
2822ChestLooted Plate
Light Plate Gloves
2822HandsLooted Plate
Light Plate Helmet
2821HeadLooted Plate
Light Plate Pants
2821LegsLooted Plate
Acid-Etched Pauldrons
2721ShouldersLooted Plate
Avenguard Helm
27HeadUnobtainable Plate
Banshee's Touch
2721HandsLooted Plate
Carapace of Anub'shiah
2720ChestLooted Plate
Chitinous Plate Legguards
2721LegsLooted Plate
Death Grips
2721HandsLooted Plate
Defiler's Lamellar Girdle
2721Waist Plate
Defiler's Lamellar Greaves
2721Feet Plate
Defiler's Plate Girdle
2721Waist Plate
Defiler's Plate Greaves
2721Feet Plate
Earthforged Leggings
2720LegsCrafted Plate
Earthslag Shoulders
2720ShouldersLooted Plate
Entrenching Boots
2720FeetLooted Plate
Fury Visor
27Head Plate
Golem-Smasher's Grips
27Hands The Spoils of War Plate
Golem-Smasher's Grips
27Hands The Spoils of War Plate
Helm of the Executioner
2721HeadLooted Plate
Highlander's Lamellar Girdle
2721Waist Plate
Highlander's Lamellar Greaves
2721Feet Plate
Highlander's Plate Girdle
2721Waist Plate
Highlander's Plate Greaves
2721Feet Plate
Hydralick Armor
2721ChestLooted Plate
Lavacrest Leggings
2720LegsLooted Plate
Lavawalker Greaves
2721FeetLooted Plate
Morlune's Bracer
2721WristsLooted Plate
Mugthol's Helm
2720HeadLooted Plate
Skul's Cold Embrace
2721ChestLooted Plate
Spiderfang Carapace
2720ChestLooted Plate
Stonewall Girdle
2720WaistLooted Plate
Alabaster Plate Gauntlets
2721HandsLooted Plate
Alabaster Plate Girdle
2720WaistLooted Plate
Alabaster Plate Greaves
2721FeetLooted Plate
Alabaster Plate Helmet
2721HeadLooted Plate
Alabaster Plate Vambraces
2721WristsLooted Plate
Amusing Pauldrons
27Shoulders Yetiphobia Plate
Armed Gauntlets
27Hands Mostly Harmless Plate
Artificial Gorilla Chest
27Chest Serving A-Me 01 Plate