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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Mantle of Haunting
16Shoulders Cloth
Missionary's Leggings
16Legs Cloth
Nimbus Boots
16Feet Cloth
Pagan Britches
1610Legs Cloth
Pagan Vest
1610Chest Cloth
Pagan Wraps
1610Chest Cloth
Phoenix Gloves
1610Hands Cloth
Phoenix Pants
1610Legs Cloth
Quiet Slippers
16Feet Cloth
Robe of Solomon
16Chest Cloth
Robes of Antiquity
16Chest Cloth
Sanguine Belt
1610Waist Cloth
Sanguine Cuffs
1610Wrists Cloth
Sanguine Handwraps
1610Hands Cloth
Saurboz's Leggings
16Legs Cloth
Scholarly Robes
1610Chest Cloth
Shimmering Armor
1610Chest Cloth
Shimmering Robe
1610Chest Cloth
Shoulderwraps of Honor
16Shoulders Cloth
Smoldering Pants
1610Legs Cloth
Smoldering Robe
1610Chest Cloth
Soft Cotton Armbands
16Wrists Cloth
Spellsculptor's Cord
1610Waist Cloth
Spellsculptor's Handwraps
1610Hands Cloth
Spellsculptor's Leggings
1610Legs Cloth
Spellsculptor's Robe
1610Chest Cloth
Spellsculptor's Sandals
1610Feet Cloth
Spellsculptor's Wristwraps
1610Wrists Cloth
Stardust Belt
16Waist Cloth
Talbar Mantle
16Shoulders Cloth
Unforgiving Pantaloons
16Legs Cloth
Voodoo Mantle
16Shoulders Cloth
Watcher's Boots
1610Feet Cloth
Watcher's Cuffs
1610Wrists Cloth
Windseeker Boots
16Feet Cloth
Xakxak's Lab Frock
16Chest Cloth
Brocade Gloves
16Hands Cloth
Cross-Stitched Gloves
1610Hands Cloth
Spidersilk Boots
159Feet Cloth
Bright Belt
159Waist Cloth
Bright Gloves
159Hands Cloth
Brimstone Belt
159Waist Cloth
Colorful Kilt
157Legs Cloth
Festering Bracers
15Wrists Cloth
Floodlily Robes
15Chest Cloth
High Robe of the Adjudicator
15Chest Cloth
John's Stylish Robe
15Chest Cloth
Reinforced Woolen Shoulders
159Shoulders Cloth
Ritual Shroud
159Chest Cloth
Ritual Tunic
159Chest Cloth
Sanguine Sandals
159Feet Cloth
Shadow Goggles
15Head Cloth
Shadowy Gloves
1510Hands Cloth
Shimmering Trousers
159Legs Cloth
Sister Elsington's Belt
15Waist Cloth
Smoldering Gloves
159Hands Cloth
Vigilante's Gloves
15Hands Cloth
Wandering Boots
15Feet Cloth
Pagan Mantle
159Shoulders Cloth
Shimmering Amice
159Shoulders Cloth
Belt of the Hero
14Waist Cloth
Darkweave Breeches
148Legs Cloth
Keller's Girdle
149Waist Cloth
Abercrombie's Gloves
14Hands Cloth
Ablution Slippers
14Feet Cloth
Bel'varil's Armbands
14Wrists Cloth
Bloodcup Slippers
14Feet Cloth
Bright Boots
149Feet Cloth
Bright Bracers
149Wrists Cloth
Buccaneer's Pants
148Legs Cloth
Buccaneer's Robes
149Chest Cloth
Buccaneer's Vest
149Chest Cloth
Double-Stitched Woolen Shoulders
148Shoulders Cloth
Fiery Loop
14Waist Cloth
Gloves of Anguished Cries
14Hands Cloth
Gnoll Casting Gloves
148Hands Cloth
Greater Adept's Robe
149Chest Cloth
Greenweave Sandals
149Feet Cloth
Greenweave Sash
148Waist Cloth
Harlequin Robes
14Chest Cloth
Heavy Woolen Pants
148Legs Cloth
Hinott's Outer Robe
14Chest Cloth
Kimbra Boots
14Feet Cloth
Lesser Belt of the Spire
148Waist Cloth
Meat Packer Ribbon
14Waist Cloth
Merchant Marine Sandals
14Feet Cloth
Mystic's Robe
149Chest Cloth
Mystic's Wrap
149Chest Cloth
Oily Bracers
14Wrists Cloth
Pagan Mitts
149Hands Cloth
Pagan Shoes
148Feet Cloth
Raven's Claws
148Hands Cloth
Red Riding Gloves
14Hands Cloth
Rockweaver Leggings
14Legs Cloth
Sash of the Blind Princess
14Waist Cloth
Shael'dryn's Bracers
14Wrists Cloth
Shilah's Bracers
14Wrists Cloth
Shimmering Gloves
148Hands Cloth
Shimmering Sash
148Waist Cloth
Slippers of the Crescent Moon
14Feet Cloth