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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Firehawk Leggings
6032LegsLooted Cloth
Firehawk Mantle
6032ShouldersLooted Cloth
Firehawk Robes
6032ChestLooted Cloth
Firelord's Hood
6032Head Cloth
Firelord's Mantle
6032Shoulders Cloth
Fireskin Gauntlets
6032HandsLooted Plate
First Lieutenant's Ceremonial Belt
6050Waist Leather
Flag Officer's Overcoat
6050ChestLooted Mail
Flame-Sterilized Spaulders
6050ShouldersLooted Mail
Flamewaker's Gloves
6032HandsLooted Mail
Flamewaker's Headguard
6032HeadLooted Mail
Flamewaker's Legguards
6032LegsLooted Mail
Flamewaker's Spaulders
6032ShouldersLooted Mail
Flamewaker's Tunic
6032ChestLooted Mail
Flaming Core Chestguard
6032ChestLooted Mail
Flaskzertauren's Cloth Robes
6050Chest Cloth
Flaskzertauren's Cloth Shoulders
6050Shoulders Cloth
Flaskzertauren's Leather Shoulderpads
6050Shoulders Leather
Flaskzertauren's Leather Spaulders
6050Shoulders Leather
Flaskzertauren's Leather Tunic
6050Chest Leather
Flaskzertauren's Leather Vest
6050Chest Leather
Flaskzertauren's Mail Hauberk
6050Chest Mail
Flaskzertauren's Mail Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Mail
Flaskzertauren's Plate Chestguard
6050Chest Plate
Flaskzertauren's Plate Cuirass
6050Chest Plate
Flaskzertauren's Plate Pauldrons
6050Shoulders Plate
Flickering Cowl
6032HeadLooted Cloth
Flickering Handguards
6032HandsLooted Plate
Flickering Shoulderpads
6032ShouldersLooted Leather
Flickering Shoulders
6032ShouldersLooted Mail
Flickering Wristbands
6032WristsLooted Leather
Flowform Choker
6032NeckLooted Neck
Fluid-Resistant Specimen Handlers
6050HandsLooted Plate
Fogbreaker, Light of the Sea
6050Off HandLooted Off Hand
Footpads of the Deft Exorcist
6050Feet Leather
Footpads of the Encircling Storm
6050Feet Azurethos Leather
Footpads of the Icy Floe
6030Feet Cloth
Forest Lord's Razorleaf
6050Trinket Ivus the Decayed Trinket
Forest Lord's Razorleaf
6050Trinket Ivus the Forest Lord Trinket
Forest Protector's Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Ivus the Decayed Mail
Forest Protector's Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Ivus the Forest Lord Mail
Freezing Tempest Waistguard
6050Waist Hailstone Construct Mail
Frenetic Corpuscle
6050TrinketLooted Trinket
Frost Runed Headdress
605Head Cloth
Frostbreath Leggings
6050Legs Hailstone Construct Cloth
Frostwolf Advisor's Cloak
605Back Back
Frostwolf Advisor's Pendant
605Neck Neck
Frostwolf Cloth Belt
605Waist Cloth
Frostwolf Leather Belt
605Waist Leather
Frostwolf Legionnaire's Cloak
605Back Back
Frostwolf Legionnaire's Pendant
605Neck Neck
Frostwolf Mail Belt
605Waist Mail
Frostwolf Plate Belt
605Waist Plate
Frozen Steel Vambraces
605Wrists Plate
Fused Monstrosity Stompers
6050FeetLooted Mail
Galebreaker's Sabatons
6050Feet Ji'arak Plate
Galecaller's Beak
6050Trinket Azurethos Trinket
Galvanic Turbo-Charger
6050Trinket Trinket
Garments of the Forest Lord
6050Chest Ivus the Decayed Cloth
Garments of the Forest Lord
6050Chest Ivus the Forest Lord Cloth
Gatekeeper's Embrace
6032ChestLooted Mail
Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal
6030Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Renewed Resolution
6050Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Scavenged Plates
6050Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Molten Giant
6032HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Scorched Sands
6050Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Sun King
6027Hands Cloth
Gayeong's Gentle Step
6050FeetLooted Mail
Giga-Charged Shoulderpads
6050ShouldersLooted Cloth
Gilded-Wing Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Doom's Howl Leather
Girdle of Biting Winds
6050Waist Hailstone Construct Plate
Girdle of Scavenged Plates
6050Waist Plate
Girdle of the Forgotten Martyr
6030Waist Plate
Girdle of the Scroll-Sages
6050Waist Mail
Glacial Spike Gauntlets
6050Hands Hailstone Construct Plate
Glaciercrest Helm
6050HeadLooted Plate
Gloomplate Gauntlets
6050Hands Plate
Gloomplate Girdle
6050Waist Plate
Glorious Gauntlets of Crestfall
6027Hands Plate
Gloves of Bitter Reprisal
6030Hands Plate
Gloves of Descending Madness
6050HandsLooted Leather
Gloves of Dissolving Smoke
6032HandsLooted Leather
Gloves of Enveloping Winds
6050Hands Ji'arak Cloth
Gloves of Involuntary Amputation
6050HandsLooted Mail
Gloves of Spiritual Grace
6050HandsLooted Leather
Gloves of the Cleansing Flame
6032HandsLooted Cloth
Gloves of the Dancing Bear
6030Hands Leather
Gloves of the Desert Assassin
6050Hands Dunegorger Kraulok Leather
Gloves of the Forward Skirmisher
6050Hands Leather
Gloves of the Lifeless Touch
6030Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Scaled Devoted
6050Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Undying Pact
6050Hands Leather
Glowing Wing Bracers
6032WristsLooted Leather
Gnarled Bough Gauntlets
6050Hands Ivus the Decayed Mail
Gnarled Bough Gauntlets
6050Hands Ivus the Forest Lord Mail
Gnarled Mood Ring
6050FingerLooted Finger
Goblet of Anger
6032Off HandLooted Off Hand
Goblin Sapper's Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Goldenscale Girdle
6050WaistLooted Mail
Gonk Adherents Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate