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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Discarded Juggernaut Plating
35Legs Disassembly Plate
Drill-Guide Belt
35Waist Totem Modification Plate
Druidic Guardian Plate
35Chest War on the Twilight's Hammer Plate
Earthswell Belt
35Waist Sealing the Way Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Clearing the Defiled Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Clearing the Defiled Plate
Embercrusher Grips
35Hands Black Heart of Flame Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet Here Fishie Fishie 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet The Brothers Digsong 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Gauntlets of Guerilla Fury
35Hands Might of the Firelord Plate
Girdle of Calcified Blackfin
35Waist Blackfin's Booty Plate
Girdle of Gar'gol
35Waist Elementary! Plate
Girdle of the Ancient Wolf
35Waist Sweeping the Shelf Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Piece of the Past Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Piece of the Past Plate
Greaves of Violent Revenge
35Legs Death to the Broodmother Plate
Grips of Arcane Imprisonment
35Hands Through the Dream Plate
Grips of the Severed Starfish
35Hands One Last Favor Plate
Handguards of the Severed Starfish
35Hands Orako's Report Plate
Harp Shell Shoulderplates
35Shoulders Raw Materials Plate
Heatbinder Wristplates
35Wrists The Return of Baron Geddon Plate
Helm of the Crushed Overseer
35Head Overseer Idra'kess Plate
Helm of the Crushed Overseer
35Head Overseer Idra'kess Plate
Helm of the Mendicant
35Head Prepping the Soil Plate
Invidious Casque
35Head Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows Plate
Legplates of Persuasion
35Legs A Bird in Hand Plate
Liminal Greathelm
35Head Not Entirely Unprepared Plate
Liminal Greathelm
35Head Not Entirely Unprepared Plate
Meiofauna Wristguards
35Wrists Something Edible Plate
Mercury Treads
35Feet Maziel's Ascendancy Plate
Midnight Service Treads
35Feet Without a Captain or Crew Plate
Oddly Revealing Chestguard
35Chest Crafty Crabs Plate
Polychaete Footguards
35Feet Stick it to Them Plate
Razorproof Greaves
35Feet Hyjal Recycling Program Plate
Rescuers Shoulderguards
35Shoulders The Third Flamegate Plate
Riptide Legguards
35Legs Put It On Plate
Riptide Legguards
35Legs Put It On Plate
Rough Stone Carapace
35Chest Question the Slaves Plate
Schooner-Savior's Grips
35Hands Blood and Thunder! Plate
Sea Star Wristwraps
35Wrists Bellies Await Plate
Shoulderguards of Empty Memory
35Shoulders Get Me Outta Here! Plate
Spikemender Shoulderplates
35Shoulders A Standard Day for Azrajar Plate
Spikemender Shoulderplates
35Shoulders A Standard Day for Azrajar Plate
Super-Sized Stompers
35Feet Crabby Patrons Plate
True Beacon Shoulderplates
35Shoulders Welcome News Plate
True Beacon Shoulderplates
35Shoulders Welcome News Plate
Wentletrap Legplates
35Legs A Distracting Scent Plate
Wheelman's Shattered Grasp
35Hands All or Nothing Plate
Battlechest of the Twilight Cult
34ChestLooted Plate
Battlescar Spirebands
34Wrists Not-So-Honorable Combat Plate
Besieging Breastplate
34Chest Aces High! Plate
Chiseled Stalagmite Pauldrons
34ShouldersLooted Plate
Crawler-Emblem Belt
34WaistLooted Plate
Dalaran Warden's Legplates
34Legs Containment Plate
Dino-Toothed Waistguard
34WaistLooted Plate
Disavowed Bracers
34Wrists Head Games Plate
Enticing Sabatons
34FeetQuest Plate
Expelling Gauntlets
34Hands Don't Forget the Eggs! Plate
Gauntlets of Stuttering Reality
34HandsLooted Plate
Girdle of Eternal Memory
34Waist Light Within the Darkness Plate
Greathelm of the Titan Protectorate
34Head Reclamation Plate
Greaves of the Blue Flight
34FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Traitor
34Feet Death to the Traitor King Plate
Helm of Towering Rage
34Head Reclamation Plate
Insulating Bindings
34WristsLooted Plate
Iron Colossus Legplates
34Legs The Iron Colossus Plate
Mantle of Volkhan
34Shoulders Diametrically Opposed Plate
Marbled Bracers
34WristsLooted Plate
Pauldrons of Extinguished Hatred
34Shoulders Diametrically Opposed Plate
Pauldrons of Morbidus
34Shoulders The Flesh Giant Champion Plate
Pauldrons of the Great Tide
34ShouldersLooted Plate
Shoulderplates of the Abolished
34Shoulders The Faceless Ones Plate
Skittering Gauntlets
34HandsLooted Plate
Skittering Gauntlets
34HandsLooted Plate
Slag-Stained Legplates
34LegsLooted Plate
The Argent Crown
34Head The Crusaders' Pinnacle Plate
The Crusader's Resolution
34Head The Crusaders' Pinnacle Plate
The Darkspeaker's Iron Walkers
34Feet Mind Tricks Plate
Volazj's Sabatons
34FeetLooted Plate
Accelerator Stompers
34FeetQuest Plate
Astrid's Riding Gloves
34Hands Making a Harness Plate
Backhanded Grips
34Hands Krolmir, Hammer of Storms Plate
Bjornrittar's Chilled Legguards
34Legs The Slithering Darkness Plate
Blackened Breastplate of the Vault
34Chest Shadow Vault Decree Plate
Bloodstained Helmet
34HeadQuest Plate
Boots of Dominance
34Feet It Could Be Anywhere! Plate
Breastplate of Splattered Blood
34Chest The Rider of Blood Plate
Bronzed Dome Protector
34Head Dreadsaber Mastery: Ready to Pounce Plate
Bug-Smashing Pauldrons
34Shoulders The Sapphire Queen Plate
Chestguard of the Frozen Ascent
34Chest They Took Our Men! Plate
Chestplate of the Glacial Crusader
34Chest Eliminate the Competition Plate
Coldblooded Legplates
34LegsQuest Plate
Cracked Nest Stabilizer
34Waist Flown the Coop! Plate
Crown of Hyldnir
34Head Taking on All Challengers Plate
Cultbreaker's Chestguard
34ChestQuest Plate
Demolisher's Grips
34HandsQuest Plate
Ebon Pauldrons
34Shoulders Ebon Blade Prisoners Plate
Enchanted Plate Waistguard
34Waist Defending The Vanguard Plate
Gauntlets of the Holy Gladiator
34Hands Revenge for the Vargul Plate
Goblin Damage Absorber
34Waist Demolitionist Extraordinaire Plate