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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Fungalshroud Raiment
5850Chest Lichen-Covered Chest Cloth
Fused-Slag Girdle
5850Waist Azerite-Infused Slag Mail
Galewind Chimes
5850TrinketLooted, Quest Trinket
Garyl's Riding Blanket
5850Back Hay Covered Chest Back
Giant Yeti's Bowl
5850Off HandLooted, Quest Shield
Gilded Hex-Maw
58Off Hand Off Hand
Gilded Loa Figurine
58Trinket Trinket
Glompmaw's Ring
5850Finger Glompmaw Finger
Gluttonous Carnivore Treads
5850Feet Gut-Gut the Glutton Mail
Gnarlwood Barrier
58Off Hand Shield
Goathair Bindings
5850Wrists Kickers Cloth
Golden Empire Buckler
58Off Hand Shield
Golden Empire Signet
58Finger Finger
Golden Tomb Defender
5850Off Hand Hakbi the Risen Shield
Gonk Outrunner Armbands
58Wrists Leather
Gonk Outrunner Belt
58Waist Leather
Gonk Outrunner Breeches
58Legs Leather
Gonk Outrunner Grips
58Hands Leather
Gonk Outrunner Mask
5850Head Leather
Gonk Outrunner Shoulderguards
5850Shoulders Leather
Gonk Outrunner Striders
58Feet Leather
Gonk Outrunner Vest
5850Chest Leather
Gotaka's Wallopers
5850Hands Atal'zul Gotaka Plate
Gravethorn Belt
58Waist Leather
Gravethorn Breeches
58Legs Leather
Gravethorn Grips
58Hands Leather
Gravethorn Hood
5850Head Leather
Gravethorn Jerkin
5850Chest Leather
Gravethorn Shoulderguards
5850Shoulders Leather
Gravethorn Striders
58Feet Leather
Gravethorn Wristwraps
58Wrists Leather
Greatbelt of Rezan's Bladeguard
58Waist Plate
Greathelm of Rezan's Bladeguard
5850Head Plate
Greathelm of the Champion
5840Head Infusing the Heart Plate
Greathelm of the Champion
5840Head Infusing the Heart Plate
Groggy Brawler's Chestplate
5850Chest Bajiani the Slick Plate
Gryphon-Rider's Breastplate
5850Chest Avalanche Plate
Gurubashi Empire Greatcloak
5850Back Back
Gusting Axebeak Anklewraps
5850Feet Murderbeak Cloth
Gutrip's Tramplers
5850Feet Gutrip Plate
Gwugnug's Cursed Wraps
5850Chest Gwugnug the Cursed Cloth
Harbormaster Cuirass
5850Chest Plate
Harbormaster Faceguard
5850Head Plate
Harbormaster Gauntlets
58Hands Plate
Harbormaster Greatbelt
58Waist Plate
Harbormaster Legplates
58Legs Plate
Harbormaster Pauldrons
5850Shoulders Plate
Harbormaster Stompers
58Feet Plate
Harbormaster Wristplates
58Wrists Plate
Headtaker's Helm
5850Head Jakala the Cruel Leather
Helm of the Champion
5840Head Infusing the Heart Mail
Helm of the Champion
5840Head Infusing the Heart Mail
Hillshaker Armplates
5850Wrists Kiboku Plate
Honey-Glazed Gauntlets
5850Hands Honey-Coated Slitherer Plate
Honey-Glazed Vambraces
5850Wrists Honey Vat Plate
Honorbound Artificer's Amice
5845Shoulders Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Amice
5845ShouldersLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cloak
5850BackLooted Back
Honorbound Artificer's Cord
5850WaistLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cuffs
5850WristsLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Guise
5845HeadLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Guise
5845Head Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Legwraps
58Legs Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Legwraps
5850LegsLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Mantle
5845Shoulders Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Mantle
58Shoulders Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Mitts
5850HandsLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Mitts
58Hands Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Robes
58Chest Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Robes
5845Chest Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Robes
5845ChestLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Robes
5845Chest Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Sandals
58Feet Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Sandals
5850FeetLooted Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Skullcap
5845Head Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Skullcap
58Head Cloth
Honorbound Barrier
58Off HandLooted Shield
Honorbound Barrier
58Off Hand Shield
Honorbound Centurion's Breastplate
5845Chest Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Breastplate
5845Chest Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Breastplate
58Chest Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Breastplate
5845ChestLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Gauntlets
58Hands Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Gauntlets
5850HandsLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Greatbelt
5850WaistLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Greathelm
5845Head Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Greathelm
5845HeadLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Greaves
5850FeetLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Greaves
58Feet Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Helmet
58Head Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Helmet
5845Head Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Legplates
58Legs Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Legplates
5850LegsLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Long Cloak
5850BackLooted Back
Honorbound Centurion's Pauldrons
5845Shoulders Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Pauldrons
58Shoulders Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Shoulderplates
5845Shoulders Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Shoulderplates
5845ShouldersLooted Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Vambraces
5850WristsLooted Plate