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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Waylight Chainmail
8548Chest Mail
Waylight Epaulets
8548Shoulders Leather
Waylight Pauldrons
8548Shoulders Plate
Waylight Shoulderguards
8548Shoulders Mail
Waylight Shoulderpads
8548Shoulders Cloth
Waylight Tunic
8548Chest Leather
Waylight Vestment
8548Chest Cloth
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Neck
8548Neck Neck
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Ring D
8548Finger Finger
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Trinket
8548Trinket Trinket
9.0 QRP - Bastion - Accessory - Trinket
8548Trinket Trinket
Adored Apprentice's Gloves
8548Hands Leather
Agthia's Void-Tinged Speartip
8548Trinket Trinket
Air Bootuses
8548Feet Leather
Amice of Pained Absolution
8548Shoulders Cloth
Ascended Defender's Crest
8548Trinket Trinket
Ash-Scored Girdle
8548Waist Plate
8548Wrists Plate
Belt of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Leather
Bindings of Pained Absolution
8548Wrists Cloth
Boot-a-Charge Flyers
8548Feet Cloth
Boots of Inner Calm
8548Feet Leather
Bootus Shocks
8548Feet Mail
Briarbane Signet
8548Finger Finger
Chime of Melodic Reflection
8548Off Hand Off Hand
Cinch of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Mail
Cincture of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Plate
Contemplative Striders
8548Feet Mail
Cord of Pained Absolution
8548Waist Cloth
Cord of Uncertain Devotion
8548Waist Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Cord
8548Waist Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Hood
8548Head Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Leggings
8548Legs Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Mantle
8548Shoulders Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Robe
8548Chest Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Slippers
8548Feet Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Treads
8548Feet Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Trousers
8548Legs Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Cloth
Courageous Aspirant's Belt
8548Waist Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Boots
8548Feet Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Breeches
8548Legs Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Breeches
8548Legs Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Gloves
8548Hands Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Helm
8548Head Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Helm
8548Head Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Mitts
8548Hands Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Spaulders
8548Shoulders Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Vest
8548Chest Leather
Courageous Aspirant's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Leather
Cover of Pained Absolution
8548Head Cloth
Cranefeather Bracers
8548Wrists Cloth
Cruel Executioner's Chestplate
8548Chest Plate
Cruel Executioner's Girdle
8548Waist Plate
Cruel Executioner's Greaves
8548Legs Plate
Cruel Executioner's Helmet
8548Head Plate
Cruel Executioner's Legguards
8548Legs Plate
Cruel Executioner's Shoulders
8548Shoulders Plate
Cruel Executioner's Stompers
8548Feet Plate
Cruel Executioner's Warboots
8548Feet Plate
Cruel Executioner's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Plate
Deceitful Agent's Belt
8548Waist Leather
Deceitful Agent's Boots
8548Feet Leather
Deceitful Agent's Breeches
8548Legs Leather
Deceitful Agent's Helm
8548Head Leather
Deceitful Agent's Legwraps
8548Legs Leather
Deceitful Agent's Spaulders
8548Shoulders Leather
Deceitful Agent's Treads
8548Feet Leather
Deceitful Agent's Vest
8548Chest Leather
Deceitful Agent's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Leather
Down-Lined Wristguards
8548Wrists Mail
Dreamthorn Chain
8548Waist Mail
Dreamthorn Handguards
8548Hands Mail
Dreamthorn Legguards
8548Legs Mail
Dreamthorn Sabatons
8548Feet Mail
Dreamthorn Spaulders
8548Shoulders Mail
Dreamthorn Wristguards
8548Wrists Mail
Dredwing Shroud
8548Back Back
Elder's Stormseed
8548Trinket Trinket
Emberscorched Band
8548Finger Finger
Favored Fanatic's Gauntlets
8548Hands Mail
Flesh Architect's Belt
8548Waist Mail
Flesh Architect's Chainmail
8548Chest Mail
Flesh Architect's Coif
8548Head Mail
Flesh Architect's Footguards
8548Feet Mail
Flesh Architect's Galoshes
8548Feet Mail
Flesh Architect's Greaves
8548Legs Mail
Flesh Architect's Leggings
8548Legs Mail
Flesh Architect's Mantle
8548Shoulders Mail
Flesh Architect's Wristwraps
8548Wrists Mail
Footguards of Self-Reflection
8548Feet Plate
Gargon Eye Ring
8548Finger Finger
Ghoul-Tooth Resistant Grips
8548Hands Mail
Glitterwing Greatcloak
8548Back Back
Gloves of Pained Absolution
8548Hands Cloth
Gluttonous Wristwraps
8548Wrists Leather
Gormgris Gorget
8548Neck Neck
Grove Warden's Gauntlets
8548Hands Plate
Grove Warden's Girdle
8548Waist Plate
Grove Warden's Greaves
8548Legs Plate