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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Toenail Belt
34Waist Rhino Mastery: The Kill Leather
Tooth-Marked Girdle
34Waist Crocolisk Mastery: The Ambush Cloth
Ulduar Girdle
3429WaistLooted Mail
Wendigo Girdle
3429WaistLooted Leather
Wolvar Belt
3429WaistLooted Mail
Wolverine Girdle
3428WaistLooted Leather
Belt of Absolution
3327Waist Cloth
Belt of the Malefic
3327Waist Cloth
Belt of the Tempest
3327Waist Cloth
Cord of Absolution
3327Waist Cloth
Gronnstalker's Belt
3327Waist Mail
Lightbringer Belt
3327Waist Plate
Lightbringer Girdle
3327Waist Plate
Lightbringer Waistguard
3327Waist Plate
Onslaught Belt
3327Waist Plate
Onslaught Waistguard
3327Waist Plate
Skyshatter Belt
3327Waist Mail
Skyshatter Cord
3327Waist Mail
Skyshatter Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Slayer's Belt
3327Waist Leather
Thunderheart Belt
3327Waist Leather
Thunderheart Cord
3327Waist Leather
Thunderheart Waistguard
3327Waist Leather
Vindicator's Chain Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Dragonhide Belt
3327Waist Leather
Vindicator's Dreadweave Belt
3327Waist Cloth
Vindicator's Kodohide Belt
3327Waist Leather
Vindicator's Lamellar Belt
3327Waist Plate
Vindicator's Leather Belt
3327Waist Leather
Vindicator's Linked Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Mail Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Mooncloth Belt
3327Waist Cloth
Vindicator's Ornamented Belt
3327Waist Plate
Vindicator's Plate Belt
3327Waist Plate
Vindicator's Ringmail Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Scaled Belt
3327Waist Plate
Vindicator's Silk Belt
3327Waist Cloth
Vindicator's Wyrmhide Belt
3327Waist Leather
Belt of Vengeful Purification
33WaistQuest Leather
Girdle of Forceful Annihilation
33WaistQuest Plate
Girdle of the Howling Berserker
3328WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Unerring Flight
3329WaistLooted Mail
Ice-Encrusted Plate Belt
33WaistLooted Plate
Ice-Encrusted Plate Girdle
33WaistLooted Plate
Icefall Chain Belt
33Waist Icy Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Icefall Mail Girdle
33WaistLooted Mail
Links of Righteous Persecution
33WaistQuest Mail
Snow-Coated Cloth Belt
33WaistLooted Cloth
Winterfrost Leather Belt
33WaistLooted Leather
Winterfrost Leather Girdle
33Waist Icy Satchel of Helpful Goods Leather
Wrap of Vigorous Destruction
33WaistQuest Cloth
Aged Abomination Tripe
33Waist Feedin' Da Goolz Leather
Alystros' Plume Cinch
33Waist The Plume of Alystros Cloth
Amberpine Girdle
3328WaistLooted Mail
Ancestral Girdle
33Waist Hell Hath a Fury Plate
Arctic Belt
3328WaistCrafted Leather
Belt of Divine Ancestry
33Waist Hexed Caches Plate
Belt of Ghostly Essence
33Waist The Forsaken Blight and You: How Not to Die Mail
Belt of Keen Hearing
33Waist Put on Your Best Face for Loken Leather
Belt of Service
33Waist Pa'Troll Leather
Belt of the Betrayer
33Waist Sabotage Plate
Belt of the Bloodbinder
33Waist An End to the Suffering Mail
Belt of the Emerald Guardian
33Waist The Plume of Alystros Plate
Bloodmar Girdle
3328WaistLooted Plate
Braided Bat Sinew
33Waist Clipping Their Wings Cloth
Bristlepine Cord
3327WaistLooted Cloth
Caribou Waistband
3327WaistLooted Leather
Conscript's Ruby Waistguard
33WaistQuest Plate
Cords of Duplicity
33Waist So Far, So Bad Cloth
Crusader's Ripcord
33Waist Parachutes for the Argent Crusade Cloth
Dreadtalon's Clutch
33Waist WANTED: Dreadtalon Plate
Duskweave Belt
3328WaistCrafted Cloth
Experimental Utility Belt
33Waist Harp on This! Plate
Foreseer's Girdle
33Waist Ruuna's Request Cloth
Ghostridden Waistguard
33Waist Steady as a Rock? Mail
Girdle of Growing Vines
33Waist Wolfsbane Root Plate
Glade Wanderer Belt
33Waist Pride of the Horde Leather
Grizzlemaw Belt
3328WaistLooted Plate
Halgrind Belt
3327WaistLooted Plate
Icemist Sash
3328WaistLooted Cloth
Jormungar Girdle
3328WaistLooted Plate
Load-Bearing Girdle
33Waist Dun-da-Dun-tah! Plate
Lothalar Woodwalker Belt
33WaistQuest Leather
Miraculous Waistwarming Band
33Waist Harp on This! Cloth
Muradin Belt
3328WaistLooted Leather
Narf's Explosiveproof Strand
33Waist Harp on This! Leather
Orca Belt
3327WaistLooted Mail
Path-Cutter's Cord
33Waist Mr. Floppy's Perilous Adventure Cloth
Rescuer's Binding
33Waist Leave No One Behind Mail
Sash of the Nibbling Plague
33Waist Let Them Not Rise! Cloth
Scourgeslayer Belt
33WaistQuest Leather
Serrated Chain Links
33Waist Harp on This! Mail
Shoveltusk Waistband
3328WaistLooted Mail
Spiked Cobalt Belt
3328WaistCrafted Plate
Supple Belt of the Bloodletter
33Waist The Leaders at Jin'Alai Leather
Taunka Belt
3328WaistLooted Leather
Tethys Sash
3328WaistLooted Cloth
Trapper Belt
3328WaistLooted Mail
Valiant Belt of Battle
33Waist Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! Mail
Vileprey Cord
3328WaistLooted Leather