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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Durable Worghide Cape
32Back Back
Duro Footgear
32Feet Mail
Dusk Watcher's Belt
32Waist Cloth
Dusk-Linked Leggings
32Legs Mail
Earthbinder's Regenerating Band
32Finger Finger
Earthborn Greaves
32Feet Plate
Earth-Infused Leggings
32Legs Cloth
Earthmender's Bracer of Shattering
32Wrists Cloth
Earthmender's Crimson Spaulders
32Shoulders Mail
Earthmender's Fists of Undoing
32Hands Leather
Earthmender's Plated Boots
32Feet Plate
Earthwell Footwraps
32Feet Cloth
Eco-Dome Leggings
32Legs Leather
Eldr'naan Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Eldr'naan Boots
3227Feet Cloth
Eldr'naan Bracelets
3227Wrists Cloth
Eldr'naan Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Eldr'naan Hood
3227Head Cloth
Eldr'naan Jerkin
3227Chest Cloth
Eldr'naan Pants
3227Legs Cloth
Eldr'naan Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Elementalist Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Elementalist Boots
3227Feet Cloth
Elementalist Bracelets
3227Wrists Cloth
Elementalist Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Elementalist Leggings
3227Legs Cloth
Elementalist Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Elementalist Skullcap
3227Head Cloth
Elementalist Star
3226Off Hand Off Hand
Elementalist Tunic
3227Chest Cloth
Embossed Ermine Girdle
32Waist Cloth
Emeraldscale Pauldrons
32Shoulders Plate
Engraved Cattleman's Buckle
32Waist Plate
Epidote Stone Necklace
3227Neck Neck
Ermine Ruff Cloak
32Back Back
Ethereal Gloves
32Hands Cloth
Ethical Epaulets
32Shoulders Mail
Eva's Strap
32Waist Leather
Expedition Boots
3227Feet Leather
Expedition Bracers
3227Wrists Leather
Expedition Girdle
3227Waist Leather
Expedition Gloves
3227Hands Leather
Expedition Hood
3227Head Leather
Expedition Pants
3227Legs Leather
Expedition Shoulderguards
3227Shoulders Leather
Expedition Tunic
3227Chest Leather
Farseer's Headpiece
32Head Mail
Farshire Belt
3226Waist Cloth
Farshire Cuffs
3226Wrists Cloth
Farshire Footpads
3226Feet Cloth
Farshire Gloves
3226Hands Cloth
Farshire Hood
3226Head Cloth
Farshire Pants
3226Legs Cloth
Farshire Robe
3226Chest Cloth
Farshire Shoulderpads
3226Shoulders Cloth
Faux Leather Hood
32Head Leather
Feather-Lined Shoulderpads
32Shoulders Plate
Fel-Iron Shield
3226Off Hand Shield
Ferocious Bands
32Wrists Leather
Finely Wrought Scale Leggings
32Legs Mail
Fire-Purifying Tunic
32Chest Cloth
Fizznik's Patented Earwarmer
32Head Leather
Flame Hardened Waistband
32Waist Cloth
Flame Hardened Wristbindings
32Wrists Leather
Flamebinder Handwraps
32Hands Cloth
Flame-Infused Bindings
32Wrists Mail
Flesh Handler's Gauntlets
32Hands Leather
Flesh Handler's Headpiece
32Head Mail
Flexible Leather Footwraps
32Feet Leather
Flint-Reinforced Spaulders
32Shoulders Cloth
Floodplain Cover
32Head Leather
Floodplain Shoulderpads
32Shoulders Leather
Floodplain Vest
32Chest Leather
Floral Loop
3227Finger Finger
Foothold Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Foothold Boots
3227Feet Cloth
Foothold Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Foothold Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Foothold Hood
3227Head Cloth
Foothold Pants
3227Legs Cloth
Foothold Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Foothold Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Forged-Iron Shield
3227Off Hand Shield
Freed Shackles
32Wrists Plate
Frostscale Belt
3227Waist Mail
Frostscale Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Frostscale Gloves
3228Hands Mail
Frostscale Leggings
3227Legs Mail
Frostscale Shoulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Frostspeaker Collar
32Neck Neck
Frost-Trimmed Gauntlets
32Hands Leather
Frostwoven Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Frostwoven Boots
3227Feet Cloth
Frostwoven Cowl
3228Head Cloth
Frostwoven Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Frostwoven Leggings
3228Legs Cloth
Frostwoven Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Frostwoven Shoulders
3227Shoulders Cloth
Frostwoven Wristwraps
3227Wrists Cloth
Fury of the Crimson Drake
32Trinket Trinket