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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ethereal Sash
31Waist Cloth
Feralfen Amice
3125Shoulders Cloth
Feralfen Cuffs
3125Wrists Cloth
Feralfen Hand
3125Hands Cloth
Feralfen Hood
3125Head Cloth
Feralfen Jerkin
3125Chest Cloth
Feralfen Pants
3125Legs Cloth
Feralfen Sandals
3125Feet Cloth
Feralfen Sash
3125Waist Cloth
Fizit's Mantle of Drake Hunting
31Shoulders Cloth
Gnomish Casting Boots
31Feet Cloth
Greenblood Pantaloons
31Legs Cloth
Greenkeeper's Pantaloons
31Legs Cloth
Heap Leggings
31Legs Cloth
Hewing Gloves
31Hands Cloth
Inciter's Cord
31Waist Cloth
Inciter's Cuffs
31Wrists Cloth
Inciter's Treads
31Feet Cloth
Junior Technician 3rd Grade Goggles
31Head Cloth
Manacles of Remembrance
31Wrists Cloth
Metro's Slimming Legs
31Legs Cloth
Mistyreed Belt
3126Waist Cloth
Mistyreed Boots
3126Feet Cloth
Mistyreed Bracers
3126Wrists Cloth
Mistyreed Gloves
3126Hands Cloth
Mistyreed Hood
3126Head Cloth
Mistyreed Pants
3126Legs Cloth
Mistyreed Shoulderpads
3126Shoulders Cloth
Mistyreed Tunic
3126Chest Cloth
Mixologist's Gloves
31Hands Cloth
Mok'Nathal Mantle
31Shoulders Cloth
Nether Guards
31Shoulders Cloth
Nether-Empowered Footgear
31Feet Cloth
Netherweave Boots
3125Feet Cloth
Netherweave Gloves
3125Hands Cloth
Netherweave Pants
3126Legs Cloth
Ogre Basher's Slippers
31Feet Cloth
Ogre Vanquisher's Belt
31Waist Cloth
Red Hands of the Thunderlord
31Hands Cloth
Red Pointy Hat
31Head Cloth
Sinister Area 52 Boots
31Feet Cloth
Skywitch Hat
31Head Cloth
Spelunker's Mantle
31Shoulders Cloth
Spiritbinder's Mantle
31Shoulders Cloth
Sylvanaar Elite Caster's Armor
31Chest Cloth
Sylvanaar Gloves
31Hands Cloth
Terrorcloth Mantle
31Shoulders Cloth
Thunderlord Armbands
31Wrists Cloth
Warpweaver's Gloves
31Hands Cloth
Windroc Shroud
31Chest Cloth
Windwalker's Sash
3125Waist Cloth
Witch Doctor's Beads
31Chest Cloth
Wraithcloth Bindings
31Wrists Cloth
Wyrmcultist's Hood
31Head Cloth
31Feet Cloth
Belt of Faith
3025Waist Cloth
Bindings of Faith
3025Wrists Cloth
Circlet of Faith
3025Head Cloth
Crystal Webbed Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Dark Storm Gauntlets
3025Hands Cloth
Doomcaller's Robes
3025Chest Cloth
Enigma Robes
3025Chest Cloth
Eyestalk Waist Cord
3025Waist Cloth
Foreman's Enchanted Helmet
3024Head Cloth
Frostfire Belt
3025Waist Cloth
Frostfire Bindings
3025Wrists Cloth
Frostfire Circlet
3025Head Cloth
Frostfire Gloves
3025Hands Cloth
Frostfire Leggings
3025Legs Cloth
Frostfire Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Frostfire Sandals
3025Feet Cloth
Frostfire Shoulderpads
3025Shoulders Cloth
Gloves of Faith
3025Hands Cloth
Gnomish Power Goggles
3024Head Cloth
Grasp of the Old God
3025Waist Cloth
Leggings of Faith
3025Legs Cloth
Leggings of Polarity
3025Legs Cloth
Necro-Knight's Garb
3025Chest Cloth
Necrotic Gown
3025Chest Cloth
Plagueheart Belt
3025Waist Cloth
Plagueheart Bindings
3025Wrists Cloth
Plagueheart Circlet
3025Head Cloth
Plagueheart Gloves
3025Hands Cloth
Plagueheart Leggings
3025Legs Cloth
Plagueheart Robe
3025Chest Cloth
Plagueheart Sandals
3025Feet Cloth
Plagueheart Shoulderpads
3025Shoulders Cloth
Robe of Faith
3025Chest Cloth
Sandals of Faith
3025Feet Cloth
Shoulderpads of Faith
3025Shoulders Cloth
Vestments of the Oracle
3025Chest Cloth
Arcing Bracers
3025Wrists Cloth
Arcing Bracers
3025Wrists Cloth
Bloody Surgeon's Mitts
3025Hands Cloth
Bloody Surgeon's Mitts
3025Hands Cloth
Bog Mantle
3025Shoulders Cloth
Crocolisk Hide Bindings
3025Wrists Cloth
Deadly Borer Leggings
30Legs Cloth
Destroyers' Mantle
30Shoulders Cloth
Feathered Sash
3025Waist Cloth