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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Horror Inscribed Chestguard
5045Chest Plate
Hulking Demolisher Legplates
5045Legs Plate
Immaculately Polished Boots
5045Feet Plate
Imonar's Demi-Gauntlets
5045Hands Plate
Impenetrable Garothi Breastplate
5045Chest Plate
Inordinately Wondrous Wristguards
5040Wrists Plate
Insect-Etched Chestplate
5045Chest Plate
Iron Ballast Sabatons
5045Feet Plate
Ironsight Cranial Cannon
5045Head Plate
Jagged Carapace Wristclamps
5045Wrists Plate
Juggernaut Breastplate
5045Chest Plate
Juggernaut Gauntlets
5045Hands Plate
Juggernaut Helm
5045Head Plate
Juggernaut Legplates
5045Legs Plate
Juggernaut Pauldrons
5045Shoulders Plate
Kezan Pirate's Mitts
5045Hands Plate
Krakenbone Waistplate
5045Waist Plate
Lava-Slough Legguards
5045Legs Plate
Lead-Soled Seabed Striders
5045Feet Plate
Legplates of Forgotten Myth
5045Legs Plate
Legplates of the Highlord
5045Legs Plate
Legplates of the Obsidian Aspect
5045Legs Plate
Leystone-Toe Kickers
5045Feet Plate
Light's Vanguard Breastplate
5045Chest Plate
Light's Vanguard Breastplate
5045Chest Plate
Light's Vanguard Gauntlets
5045Hands Plate
Light's Vanguard Helm
5045Head Plate
Light's Vanguard Legplates
5045Legs Plate
Light's Vanguard Legplates
5045Legs Plate
Light's Vanguard Shoulderplates
5045Shoulders Plate
Light's Vanguard Shoulderplates
5045Shoulders Plate
Low-Cut Chestplate
5045Chest Plate
Malicious Zealot's Legplates
5045Legs Plate
Manacrystal-Adorned Helmet
5045Head Plate
Mantle of Conflicted Loyalties
5040Shoulders Plate
Midnight Herald's Pauldrons
5045Shoulders Plate
Molten Bite Handguards
5045Hands Plate
Nathrezim Battle Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Nathrezim Battle Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Pauldrons of Encroaching Limits
5040Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of Shifting Runes
5045Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of the Engulfing Tide
5045Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of the Eternal Offensive
5045Shoulders Plate
Pauldrons of the Highlord
5045Shoulders Plate
Polished Felfury Helmet
5045Head Plate
Primal Gauntlets of Rage
5045Hands Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Breastplate
5045Chest Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Breastplate
5060Chest Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Crown
5060Head Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Crown
5045Head Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Gauntlets
5045Hands Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Gauntlets
5060Hands Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Greatboots
5060Feet Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Greaves
5060Legs Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Greaves
5045Legs Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Shoulderguards
5045Shoulders Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Shoulderguards
5060Shoulders Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Vambraces
5060Wrists Plate
Radiant Lightbringer Waistguard
5060Waist Plate
Reaver's Rattling Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Reinforced Hound-Handler's Gauntlets
5045Hands Plate
Repurposed Golem Grips
5040Hands Plate
Sabatons of the Illidari Crusade
50Feet Plate
Sabatons of Unchanging Fate
5045Feet Plate
Sea-Reaver's Girdle
5045Waist Plate
Shiversleet Waistguard
5045Waist Plate
Shoulderguard of the Eclipse
5045Shoulders Plate
Shoulderguards of Indomitable Purpose
5045Shoulders Plate
Shoulderplates of Crackling Flame
5045Shoulders Plate
Shoulderplates of Oversized Sorcery
5045Shoulders Plate
Shoulderplates of the Obsidian Aspect
5045Shoulders Plate
Si'vashi Guard's Breastplate
5045Chest Plate
Soul Crushing Stompers
5045Feet Plate
Soul-Render's Greatbelt
5045Waist Plate
Soul-Tempered Chestplate
5045Chest Plate
Spaulders of the Silver Hand
5045Shoulders Plate
Spaulders of Vile Determination
5045Shoulders Plate
Spellwarding Waistguard
5040Waist Plate
Spiked Terrorwake Greatboots
5045Feet Plate
Steadfast Purifier's Warboots
5045Feet Plate
Stormbattered Casque
5045Head Plate
Storm-Battered Legplates
5045Legs Plate
Tainted Corruptor's Vambraces
5045Wrists Plate
Tarnished Dreamkeeper's Gauntlets
5045Hands Plate
Tassets of Perpetual Despair
5040Legs Plate
The Soulbinder's Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Titanic Onslaught Breastplate
5045Chest Plate
Titanic Onslaught Breastplate
5060Chest Plate
Titanic Onslaught Girdle
5060Waist Plate
Titanic Onslaught Greathelm
5060Head Plate
Titanic Onslaught Greathelm
5045Head Plate
Titanic Onslaught Greaves
5045Legs Plate
Titanic Onslaught Greaves
5060Legs Plate
Titanic Onslaught Handguards
5060Hands Plate
Titanic Onslaught Handguards
5045Hands Plate
Titanic Onslaught Pauldrons
5045Shoulders Plate
Titanic Onslaught Pauldrons
5060Shoulders Plate
Titanic Onslaught Warboots
5060Feet Plate
Titanic Onslaught Wristplates
5060Wrists Plate
Titan-Subjugator's Visage
5045Head Plate