

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sephuz's Secret
5040FingerLooted Finger
Service of Gorefiend
5040WaistLooted Plate
Shackles of Bryndaor
5040WristsLooted Plate
Shadow Satyr's Walk
5040FeetLooted Leather
Shard of the Exodar
5040FingerLooted Finger
Shattered Fragments of Sindragosa
5040HeadLooted Cloth
Shelter of Rin
5040ChestLooted Leather
Shivarran Symmetry
5040HandsLooted Leather
Sin'dorei Spite
5040WristsLooted Cloth
Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont
5040WristsLooted Cloth
Skullflower's Haemostasis
5040ShouldersLooted Plate
Skysec's Hold
5040FeetLooted Leather
Smoldering Heart
5040HandsLooted Mail
Soul of the Archdruid
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Archmage
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Battlelord
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Deathlord
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Farseer
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Grandmaster
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the High Priest
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Highlord
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Huntmaster
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Netherlord
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Shadowblade
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soul of the Slayer
5040FingerLooted Finger
Soulflayer's Corruption
5040ChestLooted Plate
Spirit of the Darkness Flame
5040HandsLooted Leather
Spiritual Journey
5040FeetLooted Mail
Storm Tempests
5040WaistLooted Mail
Stormstout's Last Gasp
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Streten's Sleepless Shackles
5040WristsLooted Cloth
Tak'theritrix's Shoulderpads
5040ShouldersLooted Plate
Talisman of Binding Shard
2925Neck Neck
Tearstone of Elune
5040FingerLooted Finger
The Alabaster Lady
5040HeadLooted Cloth
The Apex Predator's Claw
5040FingerLooted Finger
The Curse of Restlessness
5040BackLooted Back
The Dark Titan's Advice
5040WaistLooted Leather
The Deceiver's Blood Pact
5040FeetLooted Mail
The Defiler's Lost Vambraces
5040WristsLooted Leather
The Dreadlord's Deceit
5040BackLooted Back
The Emerald Dreamcatcher
5040HeadLooted Leather
The Emperor's Capacitor
5040ChestLooted Leather
The Empty Crown
5040HeadLooted Leather
The First of the Dead
5040HandsLooted Leather
The Great Storm's Eye
5040HeadLooted Plate
The Instructor's Fourth Lesson
5040WristsLooted Plate
The Mantle of Command
5040ShouldersLooted Mail
The Master Harvester
5040ChestLooted Cloth
The Sentinel's Eternal Refuge
5040FeetCrafted Leather
The Shadow Hunter's Voodoo Mask
5040HeadLooted Mail
The Topless Tower
5040HeadLooted Plate
The Twins' Painful Touch
5040FingerLooted Finger
The Walls Fell
5040FingerLooted Finger
The Wildshaper's Clutch
5040HandsLooted Leather
The Wind Blows
5040HeadLooted Leather
Thorasus, the Stone Heart of Draenor
4740FingerQuest Finger
Thraxi's Tricksy Treads
5040FeetLooted Leather
Thundergod's Vigor
5040WaistLooted Plate
Timeless Stratagem
5040ShouldersLooted Plate
Toravon's Whiteout Bindings
5040WristsLooted Plate
Tyelca, Ferren Marcus's Stature
5040LegsLooted Plate
Tyr's Hand of Faith
5040HandsLooted Plate
Ullr's Feather Snowshoes
5040FeetLooted Mail
Uncertain Reminder
5040HeadLooted Mail
Unison Spaulders
5040ShouldersLooted Leather
Unseen Predator's Cloak
5040BackLooted Back
Uther's Guard
5040WristsLooted Plate
Uvanimor, the Unbeautiful
5040FingerLooted Finger
Valarjar Berserkers
5040LegsLooted Plate
Velen's Future Sight
5040TrinketLooted Trinket
Vigilance Perch
5040HandsCrafted Mail
Wakener's Loyalty
5040HeadLooted Cloth
War Belt of the Sentinel Army
5040WaistLooted Mail
Weight of the Earth
5040LegsLooted Plate
Whisper of the Nathrezim
5040BackLooted Back
Wilfred's Sigil of Superior Summoning
5040FingerLooted Finger
Will of Valeera
5040LegsLooted Leather
Xalan the Feared's Clench
5040HandsLooted Cloth
X'anshi, Shroud of Archbishop Benedictus
5040BackLooted Back
Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon
4435BackUnobtainable, Created Back
X'oni's Caress
5040HandsLooted Leather
Zann'esu Journey
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Zeks Exterminatus
5040BackLooted Back
Zenk'aram, Iridi's Anadem
5040HeadLooted Cloth
Zevrim's Hunger
5040FingerLooted Finger
Zoldyck Family Training Shackles
5040WristsLooted Leather
[PH] World Boss Leather Shoulder
164110Shoulders Leather
[PH] World Boss Leather Shoulder
164110Shoulders Leather
<DNT> 9.2 Raid - Sepulcher of the First Ones - Boss 01 - Solitary Guardian - Shield
22650Off Hand Shield
<Insert Bespoke Cantrip Gear>
50080Off Hand Shield
<Insert Bespoke Cantrip Gear>
50080Off Hand Shield
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Belt
39870Waist Plate
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Chest
39870Chest Plate
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Feet
39870Feet Plate
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Hands
39870Hands Plate
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Helm
39870Head Plate
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Legs
39870Legs Plate
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Shoulder
39870Shoulders Plate
10.0 Raid - Vault of the Incarnates - DK Set - Armor - Plate Wrist
39870Wrists Plate