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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Bramblestaff Boots
3935Feet Plate
Breastplate of Ancient Steel
3935Chest Plate
Breastplate of the All-Consuming Maw
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Breastplate of the Kings' Guard
3935Chest Plate
Breastplate of the Kings' Guard
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Breastplate of the Kings' Guard
3935Chest Plate
Breastplate of the Lost Catacomb
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Breastplate of the Lost Catacomb
3935Chest Plate
Carapace of Crushed Conviction
3935Chest Plate
Casque of Expelled Corruption
3935Head Plate
Casque of Expelled Corruption
3935Head Plate
Casque of Expelled Corruption
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Caustic Spike Bracers
Raid Finder
3935Wrists Plate
Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of Resounding Rings
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of Resounding Rings
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of the All-Consuming Maw
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Last Mogu
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Lost Catacomb
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Lost Catacomb
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Unbowed Back
3935Chest Plate
Chestplate of Limitless Faith
3935Chest Plate
Chestplate of the Forbidden Tower
3935Chest Plate
Chestplate of the Forbidden Tower
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Chestplate of Violent Detonation
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Cliffbreaker Breastplate
3935Chest Plate
Cliffbreaker Gauntlets
3935Hands Plate
Cliffbreaker Girdle
3935Waist Plate
Cliffbreaker Helm
3935Head Plate
Cliffbreaker Legplates
3935Legs Plate
Cliffbreaker Pauldrons
3935Shoulders Plate
Cliffbreaker Sabatons
3935Feet Plate
Cliffbreaker Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Cloudbreaker Greatbelt
Raid Finder
3935Waist Plate
Columnbreaker Stompers
Raid Finder
3935Feet Plate
Cord of Crazed Strength
3935Waist Plate
Cragchewer Sollerets
3935Feet Plate
Crown of Keening Stars
3935Head Plate
Crown of Keening Stars
3935Head Plate
Crown of Keening Stars
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Crown of Potentiated Birth
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Crown of Ranging Invasion
3935Head Plate
Crown of the Golden Golem
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Cuirass of the Animated Protector
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Cuirass of the Animated Protector
3935Chest Plate
Cuirass of the Twin Monoliths
3935Chest Plate
Dawnblade's Chestguard
3935Chest Plate
Deepwater Greatboots
3935Feet Plate
Deepwater Greatboots
3935Feet Plate
Deepwater Greatboots
Raid Finder
3935Feet Plate
Divide's Greatheart Clasp
3935Waist Plate
Divide's Loyal Clasp
3935Waist Plate
Doomed Crown of Lei Shen
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Egg-Shard Grips
Raid Finder
3935Hands Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Breastplate
3935Chest Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Gauntlets
3935Hands Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Girdle
3935Waist Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Helm
3935Head Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Legplates
3935Legs Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Pauldrons
3935Shoulders Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Sabatons
3935Feet Plate
Elder Tortoiseshell Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Everbright Breastplate
3935Chest Plate
Everbright Gauntlets
3935Hands Plate
Everbright Girdle
3935Waist Plate
Everbright Helm
3935Head Plate
Everbright Legplates
3935Legs Plate
Everbright Pauldrons
3935Shoulders Plate
Everbright Sabatons
3935Feet Plate
Everbright Vambraces
3935Wrists Plate
Faceguard of Resounding Rings
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Faceguard of Resounding Rings
3935Head Plate
Faceguard of the All-Consuming Maw
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Faceguard of the Last Mogu
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Faceguard of the Lost Catacomb
3935Head Plate
Faceguard of the Lost Catacomb
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Fallen Sentinel Bracers
3935Wrists Plate
Firerider Treads
3935Feet Plate
Frozen Warlord's Bracers
Raid Finder
3935Wrists Plate
Garalon's Graven Carapace
Raid Finder
3935Chest Plate
Garalon's Graven Carapace
3935Chest Plate
Garalon's Hollow Skull
3935Head Plate
Garalon's Hollow Skull
Raid Finder
3935Head Plate
Gauntlets of Ancient Steel
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Battle Command
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Jade Sutras
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Resounding Rings
Raid Finder
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Resounding Rings
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Resounding Rings
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the All-Consuming Maw
Raid Finder
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Last Mogu
Raid Finder
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Lost Catacomb
Raid Finder
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Lost Catacomb
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Lost Catacomb
3935Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Unbound Devotion
3935Hands Plate
Ghost Reaver's Breastplate
3935Chest Plate
Ghost Reaver's Gauntlets
3935Hands Plate
Giantfoot Headguard
3935Head Plate