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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Shorebreaker's Legguards
20060Legs Plate
Shorebreaker's Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of Cyclopean Dread
110Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of Empty Memory
35Shoulders Get Me Outta Here! Plate
Shoulderguards of Protection
19Shoulders Elune's Gifts Plate
Shoulderguards of Resounding Rings
110Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of the All-Consuming Maw
110Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of the Last Mogu
110Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of the Lost Catacomb
110Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of Warning
18Shoulders No Time for Goodbyes! Plate
Shoulderguards of Winged Triumph
110Shoulders Plate
Shredder-Salvage Spaulders
36Shoulders Mo' Better Shredder Plate
Shrouded Bearskin Breastplate
5Chest Protect the Frontier Plate
Signal Smoke Shoulderpads
36Shoulders Call in the Artillery Plate
Silversteel Gauntlets
32HandsQuest Plate
Singed Vambraces
32WristsQuest Plate
Sinister Belt
27Waist The Darkest Depths Plate
Sinking Pauldrons
32Shoulders Oh Noes, the Tadpoles! Plate
Sister's Keeper
31468Chest Plate
Size-Cutting Bracers
36Wrists The Axe of Earthly Sundering Plate
Skoldiir Bracers
5040WristsLooted Plate
Skoldiir Breastplate
5040ChestLooted Plate
Skoldiir Gauntlets
5040HandsLooted Plate
Skoldiir Helm
5040HeadLooted Plate
Skoldiir Legguards
5040LegsLooted Plate
Skoldiir Sabatons
5040FeetLooted Plate
Skoldiir Shoulderguards
5040ShouldersLooted Plate
Skoldiir Waistplate
5040WaistLooted Plate
Skulk Rock Belt
19Waist Prime Slime Plate
Skull Rock Belt
6Waist Skull Rock Plate
Skull-Reshaper's Helm
33HeadQuest Plate
Skybreaker's Pauldrons
32Shoulders Enraged Spirits of Air Plate
Skyfallen Plate Belt
36Waist Twilight Skies Plate
Skyfire Greaves
29LegsQuest Plate
Skyfire Marine's Pauldrons
44Shoulders Greymane's Gambit Plate
Skyfire Marine's Vambraces
44Wrists Greymane's Gambit Plate
Slabchisel Boots
12Feet The Floodsurge Core Plate
Slag Accruing Mask
40070HeadVendor Plate
Slag Accruing Waistguard
40070WaistVendor Plate
Slagplate Gauntlets
25Hands Plate
Slagplate Leggings
25Legs Plate
Slaver's Plate
17Chest Speaking with Nezzliok Plate
Sleet Shined Armguards
200Wrists Plate
Sleet Shined Chestplate
200Chest Plate
Sleet Shined Legplates
200Legs Plate
Sleet Shined Shoulderguards
200Shoulders Plate
Sleet Shined Stompers
200Feet Plate
Sleet Shined Waistguard
200Waist Plate
Sleetguard Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Sleetguard Warboots
6050FeetLooted Plate
Smashing Breastplate
16Chest The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression Plate
Smuggled Nerubian Cuffs
40070Wrists Plate
Snake Plate Belt
4Waist Bilgewater Cartel Represent Plate
Snapjaw Bracers
19Wrists Gammerita, Mon! Plate
Snaptooth Legplates
33LegsQuest Plate
Snowy Breastplate
3833ChestLooted Plate
Snowy Gauntlets
3833HandsLooted Plate
Snowy Girdle
3833WaistLooted Plate
Snowy Helm
3833HeadLooted Plate
Snowy Legplates
3833LegsLooted Plate
Snowy Pauldrons
3833ShouldersLooted Plate
Snowy Sabatons
3833FeetLooted Plate
Snowy Vambraces
3833WristsLooted Plate
Song-Reflecting Spaulders
36Shoulders Siren's Song Plate
Soul Saver's Chest Plate
31Chest Show Them Gnome Mercy! Plate
Soul-Trapper's Greaves
44Legs Reignite the Wards Plate
Southsea Head Bucket
24Head Plate
Spare Metal Pauldrons
18Shoulders Venture Company Mining Plate
Spare Part Leggings
17Legs Spare Parts Up In Here! Plate
Sparkmetal Coif
19Head Plate
Sparky's Discarded Helmet
31Head Dr. Boom! Plate
Sparring Trainer's Gauntlets
8548Hands Assessing Your Spirit Plate
Spaulders of Cyclopean Dread
110Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of Resounding Rings
110Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of Resounding Rings
110Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of Sealing
20Shoulders Portals of the Legion Plate
Spaulders of Sealing
20Shoulders Portals of the Legion Plate
Spaulders of the All-Consuming Maw
110Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of the Last Mogu
110Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of the Lost Catacomb
110Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of Winged Triumph
110Shoulders Plate
Spearbreaker Belt
20058Waist Plate
Spearbreaker Chestguard
20058Chest Plate
Spearbreaker Footguards
20058Feet Plate
Spearbreaker Vambraces
20058Wrists Plate
Spiked Cobalt Belt
3328WaistCrafted Plate
Spiked Cobalt Boots
3327FeetCrafted Plate
Spiked Cobalt Bracers
3428WristsCrafted Plate
Spiked Cobalt Chestpiece
3328ChestCrafted Plate
Spiked Cobalt Gauntlets
3328HandsCrafted Plate
Spiked Cobalt Helm
3227HeadCrafted Plate
Spiked Cobalt Legplates
3328LegsCrafted Plate
Spiked Cobalt Shoulders
3328ShouldersCrafted Plate
Spikemender Shoulderplates
35Shoulders A Standard Day for Azrajar Plate
Spikemender Shoulderplates
35Shoulders A Standard Day for Azrajar Plate
Spiritforged Helm
33Head Subject to Interpretation Plate
Spiritforged Legguards
33Legs Voices From the Dust Plate
Spiritguard Belt
3732WaistCrafted Plate